No. 25 June 23, 2013 |
Sitaram Yechury
Left members of the European parliament are organised as
GUE/NGL (The European
Left/Nordic Green Left) under the presidentship of Die Linke (German Left Party) which has the
largest representation
in the European parliament.
organised a seminar on '
from the leaders of the Left parties represented in the
European parliament,
MPs and Communist Party leaders from
seminar was attended by a four-member delegation from the
Centre of Studies in
Socialist Theories and Philosophies which functions under
the Central Committee
of the Communist Party of China. These members participating
in the discussion,
however, underlined that their interventions are to be seen
as interventions by
Chinese academicians and not as representative of the views
of the Communist
Party of China. All of them, however, informed that they
were members of the
is considerable interest and expectation in Europe on the
importance of
of the European parliament expressed concern over the fact
that there is no
possibility of an economic turn around
in the near future in
opposing any such political pressures mounted on
essence of the discussions was reflected in the following
extracts from the
intervention on behalf of the CPI(M):
At the very outset,
let me thank the organisers for
inviting me to such an important seminar, on one of the most
engaging topics.
Li Keqiang, along with
Xi Jinping represent the fifth
generation that had assumed the leadership of the Peoples'
Republic of China
(Mao Tsetung belongs to the first, Deng Xiaoping to the
second, Jiang Zemin to
the third and Hu Jintao to the fourth) few months back. Xi
Jinping, after
assuming the presidency of the country pledged to: “make
persistent efforts, press ahead with indomitable will,
continue to push forward
the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics,
and strive to
achieve the Chinese dream of great rejuvenation of
the Chinese nation”.
phrase, Chinese dream, attracted lot of attention,
with comparisons even
made with the 'American dream'. Explaining what he meant, Xi
Jinping continued:
“The Chinese dream, after all, is the
dream of the people. We
must realize it by closely depending on the people. We must
incessantly bring
benefits to the people...it is
the desire of
The 18th Congress of
the CPC held in November 2012, in
which Xi Jinping was elected as the general secretary,
reiterated its goals as
the attainment of a “moderately well-off society” by the
time of the party’s
100th birthday in 2021; the creation of a “rich, strong,
democratic, civilised
and harmonious socialist modern country” by 2049, the 100th
anniversary of the
founding of the PRC. All these clearly explain where
economic slowdown in
In the
West, all
the bailout packages were biased in favour of the huge
corporates that were in
the first place responsible for the crisis. For the West,
including the United
States and the UK, the rebalancing of the economy refers to
cutting back on
consumption (which has been paid for by incurring debt that
unsustainable), producing more and reversing the decline of
This, more often than not, includes a desire to prise open
the markets of the
developing countries and coerce their economies into
subjugation. But for
China, it's the opposite. Rebalancing its economy means
raising consumption and
reducing its reliance on exports. The bailout package
introduced by the Chinese
government immediately after the crisis clearly spells out
this important
difference. The reason for this all important difference
lies in the fact that
China, as opposed to capitalism, is pursuing the trajectory
of a totally
different social system – building socialism with Chinese
Many point out that
the development that we are
witnessing in China was possible because it had embarked
upon the path of
'reforms' since 1978. The main question before the CPC was
that of increasing
the productive forces in a backward economy to a level that
can sustain
large-scale socialist construction and to rapidly bridge the
gap between
backward productive forces and advanced socialist production
relations. A
prolonged period of low levels of productive forces would
give rise to a major
contradiction between the daily expanding material and
cultural needs of the
people under socialism and backward productive forces. Thus,
what is sought to
be created in China is a commodity market economy under the
control of the
socialist state where public ownership of the means of
production will remain
the mainstay. These reforms have certainly produced positive
results. The
Chinese economy grew at a phenomenal over 9 per cent a year
for the last three
decades, and poverty, measured in money terms, as we had
seen earlier,
witnessed a fall.
However, new problems
and disturbing trends are cropping
up. They are mainly the growing inequalities, unemployment
and corruption. As
the Report of the 18th Congress of the CPC itself
acknowledges: “Unbalanced,
uncoordinated and unsustainable development remains a big
problem. The capacity
for scientific and technological innovation is weak. The
industrial structure
is unbalanced. Agricultural infrastructure remains weak.
Resource and
environmental constraints have become more serious. Many
systemic barriers
stand in the way of promoting development in a scientific
way. The tasks of
deepening reform and opening up and changing the growth
model remain arduous.
