No. 10 March 09, 2014 |
Utilise 16th
General Elections to
Create a Better India
THE schedule for
the 16th general
elections has been announced. These will be the longest ever
general elections planned
in the country barring those disrupted and delayed due to
exigencies such as prime
minister Rajiv Gandhi’s assassination or the Kargil war. Spread over five
weeks beginning April 7 and
ending May 12 – these elections will be held in nine phases,
the largest number
so far.
Though there are
some complaints regarding
the long schedule from some quarters, but according to the
Indian constitution
(Articles 324 to 329), it is the Election Commission (EC)
alone that is
mandated with “The superintendence, direction and control of
the preparation of
the electoral rolls for, and the conduct of, all elections
to Parliament
…”. It is,
hence, the Election
Commission’s mandated duty to not merely conduct the
elections but do so in a
free and fair manner where the fundamental right to exercise
the franchise is
ensured to all bonafide voters in the country.
It is the Election Commission alone that is privy to
all information
concerning the country’s law and order situation, threats of
disruption and the availability of forces required to
conduct a free and fair
election in a peaceful manner in various parts of the
country. Therefore, the
EC alone can determine the number of phases and the length
of time required to
effectively carry out this constitutional mandate, crucial
to the efficacy of parliamentary
democracy in our country.
There is,
therefore, little that needs to be disputed over these
decisions that it has
taken in its wisdom.
These elections
will be the world's
largest democratic exercise. Larger than our 15th general
elections where,
according to the final tally, 8070 candidates of over 300
political parties and
independents competed for 543 seats. Their
fate was decided by an electorate of nearly 716 million
voters of whom 58.4 per
cent voted. The administrative set-up was equally mind
boggling. 8,28,804
polling stations with 13,68,430
electronic voting machines manned by over 65 lakh personnel
in five phases
spread over a month with security forces deployed in equally
large numbers, a
total of nearly 1.1 million, to
free and fair elections.
For the 16th
general elections, the
EC has declared that there are more than 814 million voters
on the electoral rolls.
This is nearly a 100 million more than in the
15th general elections. The estimated number of polling
booths across the
country would be 9,30,000, over 10,000 more than last time. This is the
gigantic exercise that the
country is going to enter into.
The EC has
announced various measures
that it shall undertake to ensure free
and fair polls. The
CEC states that, “We
have taken particular care to ensure that people living in
vulnerable areas and
vulnerable voters are in continuous touch with the election
machinery to ensure
that they are able to vote uninterrupted by anyone.” Though the CEC has
announced that to ensure
this, “Adequate number of observers in different categories
will be deployed”,
this must be implemented scrupulously in order to prevent
the large-scale
intimidation of voters like it happened in the recent local
body elections in
the state of West Bengal. Though strictly the local body
elections do not fall
within the mandate of the EC, this experience should
forewarn the EC to be
extra vigilant. Further measures need to be taken to ensure
that the spread of
terror during the campaign period does not prevent voters
from not turning up
to exercise their fundamental right due to fear.
Further, the CEC
said that “special
emphasis is given to check flow of money during elections”. The increasing use
of money power must be
given sufficient and special attention. Though the upper
limit of electoral
expenses has been raised to Rs 70 lakh per
candidate/constituency in larger
states, this ceiling is more often than not flouted.
Further, parties and
candidates with lesser monetary means should not be put at a
thus, basically negating their exercise of democracy.
Already, severe
restrictions on wall writing, postering etc have
disproportionately affected
parties with lesser monetary resources while parties with a
larger command of
resources take recourse to expensive methods of campaigning
through media
advertisements, simultaneous laser shows etc. More stringent
measures must be
undertaken against tendencies like “paid news” doctored
opinion polls etc. A
level playing field must be provided for all.
All armies enter
all battles with the
intention of winning. So shall it be in this political
battle when all
political candidates and parties will vie for people’s
support. But
the final outcome, in the final analysis,
will depend upon the people’s army and not on the material
or other arsenals
deployed by the contending political parties.
In these 16th
general elections,
therefore, it is the people of India who will have to
determine its outcome on
the basis of who will provide them the much needed relief
from the relentlessly
growing economic burdens being imposed on them.
Who will provide them with a better livelihood and a
better future for
their children? In other words, who will create a better
India and allow all
Indians to rise to levels of fully realizing their
potential? Clearly,
these aspirations can only be met if
the country follows an alternative policy trajectory – from
that followed by
the Congress or the BJP. On the score of economic policies
or mega corruption,
there is little difference between the Congress and the BJP.
Additionally, the
RSS/BJP’s hardcore Hindutva agenda revolves around the
sharpening of communal
polarisation and the spread of communal poison that
grievously undermines our
social harmony and, therefore, India’s unity and integrity.
These are
challenges that the Indian
people must rise to meet and ensure that the outcome of
these elections will
result in the country following an alternative policy
direction that works
towards creating a better India and providing a better
quality of life to our
(March 5, 2013)