(Weekly Organ of the Communist Party of
India (Marxist) |
XXVI No. 46 November 24,2002 |
This Week |
Every Week | Earlier Weeks |
Adjournment Motion In Lok Sabha SFI-DYFI March to Parliament Rejoinder to Manisankar Ugliness of Caste Politics Gujarat Maharashtra Orissa CPC Congress Highlights Other Reports
Tenth Anniversary of Babri Demolition People's Democracy Special Number
BOOKLET Resist The Communalisation Of Education (A collection of important statements, write-ups and
editorials subsequent to the Supreme Court decision on the NCFSE) Price:
Rs 10.00 (No VPP, Postage Extra) Order your
copies from ---
CPI(M) Publications,
15, Talkatora Road,
New Delhi - 110001,
Tele # 3738725 Editor: [email protected] Editorial Desk : [email protected] Managerial office: [email protected]