XXVI No. 46 November 24,2002 |
EVERY time
Vajpayee speaks a little louder against the terrorists, Bush hushes him up and
he calms down. Thus it is evident
that the BJP rulers and the VHP’s shackled circus lions cannot and will not be
able to do anything in this regard. This was how Gujarat.com columnist Digant
Oza and renowned journalist and literary figure Batuk Vora characterised the
present situation. They were addressing a well-attended Sadbhavana Sammelan
(harmony convention) in Bhavnagar.
The convention was sponsored by several
organisations of workers, women, youth, students and intellectuals. Those who
addressed it included M P Rajyaguru (All India Postal Employees Unions), L R
Patel (Western Railway Employees Union), Joku Sheth (Shiv Prasad Lukai) and
Professor Mehboob Desai (textile
workers), Ganshyambhai Parekh (Mazdoor Kalyan Sangh), D R Rana (HMS), Gangadhar
Raval (municipal employees),
Hemu Bhagvan (Zila Mazdoor Sangh), Pathoobhai Gandabhai and Chandubhai Master (AITUC), Mitesh Desai, Ramesh Vaja and Ashok Sompura (DYFI),
Ivaben Mehta, Naliniben Jadeja, Vahidaben Padhiyar and Manguben
Parchhamiya (AIDWA), Lilaben Bhatt (Mahila Mandal), Manekben
Makvana and Hardevsinh Gohel (corporators), Ibrahim Pathan (municipal
corporation), Naresh Gohel (SFI), Munikumar Mehta and Chandrakant A Shukla (AIBEA),
Ashit Chandrana and Shirish Shukla (LIC), and Arun Mehta (CITU).
State CITU
president Subodh Mehta quoted several stanzas from Bashir Bhadra and recalled
several experiences to rouse the audience.
According to
Digant Oza, chief minister Narendra Modi was rousing passions during his
so-called Gaurav Yatra, showing that
he is not interested in establishing peace or giving protection to the
sufferers. On the contrary, he is proud of having created the surcharged
situation. Thus the onus of defeating this threat falls upon the secular forces.
Oza also pointed
out how communal forces were trying to rouse passions in order to divert the
people’s attention from their real issues. In the state at present, about
3,000 villages are thirsty and lack drinking waters, rural electricity supply
has been dismal, even cities are facing one day power cut every weak. In fact,
riots are organised to silence the voices rising against such a state of
In his popular
style, former MLA and journalist Batuk Vora ridiculed the BJP government’s
self-righteous postures. He said he had travelled around the world but nowhere
had he witnessed such an exercise of the state itself encouraging strife. In
Gujarat, peace endeavours were being threatened and those who work for peace and
harmony are considered enemies of the state. Quoting a series of figures, he
said the Gujarat government’s indebtedness had risen to more than Rs 47,000
crore. There is no money even to pay to the staff’s salaries. The state
resorted to taking as many as 21 overdrafts.
Vora appealed
for a total unity against communalism, a huge mobilisation and absolute concord
between secular forces, and congratulated the organisers of the Sadbhavana
Sammelan in Bhavnagar.
Arun Mehta said
the self-appointed patriots of the Hindutva brigade are out to foment communal
polarisation and build their vote banks by posing as the Hindus’ saviours, at
the same time making attacks on the innocent minority people. So we have to run
a relentless drive and launch an all-out offensive against them at the state as
well as national level.
Mehta asked the people of Bhavnagar to present a model of resistance to the
communal forces and hold high the banner of concord and cooperation throughout
the state, to cry halt to the fascist reactionary project and conspiracies. The
dark forces of the Sangh Parivar are out to mar our future development and are
behaving as the paid agents of imperialism, he said, adding that there won’t
be any peace till these forces are totally wiped out.