No. 01 January 05, 2014 |
CKC Resolves to
Intensify Stir on Peasant Issues
Central Kisan
Committee (CKC) of the All India Kisan Sabha (AIKS) met at
Kannur (Kerala) on
December 28 and 29. This was the first meeting of the CKC
after the 33rd all-India
conference of the AIKS. About 50 members from different
states attended the CKC
meeting and discussed the serious issues faced by the
peasantry. The CKC noted
that the attacks on the peasantry are intensifying and,
under the impact of the
neo-liberal economic policies, peasants are increasingly
finding agriculture to
be unviable. Suicides are continuing unabated.
other things,
the CKC resolved to expose the reactionary Trinamul Congress
government in
UPA government, with ample support from the BJP has passed
an anti-peasant,
anti-agricultural worker legislation on land acquisition
which has been
deceptively titled as the Right to
Fair Compensation and Transparency
in Land
Acquisition, Rehabilitation
and Resettlement Act 2013. The CKC said the Kisan Sabha stands opposed to
the act in its present
form and resolved that this legislation would have to be
defeated and stalled
from implementation on the ground through intense united
struggles by the
peasantry and other toiling masses.
The policies of the
Congress-led UPA government which scrapped the earlier sugar
policy and
decontrolled the sector on the basis of the Rangarajan
recommendations has led to an acute crisis for the sugarcane
farmers. Cane
prices are being fixed way below the cost of production. In
addition to this,
import tariff on sugar has been brought down to 15 percent,
leading to the
cheap import of sugar by traders and refineries. The
deregulation of sugar and the
import of 17 million tonnes of sugar by the sugar traders
and refineries in the
current financial year has led to a fall in sugar price from
Rs 36 to Rs 26 in
the domestic wholesale market. Arrears to the tune of Rs
10,500 crore are pending with the sugar mills that are
refusing to pay the cane
growers. This compelled two indebted farmers committing
suicide in Uttar
Pradesh and Karnataka. Instead of giving relief to farmers,
the UPA government
has decided to give a bailout package of Rs 7500 crore to
the defaulting sugar
mills as interest free loans to clear arrears although sugar
mills are earning
thousands of crores in profits. The CKC called for fixation
of sugarcane price at
not less than Rs 350 per quintal and demanded action against
the defaulting
The Indian government has
been claiming that they have achieved a major victory at
On the
HLWG report
on the
noted with
concern the epidemic outbreak of the foot-and-mouth disease
which has led to
death of thousands of cows and other livestock in the states
of Karnataka,
Tamilnadu, Kerala and other states and demanded adequate
precautionary measures
as well as adequate compensation for the affected people. A
representation has
also been made to the agriculture minister on this matter.
that the AIKS would strive to ensure that the wages under
the Mahatma Gandhi
National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) are not
below the minimum
wages fixed in a state and that the number of days of
employment is increased
to at least 200 days in a year.
the central government’s efforts to implement the Prakash
Bakshi committee
recommendations on primary agricultural cooperatives was
condemned. The CKC
said the AIKS would launch united struggles if there are any
further efforts to
impose the recommendations which will destroy the
passed a
resolution condemning the blatant attack on the Sikh farmers
by the Narendra
Modi government in
that the minimum support prices (MSP) of agricultural
produce must be fixed in
a way that is remunerative and the Swaminathan commission
recommendation of
C2+50 percent must at least be ensured with assured
communalisation and divisive tactics of the RSS-BJP which
are seeking to
polarise the country with an eye on the forthcoming general
elections was
viewed with concern and the CKC decided to defeat their
efforts by building
peasants’ unity for communal harmony.
took the
following significant decisions:
1) The
Kisan Sabha
will form a Sundarayya Memorial Trust and the Kisan Sabha’s
central office
building will be named after Comrade P Sundarayya,
revolutionary leader of the
toiling masses.
against arbitrary and undemocratic imposition of the HLWG
recommendations on
Western Ghats will be intensified and on January 31 people
from the six
affected states will have a protest in
3) A two-day
nationwide struggle on burning issues of
the peasantry, with rallies and demonstrations, will be held
on February 6 and
7, 2014.
4) Jointly with the
trade unions, Anganwadi Workers’
Federation and other organisations, the Kisan Sabha will
fight against government
efforts to privatise the Integrated Child Development Scheme
5) Kisan Sabha will
intensify struggles against
anti-peasant policies by building broadest possible unity
and hold meetings
with other kisan organisations.