No. 28 July 14, 2013 |
IN the aftermath of
the Uttarakhand
disaster, most of the rescue work especially of pilgrims
appears to have been
completed now (second week of July), even though many
thousands of people are
still missing and may regrettably be dead. Relief work,
particularly for the
many thousands of local inhabitants and migrant workers, has
started sluggishly
and is yet to pick up serious momentum. Reports suggest that
numerous villages
and settlements have been completely destroyed, people are
stranded, many are
injured or otherwise incapacitated, and struggling for food,
water and medical
care. Unfortunately, given the well-known weak leadership,
poor condition and
low capability of the state administration, only meagre
governmental relief
will reach people particularly in more remote areas, and that
too very slowly. Badly
built roads with unstable hillsides,
whose collapse had contributed significantly to magnifying the
impact of the
disaster triggered by heavy rainfall, floods and landslides,
are now also a
major hindrance in relief operations.
Reconstruction of
the road system in
the disaster-affected areas is clearly going to be one of the
priorities in the months to come. Not just the relief work,
but also all the
other restoration and rehabilitation work as well as the
ability of local
inhabitants to rebuild their normal life, education, health
care and
livelihoods will hinge upon quick restoration of a reliable,
safe and good
quality road network and other communication infrastructure.
Some preliminary discussions
have also begun on the much-needed longer-term reconstruction
and redevelopment
of thousands of villages and many towns in the region. Many
central and state
government departments and agencies will have to prepare plans
and cost
estimates. International agencies such as the World Bank, IDB
and others have
already agreed to extend financial support and also provide
technical and other
All these are no
doubt necessary. But
there is also great danger here. Large amounts of money will
start flowing and
a variety of works will be undertaken. As already evident from
a few articles
appearing in the media, many agencies, institutions,
consultants and
individuals will offer all manners of advice, suggestions and
ideas: who will
vet these and how will decisions be taken? Contractors will
line up to take up works:
how will fairness, transparency and cost-effectiveness be
ensured, and how will
cronyism be prevented?
Above all, what kind
of reconstruction
or re-development will be done? What kinds of structures would
be built, using
what techniques? Will there be new norms, standards,
regulations, and will
there be measures taken to ensure rigorous monitoring and
strict compliance? Or
will it all amount to nothing more than business-as-usual,
resulting simply in
the same poor quality infrastructure, built in the same
destructive manner and by flouting all norms as before? Can or
will we work to
build a new, more sustainable pattern of development or will
we perpetuate past
A vigorous debate is
already underway
about what sustainable development in the fragile mountain
ecosystem should
mean, keeping in mind its carrying capacity. Many
environmentalists and
development commentators have raised important issues about
dams and other
hydro-electric projects, roads, urban settlements,
construction on the
riverbed, pilgrim traffic and other patterns of development
which are seen to
have had highly damaging consequences as seen in the
Uttarakhand disaster. It
would be a grave mistake if government agencies overseeing
planning and
implementation of reconstruction were to ignore the many
insightful suggestions
made by leading scholars, experts and development thinkers. In
there is need to ensure that the opportunity offered by the
reconstruction exercise to change the current trajectory and
embark on a
different development path is not lost.
At the same time,
there is also a
danger that some of these alternative visions of development
may be tantamount
to throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Some ideas
acquire a self-propelled
momentum, driven mostly by an ideological pre-disposition.
These ideas appear,
even if unintentionally, to suggest a development pathway
that, while
attractive to proponents, would find few takers among the
local populace or
among decision-makers. Such extreme views or over-zealous
advocacy also run the
risk of making conventional development appear more reasonable
if not by itself,
but by contrast.
This article deals
with such a clash
of ideas regarding two major areas of infrastructure, roads
and dams or other
hydro-electric projects.
The debate over dams
is, of course,
nothing new. The furious debate over the
One does not want to
rake up old
arguments about the merits and de-merits of dams. But one of
the features of the
main anti-dam campaign has been its resort to multifarious
aspects identified
as the major problematic, selected according to prevailing
circumstances at any
given time. For instance, large dams were opposed citing
submergence and
displacement of people and habitations (to my mind the major
seismicity, less life than projected due to siltation,
water-logging in nearby
areas, generation of methane from submerged vegetation and so
on. Supporters of
dams could then point to feasible technical solutions to many
of these problems
and argue with considerable validity that poor implementation
is the problem
rather than the concept itself.
In similar vein,
after the
Uttarakhand disaster accusing fingers have been pointed at all
dams and other
hydro-electric projects, chiefly run-of-the-river projects
involving no
impounding structure as such which comprise most of the power
projects in the upper hills. Leaving aside the issue of dams
for now, many
arguments have been conflated in the enthusiasm to garner
support for an
essential opposition to any interference with the natural flow
of the river. So
run-of-the-river projects, in which the river water is
basically diverted into
tunnels where it drives turbines to generate relatively small
quantities of
power, are opposed on the grounds that the tunnels were built
by dynamiting the
hills. Or on grounds that diversion in any case is an
interference with natural
water flows. Nothing much can be done about the latter
objection except
abandoning all hydro-power, acceptability of this option being
highly doubtful
even among locals. But would the opposition remain if dynamite
were not used,
and the debris or sediment not dumped into the river? There is
need to
dis-aggregate the issues and arrive at as broad a consensus as
reconciling the minimal risks, acceptable damage and benefits
meeting different
demands of society especially the local population such as
co-benefits in local employment and other infrastructure.
