No. 15 April 14, 2013 |
Spectre of Fascism
familiar with the history of fascism
will have little difficulty in characterising Narendra Modi
as a fascist and
the Modi led BJP bandwagon as a brazen attempt at a fascist
takeover, the first
such in post-independence India. Modi is the key figure
behind the anti-Muslim
pogrom in
which begins as a petty bourgeois movement
with an anti-monopoly capital rhetoric, gets progressively
integrated with (and
financed by) the leading monopolists who see in it a means
of establishing
their untrammelled hegemony over the economy, over society
and over the polity.
(Georgi Dimitrov in his book The United
Front had in fact described it as the “open terrorist
dictatorship of the
most reactionary and revanchist sections of finance
capital.”) Modi is into
that phase now, pushing himself with the help of the leading
elements of
finance capital, and of the corporate controlled media, as
the next prime minister
of the country, and trying to get the approval of international finance capital for his
ambition, by ingratiating
himself with the American and British governments. He is for
FDI in the defence
sector; he advocates privatisation of public sector
enterprises; and the
so-called “Gujarat model of development” which he champions
is marked not by
any concern for the development of the people
(Gujarat is way behind other states in most human
development indicators),
but by a carte
blanche to corporates
to do as they please: it is neo-liberalism without any
pretensions to a human
satisfies, in other words, the two key
conditions that define fascism: its “class nature,” which,
notwithstanding its
origin as a petty bourgeois movement, is aggressively
pro-big business; and its
“mass nature” which derives from extreme “nationalism,”
chauvinism, racism, and
the conjuring up of some hapless minority as the cause of
the ills that afflict
people. (This “mass nature” in his case derives from rabid
Hindu communalism.)
while there will be little disagreement
over the placing of Modi among the ranks of the fascists
(and likewise of the
Shiv Sena in its various current avataras,
though collectively it has lost steam of late), questions
may arise over the
categorisation of another odd actor on the Indian political
scene, Mamata
Banerjee, and her Trinamul Congress (TMC). The fact that she
is authoritarian
to the core is obvious. But is she not against monopoly
capitalists? Did she
not oppose the entry of MNCs into multi-brand retail to the
point of even
walking out of the UPA government over the issue? Does she
not appear to be on
the same wave-length as the Left on a host of issues,
notwithstanding her
visceral hatred of the Left? How, then, can one place her in
the same category
as Modi who is the darling of monopoly capital?
as already mentioned however,
began as an anti-monopoly capital movement. Its going over
to the side of
monopoly capital was accompanied by a betrayal of its own
original rhetoric and
by a ruthless pogrom against its own rank and file: in the
case of Germany the
pogrom was against Ernst Rohm, at one time Hitler’s closest
friend and ally,
and the SA he commanded (the Nazi storm troopers), during
what has come to be
known as the “night of long knives.” This betrayal occurred
when the Nazis
acquired national political power, when the original
anti-capitalist rhetoric
that had served them well in opposition had to be abandoned
for forging closer
ties with finance capital which had financed their rise to
power, and when the
German army’s support, which had also helped them to power,
had to be enlisted
for the Nazi project, for which the SA was inadequate.
anti-capitalist rhetoric of such
political formations at some particular point of time
therefore does not in
itself signify much. In the case of Mamata and her TMC,
there are indeed several
features reminiscent of fascism. The first is the
authoritarianism, a ruthless desire not only to suppress political opponents, especially the
communists, but to stifle all dissent,
including from civil
society at large, through the use of strong-arm measures. A
symptom of this desire
to stifle dissent, and hence any critical thinking, is the
desire to ban
student union elections, to ensure that students, who as a
body constitute the
most idealistic, uncorrupted and thoughtful group in
society, are made to
refrain from any critical political activity.
second feature, already mentioned
earlier, is a radicalism on economic issues that at the same
time is opposed to
working class struggles, to strike action and to workers’
rights, a radicalism
that can therefore only be termed Right Radicalism. Such
Right Radicalism is
characteristic of fascism in opposition, at least before it
comes to national
power; when it does so, this Right Radicalism is replaced by
a very close
integration with the leading elements of finance capital.
third feature is a total disregard not
just for proprieties of public life but even for
constitutional proprieties.
The death of Sudipto Gupta in police custody should normally
have immediately
led to an inquiry deemed credible by the public at large,
and neither the chief
minister nor any other minister should have expressed any
opinion about the
cause of death until the report of the inquiry was
completed. The fact of the chief
minister not ordering any credible inquiry (a police inquiry
into a death in
police custody has zero credibility), and rushing to certify
that the cause of
death as mentioned in the police version was indeed the
truth, is indicative of
a complete lack of propriety in public life.
this is not all. Not only is the state
government engaged at present in a conflict with the State
Election Commission
over local body elections, but, upon the latter’s going to
court for settling
this conflict, has even complained that
the state government is being forced to provide funds
for a legal battle
against itself!
shows a total disdain for constitutional
propriety. The State Election Commission is a
constitutionally rooted body, but
it has naturally no income of its own, and should not have.
Its expenses have
to be paid for from the public exchequer, and if it needs to
go to court then
the expenses for its litigation have to be borne by the
government, with no
questions asked, and no matter who
its legal opponent may be. To complain about such
payment is not only to
violate the constitution, but even to treat public money as
if it is the
private property of the state government, and to treat any
expenditure of it as
a largesse to be distributed at the mercy of the state
governments behaving in a manner
befitting the lumpen
proletariat has
also become quite common in
fourth feature is something that many
writers, in particular writers outside the Marxist
tradition, talk about,
namely the centrality of one leader that is characteristic
of fascism,
de-emphasises institutions and rules, and permits situations
where horrendous
excesses are committed because of overzealous free-for-alls
among lower level
personnel of the fascist party or the state. (Some have even
blamed the
holocaust of the Nazi era to this complete undermining of
institutions under
the weight of the so-called charisma of the “Fuehrer.”) And
in contemporary
these significant
characteristics, however, the fact remains that the distance
of that regime
from monopoly capital has not yet been bridged, and also
that no extreme
chauvinism against any particular minority social group has
yet been invoked by
it for buttressing its “mass” nature. It may represent
fascism in the making,
or proto-fascism, or fascism before the “night of long
knives,” but not yet
full-fledged fascism backed by monopoly capital.
then this whole exercise of categorising
individual leaders and parties, of assessing whether they
are fascist or not,
may be a pointless one. Given the nature of the Indian
polity, a political
party and its leader in a particular
state may well come in handy for a fascist
dispensation wielding power at
the national
level, and act as its
junior partner, complicit in its criminality but not
necessarily identical in
nature. Its credentials in suppressing the communists would
commend it to such
a fascist dispensation at the centre, and it would be
expected to continue with
what fascists would consider this “good work” for a certain
sum of money which
finance capital would not mind expending for the purpose. In
other words, even
when an outfit is not necessarily classically fascist, it
can well serve the
purpose of a fascist central government by being in power at
the state level,
if it uses that power for suppressing the Left. It is this
spectre of fascism
looming on the horizon that the Left has to struggle