No. 15 April 14, 2013 |
Trade Treaty: Towards What End?
this week, the UN made history by adopting the first ever
global treaty to
regulate trade in conventional armaments. The treaty, among
other measures, seeks
to prevent and eradicate the illicit arms trade and to
prohibit arms transfers where
the weapons may be used to commit genocide, war crimes or
human rights
Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) is unprecedented in that it was
adopted by the UN
General Assembly (UNGA) itself, unlike the previous arms
control conventions,
mostly restricted to specific categories of weapons such as
landmines or
cluster munitions, which were negotiated and adopted through
special conferences.
the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) is deeply flawed in many
respects but chiefly
because it is built around an oxymoron, the idea of moral
arms trade, and
because it is a self-serving instrument designed by Western
arms exporting
countries to advance their own geo-political interests and
perpetuate their hegemony
in world affairs.
ATT was pushed through the UNGA after the conference could
not achieve the
requisite consensus, that is, passage without even a single
objecting nation.
Much is being made of the fact that the objections, and
hence the failure of
the ATT conference, were raised by
though an overwhelming 154 nations voted for the treaty
resolution, as many as
23 major nations abstained, clearly voicing their disquiet
over many of the treaty’s
provisions. Russia, China, India and Indonesia were
prominent among the
abstentions, which included several Latin American states
such as Bolivia,
Cuba, Ecuador and Nicaragua (Venezuela could not vote
because of unpaid dues to
the UN), a clutch of Middle-East states such as Saudi
Arabia, Yemen, Qatar,
Bahrain, Kuwait and Oman, and Sudan, Egypt, Angola and
Swaziland from Africa.
As we shall see, these abstentions tell a very different
story from the
dominant narrative coming from the
In institutional
terms, the ATT is a follow-up
from the earlier Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and
Eradicate the
Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its
Aspects, adopted by the UN
in 2001, and also takes into account and incorporates
significant elements of
the Protocol
against the Illicit
Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, Their Parts
and Components and
Ammunition, the United Nations Convention against
Transnational Organised
Crime, and the International Instrument to Enable States to
Identify and Trace,
in a timely and reliable manner, Illicit Small Arms and
Light Weapons.
Negotiations towards the treaty itself were initiated by
Resolution 61/89 of
the UN General Assembly in 2003.
In substantive terms,
though, the treaty flows from the growing recognition,
reinforced by several
widely respected studies, that diversion of conventional
arms or misuse of arms
acquired through state-authorised transfers have been a far
more serious
problem than completely illicit or black-market trafficking.
These studies
showed that far larger quantities of weapons leaked out from
official stocks
due to theft or corruption than became available due to
completely illegal
For many years, the ATT
negotiations stumbled along in the UN with major arms
exporting states, especially
Those who understand geo-politics
and the dynamics of the military-industrial complex within
global capitalism
must understandably be puzzled by the readiness of Western
states to push for
and support the ATT. Do the
Such questions are
underlined by the hype with which the
adoption of the ATT has been greeted by its votaries.
Amnesty International
proclaimed from the ATT conference that the treaty has
“human rights protection
at its core,” that it will “regulate
the illegal flow of arms to
warlords, tyrants and despots around the world, [and] could
save the lives of
millions and help prevent conflicts like those in Mali or
Sri Lanka,” and that
the ATT is a “bullet-proof” and “life-saving” treaty. A
spokesperson for Oxfam
International said the ATT “sends a clear message to arms
dealers who supply
warlords and dictators that their time is up.”
Even a not very
incisive reading of the treaty
reveals that reality will be very far from these idyllic
At the very
outset, the Arms Trade Treaty is very
different from other major arms control measures such as
those governing
nuclear weapons, or chemical and biological weapons. These
measures, however
imperfect or slanted in favour of states that already
possess such weapons and
related technologies, have at least a stated goal of working
towards an
eventual eradication of such weapons and their
proliferation. The ATT has no
such goal. It does not even seek to reduce, leave alone
eventually eliminate,
trade in conventional weapons. Far from it, the ATT
recognises “the legitimate political,
security, economic and commercial
interests of states in the international trade in
conventional arms” and
“reaffirms the sovereign right of any state to regulate and
conventional arms exclusively within its territory, pursuant
to its own legal
or constitutional system.” This latter clause was supposedly
introduced in
deference to US wishes so as not to offend the provisions of
the notorious Second
Amendment provisions of the US
constitution which is interpreted
by the Right as a guarantee of freedom of individuals to
bear arms, but it
equally means that what states do internally with arms it
procures through
authorized channels are completely outside the purview of
the ATT. How, then,
does it prevent officially sanctioned genocides, mass
killings, atrocities
against political opponents or other civilians? How does it
prevent a
The ATT in fact
does not in any way prevent arms
supplies to “despotic” or “tyrannic” rulers but only
stipulates that States would
not transfer arms in violation of existing international
embargoes or “if it has knowledge at
the time of authorisation
that the arms or items would be used in the commission of
genocide, crimes
against humanity, grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions
of 1949, attacks
directed against civilian objects or civilians protected as
such, or other war
crimes as defined by international agreements” (emphasis
Recent history is replete
with instances where imperialist powers led by the
Sure, the treaty obliges the
exporting states to reinforce domestic arms export controls,
and to conduct due
diligence and examine the risks of diversion or misuse, and
also examine
measures that could be taken to mitigate these risks
circumstances before
exporting arms. But, as has always happened in the past,
exporting states will
always find ways to underplay risks when they want, as has
been consistently done
by the US and European arms exporting nations to states and
regions in conflict,
for example in Latin America and Africa. And who in
Indeed, it is this
well-founded suspicion that prompted
Even more telling is what
the ATT does not address.
There is no mention in the treaty
about arms exports to non-state actors. While the ATT does
seek, in its
Preamble, to “prevent and eradicate..… diversion to..…
unauthorized end use and
end users, including in the commission of terrorist acts,”
there is no explicit
prohibition of arms sales to non-state actors. Once again,
the freedom with
which Western powers have transferred weapons to chosen
groups such as in
In its quite detailed
statement explaining its abstention,
The ATT also does not
specifically deal with arms manufacturers and the arms
industry, only having
some clauses to include brokers and traders, but depends
fully on states and
their internal controls to deal with these entities. Anyone
even remotely
familiar with the global arms trade knows well that arms
manufacturers are
major drivers of the arms trade and who exert enormous
influence over states as
regards both exports and imports. Any treaty that ignores
the role played by
arms manufacturers is doomed to failure.
Linked to this is the
astonishing omission of corruption in the treaty language.
It is common
knowledge that corruption within nations as well as by
exporting manufacturers,
brokers or even states, plays a major role in the
international arms trade.
Transparency International, for instance, conducted a
prolonged campaign for
inclusion of suitable provisions to deal with corruption,
and many nations
raised the issue in their responses to the UN, but the issue
was simply
excluded. This should not have come as a surprise, given the
role that
corruption plays in both export and import of arms. The
All in all, the ATT is a
toothless international agreement that will do less to
control arms trade that
to legitimise it. Its true test will be: How much of the
estimated 120 billion dollars
arms trade will be curbed? And will it actually control
diversion or transfer
of arms to non-state actors? As for human rights, the acid
test can be applied
any day.