(Weekly Organ of the Communist Party of
India (Marxist)
No. 25
June 23, 2013
the NSA Spies on the Entire World
Snowden's disclosures to The Guardian and the Washington
Post of
surveillance by the US National Security Agency (NSA) has
created a public
storm. Simply put, it is now clear that all those dismissed
as conspiracy
theorists have been right all along – every bit of digital
communications are
today under the NSA's scanner. The NSA violates the privacy
of its own
citizens, the sovereignty of other countries and the privacy
of all foreigners
– dubbed as “aliens” in the US
collects two petabytes of
data (one petabyte is equal to a one million gigabytes)
every hour and stores
it in its two billion dollar facility in Utah
for data mining. This facility vacuums up all metedata – who
is talking to
whom, for how long, from where, etc – of all callers using
the telephone
networks in the US.
It also syphons off all Internet data under the PRISM
programme passing not
only through the fibre optic network in the US – which acts
as virtually the
global Internet traffic junction – but also from undersea
cables passing off
the coast of South America, North Africa and the Indian
Ocean. The three taps
into the undersea cables is visible in one of the five Power
Point slides
disclosed by TheGuardian/Washington Post.
Add to this that it
has access to all the data of the nine global Internet
giants – Google,
Facebook, Yahoo, Microsoft, Apple, and five others.
is the major source of all intelligence reports for the US
government –
it is estimated that such information constitutes 75 per
cent to 98 per cent of
all intelligence reports that its agencies generate. In
March 2013, NSA
collected 97 billion pieces of intelligence data from
such global
surveillance. India
the fifth place among countries under surveillance with
6.3 billion pieces
of data, ahead of China
and Russia.
report also indicate that the US
shares this data with some its partners – the
UK and Israel
the obvious examples. For the rest, such as India,
the US
asks for court orders and strict adherence to Mutual Legal
Assistance Treaty
(MLAT). So much so for India
cosying up to the US
and becoming its strategic partner.
major Internet companies have become partners of the US
intelligence agencies – either
willingly or under orders issued by secret courts set up
under the Foreign
Surveillance Intelligence Act (FISA) and the Patriot Act.
outrage in the US
to the
disclosure that the US
government is spying on the entire world has been limited to
the US
spying on its own citizens. That this is a violation of the
Fourth Amendment –
illegal search and seizure. The US
media and its citizens seem to accept that the rest of the
world is fair game.
This response is no different than that of the US
extra-territorial killings using
drones. The only issue is whether US
citizens – Al Aulaki and his son, both US
citizens – could be killed
without due process of the law. The rest 3,500 odd ones
killed in drone strikes
are again fair game and under no protection of paltry things
such as
international law. Just as GuantanamoBay prisoners can
be imprisoned indefinitely by the US.
As far as
the US
is concerned, there
is only the US
law and no other law for its actions. For all other
countries, there is
international humanitarian law, the violation of which – as
determined by the US
– can lead to “humanitarian” intervention by
the NATO and the US
forces. And the summary public execution with torture of
even its president, if
the country is Libya
and the president is Gaddafi.
the public outcry on the massive spying that the NSA is
carrying out, the US president
and other officials have made candid statements. Obama is
now on record saying that
the NSA is reading the content of only “foreigners” and not
of US citizens, and
that this does not violate the US
upset, the EU’s justice commissioner, Viviane Reding, has
written to the US attorney
general asking for details of the PRISM programme. While the
European Union is
agitated with the invasion of privacy of its citizens,
countries such as India have
remarkably quiet on the violation of their sovereignty. All
that the Indian
government seems to want is that its security agencies
should also have the
same rights in snooping on its citizens as the US
agencies. Protecting Indian
citizens and their privacy from other countries is not on
its agenda.
has this enormous security state that the US
has created arisen? It started
with the Echelon network set up by the US,
UK, Canada, Australia
and New
in 1947 as a kind of Anglo-Saxon intelligence club for
spying on all
telecommunications networks. Echelon was investigated by the
EU which issued a
report in 2001 on its activities, particularly that of
Echelon passing
sensitive commercial information to the US
and UK
firms of its EU competitors. What has evolved out of the
Echelon programme is a
far greater and invasive programme of tapping virtually all
telecommunications traffic and Internet communications. This
has been backed
up, within the US
after 9/11,
by laws that give enormous powers to the US
government and its security
spying infrastructure created after 9/11 has what is called
National Security
Letters (NSL) and FISA orders. The Security Letters existed
earlier, but were
greatly expanded after 9/11 with the Patriot Act. It
requires no judicial
oversight and can be issued by any US
federal agency – FBI, Homeland
Security, CIA, NSA, etc. All that it requires is that an
officer of a certain
rank issues the order. All information regarding such a
Letter is under a gag
order. The agency served with the Letter cannot disclose
either that it has
been served with such an order or the scope of the order.
other is the orders issued under the FISA Court. Last
year, the FISA
Court rubberstamped all the
of the US
agencies; whatever it wanted was given clearance by the FISA Court.
