No. 18 May 05, 2013 |
Unity, Intensify Struggles
Day is the symbol of the struggles of the working class
for their rights. It is
a symbol of the sacrifices and martyrdom of the
working class in
strike also revealed the increasing maturity of the
working class. The charter
of demands on which the strike was based included not
only the demands of the
workers but also certain demands of the common people
like price rise and
universal public distribution system, employment and
pension for all. It
included the demand to stop disinvestment to protect our
self reliance and
national sovereignty. This has resulted in the wide
public support for the
strike. Organisations of peasants and agricultural
workers like the All India
Kisan Sabha and the All India Agricultural Workers’
the government which is totally committed to the
neo-liberal policies dictated
by international finance and
today, the government is more interested in attracting
investments by offering
more and more incentives to the foreign and domestic
corporates and big
companies at the same time drastically curtailing the
subsidies to the poor.
The determination of the UPA-2 government to vigorously
pursue its anti-people
and pro-rich policies was again made clear by the prime
minister in his address
to the meeting of Confederation of Indian Industries
(CII). The prime minister
expressed satisfaction at being able to curtail several
subsidies –
deregulation of the petrol prices, complete decontrol
over diesel prices within
the next few months, reducing the number of subsidised
cooking gas cylinders
and the expected reduction in the subsidies through the
direct cash transfer
for the targeted beneficiaries based on Aadhar.
the same time the prime minister also outlined the
measures being taken by his
government to woo foreign investors. The government has
already announced
allowing FDI in retail trade, civil aviation etc. Now it
wants to hasten the so
called financial sector reforms that would allow private
foreign banks and
insurance companies to grab the savings of our people.
is clear is that the disastrous impact of the
neo-liberal policies, of the
burdens imposed on the common people by the deregulation
of the fuel prices, by
allowing FDI in retail etc does not bother the
government. It is more anxious
to generate confidence among the corporates, national
and multinational, by
providing them all sorts of incentives, concessions and
opportunities to
exploit our workers as well as our natural resources.
is not just the present government at the centre. The
main opposition party,
the BJP too does not have any alternative to these
policies which have proved
disastrous to the workers and the poor. It is not just a
coincidence that the
prospective candidates for the prime minister’s post of
both the major
political parties – Rahul Gandhi and Narendra Modi –
chose to address the so
called ‘captains of the industry’ to project their views
on the development of
the country. Both Congress and the BJP, which have been
pursuing the
neo-liberal policies while in power, whether at the
centre or in the states,
have once again made it amply clear that they would
continue with the same
in our country as well as the experience all over the
world, shows that these
policies increase exploitation and impoverishment and
attack the basic rights
of the workers and the people. They benefit only a
handful of the big
corporates, financial institutions and the rich. It is
the increasing
realisation of this reality that is leading more and
more workers and all the
other sections of the toiling people into struggles
across the globe. In
Greece, Portugal, Spain, Italy, France, England, in the
USA, in Egypt and other
countries, hundreds of thousands of workers have been
coming out on to the
streets opposing the attacks on their wages, bonus,
pension and other welfare
benefits, against the price rise and the attacks on
their working and living
our own country, we have witnessed big and resolute
struggles by the workers –
in Maruti, in Honda, in Hyundai, in Foxconn, in Regency
tiles, in Volvo, in
Brandix, Hero cycles, Mahindra and Mahindra etc – not only in
states where the trade union movement
has been traditionally strong but also in states like
Haryana, Himachal Pradesh
and Punjab. One of the major demands, even in sectors
where the workers are
considered to be comparatively better paid, is the right
to organise, the right
to join the union of their choice, the right to
collective bargaining, eight
hour working day and effective implementation of all
labour laws.
given the hard core commitment of the ruling classes to
the neo-liberal
policies, the present struggles have to be further
intensified. The unity that
has been achieved in the trade union movement at the top
level today has to be
taken to the grass root level, to the workplace level.
there are large sections of workers, like the dalits,
tribals, minorities and
women, who are still not totally integrated into the
mainstream working class
movement. In addition to the economic exploitation by
the employers, these
sections also face social oppression in a society where
feudal ideology is
still dominant. Many of them are under the influence of
divisive forces of
different hues that seek to keep them aloof from the
mainstream trade union
movement, which in turn weakens the struggle against the
neo-liberal policies.
It is necessary for the trade unions to create awareness
among all the workers
about the historic background of the social oppression
and mobilise all of
them, including those from the so called ‘upper castes’
in the fight for the
rights of the dalits, tribals, minorities and women.
working class has to gear up for bigger and stronger
struggles encompassing not
only the entire working class but also all the toiling
sections of the people
that are adversely affected by these policies – the
peasants, the agricultural
workers, the artisans, the unemployed youth, the
students etc.
this May Day, let us pledge to broaden the unity of the
toiling masses and
intensify the struggle to change the policies. Let us
follow the path of
struggles shown by the