The development gap between urban and rural areas and
between regions is still
large, and so are income disparities. Social problems have
increased markedly.
There are many problems affecting people's immediate
interests in education,
employment, social security, healthcare, housing, the
ecological environment,
food and drug safety, workplace safety, public security, law
administration of justice, etc. Some people still lead hard
lives. There is a
lack of ethics and integrity in some fields of endeavour.
Some officials are
not competent to pursue development in a scientific way.
Some community-level
Party organisations are weak and lax. A small number of
Party members and
officials waver in the Party's ideal and conviction and are
not fully aware of
its purpose. Going through formalities and bureaucratism as
well as
extravagance and waste are serious problems. Some sectors
are prone to corruption
and other misconduct, and the fight against corruption
remains a serious
challenge for us. We must take these difficulties and
problems very seriously
and work harder to resolve them”.
The Chinese government
has now focused its attention
on the rural areas and the increased rural-urban divide and
initiated measures
to address these pressing concerns. If we take the problem
of inequality, we
notice that by 2002, the average group income of the highest
10 per cent was 22
times higher than that of the lowest 10 per cent. The last
18 years saw an over
thirteen-fold increase in the urban-rural income gap in
absolute terms. In
2010, the average per capita income of China’s urban
residents was 3.23 times
that of rural residents. China has more billionaires today
than any other
country other than the United States of America. In the ten
years from 1997, a
period which saw the remarkable economic boom, the share of
workers’ wages in
national income fell from 53 per cent to 40 per cent of the
In an effort to
redress some of these imbalances, the
Chinese government started the development-oriented poverty
reduction programme
in the rural areas in an organised and planned way. In line
with the increase
of economic and social development level and based on the
changes in price
index, the state gradually raised the national poverty line
for rural residents
from 865 yuan in 2000 to 1,274 yuan in 2010. The government
also ensured that
personal income continued to increase. Urban per capita
disposable income and rural
per capita net income reached 21,810 yuan (2011) and 6,977
yuan (2011),
respectively, and rural incomes had the greatest real growth
since 1985. The
average monthly wage of rural migrant workers reached 2,049
yuan (2011), an
increase of 21.2 per cent over the previous year.
pursued by the Chinese government resulted in the employment
remaining stable with an additional 12.21 million urban jobs
created, 3.21
million more than the targeted amount. The urban registered
unemployment rate
at the end of 2011 stood at 4.1 per cent, meeting the
target. A total of 5.53
million laid-off workers were re-employed and 1.8 million
people who had
difficulty finding employment found jobs. It has also taken
steps to abolish
agricultural tax in 2006, increase the grain price subsidy
and increase
spending in rural health and education.
The government also
adopted a goal of providing
adequate food and clothing for poverty-stricken people while
ensuring their
access to compulsory education, basic medical services and
housing by 2020. In
2007, the state decided to establish a rural subsistence
allowance system
throughout the rural areas that would cover all rural
residents whose per
capita annual net household income was below the prescribed
standard, so as to
solve the problem of adequate food and clothing. The state
provides the five
guaranteed forms of support (food, clothing, housing,
medical care and burial
expenses) for those who are unable to work and have no
family support. The
National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) announced
on May 22, 2013
that electricity prices for all businesses in agricultural
production and
logistics will be cut from June 1. The
move is expected to
reduce soaring costs in logistics and further stabilise farm
produce prices. The State Council,
China's cabinet, in early January issued a
circular asking local authorities to ensure the
implementation of a range of
measures aimed at cutting logistics costs for farm produce
amid climbing food
prices. All these show that, unlike what the apologists of
philosophy advocating 'austerity' want us to believe, State
planning and
intervention is an effective means to redress certain
imbalances by putting
people first.
To sum up: During
these three decades of reforms China
has made tremendous strides in the development of productive
forces and
economic growth. A consistent growth rate of around 9 per
cent on the average
over a period of three decades is unprecedented even in the
entire history of
capitalism for any country. However, this very process has
clearly brought to
the fore adverse changes in production relations and
therefore in social
relations in China today. How successfully these
contradictions are dealt with
and how they are resolved will determine the future course
in China and its
ability to influence the global developments. The efforts to
strengthen and
consolidate socialism will receive solidarity from us and
other well wishers
the world over.