All the proceedings of the FISA Court are
including its orders. What The Guardian has
disclosed is just one such
FISA order.
agencies have been giving out some figures regarding
Security Letters and FISA
orders, but they are completely deceptive. For example, last
year, about 1800
FISA orders were issued. Only one such order served on
Verizon, the telecom
company, asks for access to all the records of its
subscribers – the
scope of one such order is millions of records and
monitoring millions of its
is the other part of FISA and National Security Letters.
Google, for example,
declares in its transparency report that it gets about 1,000
such letters every
year. What is not disclosed is the scope of such Letters. If
it is as broad as
the Verizon order, these numbers tell us nothing; it is the
numbers monitored
under such orders and the scope of these orders that defines
the amount of data
that is being sucked up by the US
intelligence agencies.
Internet companies such as Google and Facebook have denied
that they have
back-doors to their servers for the NSA. They have also
asked that they be
allowed to disclose the FISA orders they receive as a part
of their
transparency reports. As a number of commentators have
pointed out, this is all
semantics. The key point here is that Google, Microsoft and
others have obviously
built some measure of cooperation with the NSA. Whether it
is a backdoor or a
drop-box or just a piece of software that sits on the Google
servers and sends
data automatically to the NSA on query is a matter of
nit-picking detail.
Neither do transparency reports help, as long as the content
of the orders are
not made public.
access to these companies' servers is not the only way that
NSA collects data.
As the famous AT&T and Folsom Office case in San Francisco
showed, NSA was directly
tapping into the AT&T network – it was using a splitter
to bifurcate the
data coming into AT&T switches and diverting the signals
to a room which
housed NSA equipment. This data were then directly sent to
NSA servers for
storage and analysis. This was at one AT&T location. If
the AT&T
network needs to be comprehensively covered, about 18-20
such connections are
required. All specialists believe that AT&T does provide
such access to the
NSA. And Snowden's information makes clear, not only has NSA
access to the US telecom
network carrying all the Internet communication that passes
through it, it is
also tapping into major trunk routes of the Internet in
international waters.
It is this combination of data – the Internet data streams
being carried by the
telecom networks coupled with access to the Internet
companies' data that gives
the US
its enormous ability to spy on all the people through out
the world.
are a number of people who believe that they are safe from
such spying as they
do not do anything wrong. Snowden makes clear why his
disillusionment with the US agencies
started. It started with a Swiss banker being first
encouraged to drink and
then having him arrested for drunken driving. It is this
information that was
then used to blackmail the banker into submission. There is
another even more
chilling case. Joseph P. Nacchio, the former CEO of Qwest,
refused requests
from the NSA to spy on Americans before September 11,
2001 even happened.
Subsequently, the federal government tried him and sent him
to jail for six
years on charges widely held to be cooked up. Most people do
not realise that
if the government goes through our records with a toothcomb,
they can always
find something that can be construed as a felony. At best,
enough innuendos can
be made based on the persons he knows, the Internet sites he
visits, the tax
returns submitted and so on. The author Harvey Silverglate
writes in his book, Three
Felonies a Day, that almost every individual in the US
can be held
to have committed three felonies every day under laws that
are vague and have
wide scope. This is not dissimilar to Indian laws, one of
which has hit public
eye recently for exactly the same reasons – the IT Act and
its provisions under
have now to address: how to we protect the people under this
enormous invasion
of privacy that the NSA's wholesale snooping has brought
about? This means
re-examining how the Internet should be governed – not under
a license from the
US Department of Commerce as it is now -- but in a truly
multilateral way in
which peoples' rights are protected. We are back to the
issues that were
discussed in World Conference on International
Telecommunications (WCIT 2012)
in Dubai from which the US
walked out.
We now know why.