No. 28 July 14, 2013 |
CITU Observes Comrade Jyoti
Basu’s Birth Centenary
part of the decision of
its 14th All India Conference to celebrate the birth
centenary of Comrade Jyoti
Basu, the Centre of Indian Trade Unions has organised
programmes in different
parts of the country on July 8. A K Padmanabhan, president
of the CITU inaugurated
the year-long celebration of the birth centenary of Comrade
Jyoti Basu at the
CITU headquarters, BTR Bhawan in
offering floral tributes to the great revolutionary leader,
a meeting was held
at the CITU centre. In his speech, A K Padmanabhan said
Comrade Jyoti Basu
started his trade union activities in the 1940’s, mobilising
the railway
workers. He made a remarkable contribution to the Indian
trade union movement.
He was a teacher, orator, ruler, trade union leader,
internationally known
communist leader from