No. 24 June 16, 2013 |
Who Manufactures Dirty
Amit Sengupta
A FEW weeks back Fortune
magazine and CNN carried a long online blog titled ‘Dirty
Medicine’ by Dinesh
Thakur, a former employee of Ranbaxy, where he recounts how
he came across
several procedural and other lapses in the company’s
manufacturing facilities.
Since then the Fortune
blog has
become one of the most widely circulated and commented upon
business stories in
the world. The story received attention as it came in the
wake of a 500 million
US dollars fine, slapped on the drug manufacturer Ranbaxy by
the US Food and
Drugs Administration (USFDA). Ranbaxy was found guilty on
seven counts – three
criminal charges and four civil charges.
If the only substance
in the story had been about a
company being charged with malpractice by a regulatory
agency and
being asked to pay a fine, that would not
have been a rare occurrence. Companies across the world are
known to flout
regulatory standards and norms, and when caught out agree to
settle by paying a
fine. This is so particularly in the case of pharmaceutical
companies, and
there have been a number of similar instances reported in
the past few years.
What makes the Ranbaxy
story special is its link to
For long the
pharmaceutical industry situated in
Europe and the
The global
pharmaceuticals industry, dominated by ‘big
pharma’ (the 16 largest companies) for decades, has grown
exponentially through
a business model that is based on keeping drug prices high
by continuously
misusing its monopoly power. Much of the monopoly power that
big pharma wields
comes from the global patent regime, that allows 20 years of
monopoly to a
company that first puts a medicine on the market.
Unfortunately for big pharma,
its story is starting to unravel. There are very few new
drugs in the pipeline
that can continue to maintain its monopoly status. On the
other hand, a number
of medicines that fuelled its growth are going off patent –
i.e. big pharma is
going to lose its monopoly position. Between 2011 and 2015
several of the most
profitable drugs (which big pharma calls blockbuster drugs)
have gone off
patents or shall go off patents. The combined sales of these
drugs are an
estimated 250 billion dollars – almost 40 per cent of big
pharma’s global
sales. As we note earlier, there are very few promising
drugs in the pipeline
that are likely to fully replace these drugs as money
spinners for big pharma.
When drugs go off
patents generic manufacturers, that
is those who do not hold the patents, are able to enter the
market and create
competition in a hitherto monopoly situation. Typically,
when generic manufactures
are able to sell their medicines, drug prices fall by 90-95
per cent; i.e. they
become available at prices that are one-tenth to
one-twentieth of existing
prices. This is good for patients but bad news for big
Unable and unwilling
(because this goes against their
business model) to compete on prices, big pharma has
campaigned assiduously to
create doubts about the quality of Indian medicines that are
sold in their own
markets. This is the larger context within which the Ranbaxy
story has to be
Let us return to the
specific case involving Ranbaxy.
The media, both in
In fact the USFDA is
on record for having stated that
“it did not
receive any reports of patients being harmed by the
drugs made at the plants in
question.” In fact
Ranbaxy’s drugs
were not found to be deficient as regards the ingredients
present in them or as
regards their standards, or as regards their
bio-availability (i.e. whether its
drug has identical effect in the body as the original drug).
We need to
remember that the USFDA had been investigating Ranbaxy since
2006. If there had
been even a single case where its drug was not found to have
been of requisite
standard, then the USFDA would surely have made such reports
Why then was Ranbaxy
charged? Ranbaxy was charged
because it lied to the USFDA regarding its documentation and
the procedures
followed in its manufacturing facilities. Ranbaxy provided
data regarding its
regulatory procedures that it had deliberately falsified.
USFDA regulations are
often quiet different from what drug regulatory agencies in
India require, and
hence very distinct and different documentation is required
to be submitted to
the USDA to get marketing approval in the US. The fact that
Ranbaxy provided
false documents does not prove that its drugs were of bad
quality, and by
extension it is definitely no evidence that Indian generic
drugs are generally
of poor quality.
Yes, Ranbaxy was
guilty of deliberately falsifying
date to get regulatory approval in the
What is, however, of
much graver concern is the way
the Ranbaxy episode is being used to mount an orchestrated
campaign against
generic medicines manufactured in
The entire episode is
being posed as if it represents
a problem of poor quality medicines being produced in
2012, Glaxo paid three billion dollars after facing criminal charges of illegally marketing drugs and
withholding safety
data from US regulators. Again, in 2010, Glaxo paid 750
million dollars after pleading
guilty of criminal and civil liability regarding
manufacturing deficiencies at one
of its plants. According to the USFDA, the company’s
manufacturing operations
failed to ensure that its drugs were free of contamination
from microorganisms.
We return to the Fortune story and
the first hand account
by Dinesh Thakur. The story is titled ‘Dirty Medicine’.
The unstated inference
is that a ‘dirty country’ (
All that we discuss,
however, should not be construed as an affirmation of
existing drug regulatory
procedures in
The knee-jerk
reactions in
It is ironic that
Ranbaxy, through the present episode, has come to
exemplify Indian generic
manufacturers. In fact, the majority shareholding in
Ranbaxy is held by Daichi
– a Japanese company that is also a part of the 16 big
pharma companies. But
then, as we have seen earlier, the primary intent in the
course of the present
controversy was never about targeting Ranbaxy. It was
about targeting the affordable
generic medicines from Indian manufacturers so that big
pharma could continue
to profit at the expense of illness and peoples