No. 28 July 14, 2013 |
Onto the All K Varadarajan THE 33rd All India
Conference of the
All India Kisan Sabha will be held in Cuddalore, Tamilnadu,
from July 24-27,
2013. As a result of the
policies pursued by the Congress-led UPA government, more
than three lakh
peasants have committed suicide in the last fifteen years.
Put in simple terms,
it means one suicide every half an hour. Reversal of land
indiscriminate land acquisition and land concentration in
few hands are all
threatening peasants and agriculture. Agriculture has
increasingly become unviable.
Farmers are in acute distress and are facing unprecedented
agrarian crisis.
More than 40 percent of the farmers are forced to quit
agriculture. Public investment
in agriculture has
witnessed steady decline and the share of agriculture and
allied sectors in
total plan expenditure is negligible.
Rural development expenditure by the government –
implying the
expenditure incurred on agriculture, rural development,
special programmes,
irrigation and flood control, village industry, energy and
transport have all
declined drastically too. Public investment in agriculture
continuously from 1991. The period of
economic reforms has
seen a sharp slowdown in the rate of growth of agricultural
output. Neo-liberal
reforms have been associated with a drastic fall in the rate
of agricultural
countryside has witnessed
the continued domination of landlord sections in most parts
of The intervening
period has also
witnessed a calculated reversal of land reforms and dilution
of land-ceiling
laws beyond recognition in many states. The agrarian
distress is forcing the
peasantry, particularly the poorer sections to sell their
assets including land
and livestock. The advent of MNCs into the countryside in
the form of contract
farming and corporatisation as well as indiscriminate land
grab in the name of
SEZs is further dispossessing the poor and marginal
peasantry of their main
source of economic security and dignity. The landless
peasant families in the
countryside were 22 percent in the beginning of the 1990s
and have now
increased to 41 percent. Thus pauperisation
of the peasantry
is a clear result of the two decades of implementation of
the neo-liberal
policies. These policies
have led mainly to
five types of attacks on the farmers - (i) land grabbing by
corporates, (ii)
rising of input costs, (iii) no proper assurance on the
costs of output, (iv)
Government’s refusal to procure the agricultural produce and
(v) refusing to
give loans to the farmers, mainly to the small and marginal
farmers who
constitute 70 percent of them. The neo-liberal
policies pursued by
the Congress led UPA government are the root cause for the
agriculture crisis. In the last ten
years, on an average,
each year, 33 lakhs of farmers have been forced to sell
their land and enter
the growing mass of the rural landless. According to a
latest survey, more than
50 percent of the small and marginal farmers are not
interested in continuing
agriculture. Rural poverty is
growing rapidly in
recent years. Today, hunger and deprivation affects 260
million (26 crore)
people in the country. INPUT AND OUTPUT PRICES There has been a
increase in the price of important farm inputs during the
last five years.
During 1990-91 to 1995-96, while the average wholesale price
index increased by
58 percent, that of fertilisers increased by 113 percent, of
pesticides by 90
percent, of irrigation by 62 percent and the price of diesel
by 75 percent. In
contrast to this, the price of agricultural outputs have
been either stagnant
or have seen a very small increase which has led to this
precarious situation. This is the grim
situation in rural Instead of
addressing these problems
of the rural poor, the prime minister has made a statement
recently that the
main problem in Even though the
tenants, agricultural
workers and
tribals are affected due to
the policies of the government, the worst affected are
women. Despite the
declining employment in agriculture, two-thirds of the women
still depend on
cultivation and agricultural labour for their livelihoods.
The number of female
headed households in agriculture have gone up by almost 20
percent especially
after the suicide of male farmers. In such a
situation, the 33rd
conference of the AIKS which is the largest organisation of
Indian farmers with
2.25 crores of membership will plan the united struggles
with all the other
kisan organisations to compel the central government to
change the neoliberal
policies followed by them which has led to this drastic
situation in rural