No. 28 July 14, 2013 |
Intensify Struggle For
Security & Democratic Rights Sudha
Sundararaman THE two-day central
executive committee meeting
of the AIDWA, held in Delhi on June 22-23, took note of the
alarming escalation
in crimes against women as reflected in the NCRB data for
2012, and squarely
blamed the UPA-2 government for its total failure to arrest
this trend. It
decided to intensify the struggle for proper implementation
of recently passed
laws for women, including amendments to the Criminal Law,
the Protection of
Children from Sexual Offences Act, and the Protection of
Women against Sexual Harassment
at the Workplace Act. It called for widespread campaigns and
interventions to
ensure the right of women to safety both within and outside
the home. The meeting was
chaired during different
sessions, by vice presidents Subhashini Ali, T N Seema,
Rampari, and T Jyothi.
Leading office bearers from A separate
condolence resolution was passed
for Dr Vina
Mazumdar, who passed away on
May 30, 2013. The resolution recalled that Vina di had
inaugurated the first
and founding conference of the AIDWA in 1981 in AIDWA CEC gave a
call for joint meetings of
women’s organisations to be held in her memory, so that the
interventions on important issues could be strengthened. It
conveyed its condolence
to the family members, almost all of whom were associated
with the democratic
movement in different capacities, and were contributing
actively to the struggle
for equality. The CEC also passed
a resolution for the
thousands who lost their lives in the floods that ravaged
the hills of
Uttarakhand. The
rampant corporatisation
and over exploitation of resources in the hills had created
the conditions for
the disaster. The state government had not set in place a
disaster mitigation
strategy, nor recognised the importance of an eco friendly
and people friendly
development model. The death toll is still unknown. The CEC
stressed that mammoth
efforts would
have to be undertaken by the state
government to rehabilitate the local inhabitants, many of
them from extremely
poor and marginalised sections, who were eking out a
livelihood from the
itinerant tourist traffic. AIDWA
a fund collection drive to assist the affected families. Rs 61,000 was raised
immediately and handed
over to Indu Naudiyal, the CEC member from Uttarakhand to
start the process of relief
and rehabilitation. States pledged to collect funds, and
contribute to the best
of their capacity. NATIONAL CONFERENCE
AIDWA general
secretary, Sudha Sundararaman,
placed the agenda with regard to the national conference.
The organisation is
gearing up to hold its tenth national conference in Bodh
Gaya, Reports of the
state conferences showed that
women are strongly resisting the economic, social,
political, and cultural fallout
of the anti-women policies. They were
able to connect up the linkages underlying gender disparity
and exploitation. The
CEC resolved that the greater exploitation
of dalits, tribals, minorities, and those from marginalised
groups, should be emphasised
in the conferences, and taken up for sustained struggles.
The involvement of
youth must become a priority for the organisation. Not only
were they the worst
affected by the moral policing resorted to by
fundamentalists, or by the
efforts of casteist forces to clamp down on self choice
marriages, etc, they
were also the most vulnerable to the commodification trends
that were fuelling
a variety of sexual crimes, including through mobiles,
social networking sites,
and the proliferation of cyber crimes. A
preliminary discussion on the major developments since the
last conference was
held. Bihar CEC members reported about the venue, initial
arrangements, and
related matters. States also submitted their work reports,
which brought out
the diverse nature of issues on which AIDWA has intervened
over the past few
months. In most states, the joint struggles against violence
on women had got a
further impetus on the occasion of March 8, International
Women’s Day, with
working women adding their voice to the protest rallies and
across the country. The CEC was meeting
after the historic victory
of the Left in Tripura assembly polls, in which AIDWA women
had a very significant
role to play. The voting percentage at 93 percent was the
highest ever, and
women outnumbered men at the polling booths by 2.13 percent.
Despite the
vicious campaign by the anti Left forces, the fact that 50
out of 60 seats,
with 52.3 percent votes, were won by the Left candidates was
a remarkably
positive mandate delivered by the people. All five women
candidates won their
seats. AIDWA extended hearty congratulations to the AIDWA
members from Tripura
for their tireless efforts in the election campaign. AIDWA
patron, Brinda Karat, contextualised the political situation
as one where
political alignments are changing, thereby altering the
political landscape at
the national level. The attempt by the BJP to project
Narendra Modi as the only
alternative has received a jolt after the JD(U) opted out of
the NDA. However,
the UPA may now feel emboldened to aggressively push the
reform measures in the
forthcoming session of parliament. The crucial importance of
policies has to be recognised, rather than the so-called
good governance
models, which hardly deal with the real problems of the
people. She pointed out
that the AIDWA will have to focus on the issues of concern
for women, and
mobilise them, through struggles, around
alternatives. She blasted the TMC government for its fascist
approach, and said
that women were having to fight elections in a situation of
insecurity, with
rapes, abductions, and violence having become a daily
occurrence. She also
criticised the Kerala government for the sexual violence
that women are being
subjected to by political bigwigs of the Congress party.
Instead of helping
them to get justice, the CM was supporting the perpetrators,
and he should
resign. She highlighted the alternative approach of the
Tripura government to
the issue of violence against women, where an all-party
meeting was being
called to discuss measures for tackling the problems. She
stressed that the
AIDWA national conference must pay heed to the targeting of
Muslim youth, and
AIDWA must give due importance to combat the incipient
communal danger. FUTURE
TASKS The future tasks agenda was
placed by national vice
president Jagmati Sangwan. Along with the call for fund
collection on
Uttarakhand, and for a joint meeting to recall Vina
Mazumdar’s contribution to
the women’s movement, other important tasks included the
following: ·
price rise, for food and fuel security: Any attempt to pass
an incomplete and
flawed Food Insecurity Bill, whether during the next
parliament session, or
through an ordinance route, will be vehemently opposed. The
cuts in subsidy for kerosene and gas are leading to inflated
prices of cooking
fuel, substantially affecting the poor and middle class
households. AIDWA
units will take up this issue for
protest actions, between July 14, Kalindi Memorial Day, and
July 24 - Vimal Ranadive
Memorial day. Surveys being conducted in the districts where
cash transfer has
been announced would be consolidated. The local
administration, relevant
authorities, MPs, etc, are to be met with relevant demands.
Centre will incorporate
the state experiences and intervene at the central ministry
level. ·
on 33 percent Women’s Reservation Bill: August 13 – black
flag demonstrations.
The AIDWA CEC has given a call for a national day of protest
against the
perfidy of the UPA-2 government with regard to the 33
percent Women’s
Reservation Bill. Mass protest demonstrations are to be
organised throughout
the country, states must decide on the number of centres.
Our independent voice
on this issue must be raised effectively. ·
Joint actions with DYFI &
continuation of our earlier
combined struggles on violence against women, states must
establish co
ordination with the DYFI and SFI to take up the issues
concerning young women
in a sustained manner. The emphasis on education,
employment, and women’s
security, should be intensified, and cultural interventions
around these issues
should be enhanced. ·
Law on equal marital property
rights: The
CEC decided to hold a national
consultation on the formulation of a law to provide equal
marital property
rights to both spouses. At a time when conservative forces
are deliberately
distorting the whole issue, and projecting the woman as
wanting more than her
fair share of property, this would ensure a timely
intervention. In reality,
most women suffer a great deal of discrimination and denial
of rights with
regard to marital property, and there should be a legal
remedy available to
them. The
meeting also condemned the
terrible atrocity committed on women by the security
personnel in the Kunak
Poshpora rape case, in