No. 10 March 09, 2014 |
Unorganised Archana Prasad THE piece rated home
based workers and part time
domestic workers constitute some of the most vulnerable
sections of the working
class in the city of RECOGNISING HOME
‘WORKERS’ Both these sections
--- home based workers and
domestic workers --- have remained largely invisible in
the labour policy and
also in the mainstream trade unionism within the city.
This is largely because
these women work inside the homes and are not accessible
to trade unions in any
obvious way. Hence all forms of organisation require that
women’s movements
break social barriers, bring out these women and help them
to fight for their
rights. In this sense, the organisation of these women
workers requires the
women’s movement to take up the working class issues. An effort in this
direction has been made by the In order to
intensify this effort, the The convention was
addressed by CPI(M) Polit Bureau member
Brinda Karat, AIDWA’ national general secretary Jagmati
Sangwan, and its vice
presidents Sudha Sundaraman and Subhashini Ali. Around one
thousand home based
workers attended the programme and resolved to carry out
their fight. Sehba
Farooqui, general secretary of the ORGANISING THE
WORKERS The said convention
also led to the initiation of a
campaign for the rights of the part time domestic workers
in the city. A
charter of demands and the preliminary findings of an
ongoing survey were
released on this occasion. The survey of the conditions of
work of the part
time domestic workers has been organised in the form of a
mass contact
programme that will be carried out in the next two months
and will end with a
convention to organise these workers. The results of the
pilot survey of 828 workers show
that these workers belong to the most disadvantaged social
groups of the
society. More than 65 per cent of the domestic workers
surveyed belonged to the
dalit, adivasi and minority social groups. Another
alarming feature of part
time domestic work is that more than two thirds of the
women surveyed had
started doing this work in the last ten years. One third
of the workers had
taken up part time domestic work in the last five years.
This indicates that
part time domestic work was being done as a response to
the growing economic
distress. Another aspect of
the survey concentrated on the
conditions of work for the part time domestic workers. The
average income as
the monthly wage of the domestic workers surveyed in this
sample is Rs 2,937.55
per month or Rs 17.30 per hour for any job performed by
them. This is certainly
much lesser than the current minimum wage of Rs 39 per
hour or Rs 8,200 per
month for the unskilled workers in What is even more
striking is the fact that about 73.4
percent of the domestic workers surveyed did not even
reach the level of this
average income. Further, 62.27 per cent of the women do
not earn the average
hourly income as projected in the findings of the survey.
It is clear that in
order to earn the average monthly income a woman has to
work at least six hours
a day and in at least three houses every day. Another
important feature that
came out from the survey is the conclusion that those
women who work harder get
paid lesser for their work. Thus if a woman works for
three to four hours a day,
she makes an hourly income of about Rs 21; she makes Rs 13
per hour if she
works for six to eight hours a day; but she makes an
average income of Rs 10-12
a day if she works for nine to twelve hours a day. This
shows that women have
to work for longer hours to earn their current income
which is much lower than
the minimum wage. INHUMAN
CONDITIONS The inhuman
conditions and the lack of dignity in
domestic work came out very clearly from this preliminary
survey. About 65 per
cent of the women reported that they were not allowed to
use the bathroom in
their employer’s house. As one of the women put it, “we
can clean the dirt in
their house, but they call us dirty if we want to use the
toilets. Where should
we go if we want to use the toilets? There is no jungle or
covered space.” The
statement sums up the feeling of most part time domestic
workers. Further, the
drudgery of the work is seen from the
fact that the women are not entitled to any rest or
holidays. About 41 percent
of the women said that they got no paid holidays while
11.02 percent of the
women got only one monthly holiday whereas 35.83 percent
got two holidays per
month. Only 3.90 percent of the women got a weekly
holiday. About 78 percent of
the women got no paid holidays on festivals and about 82
per cent of the women
reported that their employers cut their pay if they took
leave. About 42
percent of the women had lost their jobs at one point or
another because of
leave during illness or for going home. The fact that these
women are completely out of the
scope of government policy and legislation is evident from
the fact that more
that 65 percent of the women had no ration card and only
1.18 percent of the
women had the Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana (National
Health Insurance Scheme)
card. This abysmal situation existed despite the fact that
the task force on
domestic workers had recommended a registration drive of
domestic workers under
the health insurance scheme.
Given this
situation, the AIDWA convention released a
demands charter and decided to press for the demands of
the part-time domestic
workers. These demands include: 1) Identity cards
for all part time domestic workers
and their registration with the labour department in order
to ensure their
fundamental rights as workers; 2) Inclusion of
domestic work in the schedule of
minimum wages and an hourly wage of Rs 50 per hour along
with dearness
allowance; 3) Ensuring one
common weekly holiday; 4) BPL and RSBY
cards for all part time domestic
workers; 5) Coverage of
domestic workers under the Indira Awas
Yojana and other schemes; 6) Constitution of a
welfare board under the
Unorganised Workers (Social Security) Act 2008 to ensure
pension, provident
fund, childcare and maternity benefits; and 7) The enactment of
a comprehensive legislation to
ensure these rights. The convention
called upon all the AIDWA units to
prepare for a bigger convention of the part time domestic
workers on the basis
of this charter of demands within the next two months. This initial
experience of organising the home based
workers and understanding the problems of the part time
domestic workers has
shown why it is necessary to have a joint front of the
trade unions and women’s
organisations. Such a front is essential to build up a
comprehensive resistance
to neo-liberal policies. The fight for the legitimate
rights of home based and
domestic workers has to be contextualised in a larger
strategy. The said
convention proved to be a step in this direction and ended
with a resolve to
further expand and intensify the struggles of these women