No. 28 July 14, 2013 |
NLC Workers’ Strike THROUGH a joint
statement issued from The central trade
unions denounced the government for
repeatedly pushing divestment of equity of excellently
performing (both
physical and financial) central public sector enterprises
(CPSEs), amounting to
partial privatisation of the CPSEs. This is taking place
even in a strategic
sector like energy --- coal, electricity, oil and natural
gas. The central trade
unions noted that the NLC is a navratna CPSE under
the union ministry
of coal. The NLC has been exceeding the production
performance targets in
respect of exploration and mining of lignite and generation
of power. Similarly,
in respect of financial performance also, the NLC has been
putting up excellent
performance. During the fiscal 2011-12, the NLC paid to the
government an
amount of Rs 1,116.53 crore by way of dividend, taxes and
duties, out of a net
profit of Rs 1,411.33 crore. The central trade
unions further noted that the number
of struggles against divestment of equity in the CPSEs,
upholding the
collective decision of the total unity platform of central
trade unions, has
been increasing in the country. The central trade unions
urged upon the government
to reverse its decision of divestment of equity in the NLC
immediately, so that
cordial industrial relations and production could be
restored in the
corporation. At the same time, the
central trade unions have assured
the NLC workers that the trade union movement in the country
would continue to
support their strike action in opposition to the divestment
of equity. Further,
central trade unions made an appeal to the working class in
general and that in
the CPSEs in particular to extend active solidarity support
to the striking NLC
workers in suitable and appropriate forms all over the