It is not yet known
how much damage
has been caused to these run-of-the-river projects in the
disaster affected
areas. But we should be looking beyond repairs. Given the huge
damage done by a
proliferation of often poorly conceived and badly implemented
projects especially in the recent past, a comprehensive review
hydro-electric projects in the upper Himalayas definitely
needs to be done by a
panel including independent technical experts, ecologists and
social scientists
covering all relevant aspects: hydrology and the flow of the
river and of silt,
impact on flora and fauna, impact on local populations
including access to
water resources, impact of the works on the geology
particularly given the fragility
of the Shivalik hills which are the youngest of the Himalayan
techniques of construction including disposal of debris. It is
also very
important that the very numbers of such projects, their
distance from one
another, and their cumulative impact be evaluated and a
holistic plan drawn up
for hydro-electric projects on the upper reaches of the
Many experts and
other commentators
have recommended such a course. Many of these specific
problems and points have
also been raised by the CAG and other authorities from time to
time. But it must
also be realised that liberalisation and opening up of power
generation to the
private sector underpins much of the problem witnessed in
recent times.
Liberalisation and accompanying cronyism has seen a sudden
proliferation of
power generation projects in Uttarakhand (and other states
such as Himachal)
with many promoters having no background in this sector, leave
alone experience
of working in mountainous or fragile Himalayan areas. The
nexus between these
entrepreneurs, bureaucrats and political leaders of both the
Congress and BJP,
both of whom have ruled the state during this period, has
resulted in
clearances being given without careful consideration or due
process, in lax
regulation, poor monitoring, and authorities paying scant
attention to or
actively colluding with violation of norms regarding blasting,
disposal of
debris and so on, all cumulatively leading to massive problems
as currently
Will the alternative
vision also reverse this trend, roll back the laissez faire
system of liberalisation
and the lackadaisical involvement of all and sundry in power
leading to havoc in the mountains and rivers of Uttarakhand?
A similar set of
issues arises in
connection with roads. Many commentators have remarked
caustically on the
proliferation of roads in the Garhwal hills in recent times,
and have again
pointed to the use of dynamite, to exacerbation of
pre-existing instability of
the hills and to increasing landslips. It has been pointed out
that more roads,
increasing tourism and ever larger towns often on the riverbed
or on unstable
hillsides have all fed off each other and grown far beyond the
capacity of the mountain ecosystem. Some commentators have
even wondered why so
many roads are required, and why the Garhwal hills should not
be allowed to
retain their pristine and unspoiled beauty which is what
attracted tourists in
the first place.
We need to remember
that one of the
main laments during the prolonged agitation for a separate
state and one of the
major attributes cited of the backwardness of Uttarakhand, and
of the Garhwal
region in particular, was the lack of roads. People in the
hills could not take
their produce to market, children either had no schools or
dropped out due to
the long distances they had to walk every day, hospitals were
out of reach for
the sick, the infirm and for pregnant women, and the lack of
communication in
general were condemning the people of the region to perpetual
So roads are
essential, and good ones
at that, which can outlast the vagaries of weather, the
inevitable landslips
and which can take buses and trucks carrying agro produce out
and other goods
into the region. Of course, there would be differences between
the main
highways and the village connectivity roads. But even a brief
experience of
so-called national highways in Uttarakhand, including on the
pilgrimage routes, would make anyone cringe.
Road building has
indeed been a major
problem and responsible for a huge amount of damage. Blasting
has been used,
de-stabilising already unstable hill slopes. Despite norms
recommending using
debris in road construction itself, the debris is mostly
simply dumped into the
river. Both private contractors and state-run agencies have
been indulging in
such practices, while authorities are simply not bothered.
But none of these
are inevitable or
essential for road-building, nor is it impossible to build
good roads in the
Different techniques
road-building in unstable regions are available, and are well
known. Hill
slopes can also be stabilised after road construction to
prevent landslips. In
earlier times, slopes used to be allowed to stand for a few
years, while loose
debris gradually fell and attained stability levels for a few
years. Nowadays
nobody has time and nobody wants to wait. But there are
processes to accelerate
this process as well.
There are also
standards and norms for building good roads, even “green
roads.” Of course,
this might involve acquiring the necessary capability and
would cost some
additional money. But is that a problem? And should money be a
constraint when
the issue of sustainability of the mountain ecosystem and the
Himalayan rivers,
and the well-being of the people of Uttarakhand is at stake?
There are many
problems. But there
are solutions too.