People's Democracy

(Weekly Organ of the Communist Party of India (Marxist)


No. 15

April 14, 2013






Tasks Adopted by CITU Conference


1) Intensify struggles to reverse the neo-liberal free market economic policies and resist its onslaught on the working class and the people.


2) Intensify and widen solidarity actions in support of the struggles of the working class and other sections of the society in various parts of the country.


3) Organise solidarity with the workers and democratic people of West Bengal in their struggle against the murderous attacks and violence by the TMC regime.


4) Raise the consciousness to fight against the imperialist offensives of all hues.


5) Unleash independent and widespread campaigns and struggles demanding (a) same wage for same work, (b) 35 hours week and four shift working day, (c) social security for all and (d) no employment below statutory minimum wage and social security.


6) Organise regular campaign against communalism and all kinds of divisive forces to defend the unity of the people.


7) Organise effective campaign against social oppression and on the specific demands of the socially oppressed sections from the trade union platform.


8) Take up the specific demands of working women including gender discrimination, sexual harassment at workplace, security etc from the union platform.


9) Launch powerful campaigns and struggles demanding effective implementation of labour laws; fight back the government’s moves to dismantle and overhaul labour laws in favour of the employers’ class.


10) Develop united campaigns and struggles of all the exploited sections of the society including the agricultural workers and peasants; intensify efforts to revitalise the National Platform of Mass Organisations by developing joint activities with our fraternal mass organisations to start with.


11) Make efforts to develop awareness among the CITU cadres and activists on the inadequacies of the capitalist system in solving the basic problems of humanity and the role of the working class in affecting a change in policies.


12) Intensify efforts to organise the contract, casual workers etc in the organised sector.


13) Prioritise organising workers in the organised sector, particularly the key sectors.


14) Decide state wise priorities for organising the workers in the unorganised sector, allot suitable cadres and form trade/ segment wise unions.


15) Concentrate on development of cadres with continuous efforts to raise their capabilities and efficiency through regular trade union classes, workshops etc.


16) Ensure effective functioning of P Ramamurti Institute for Trade Union Education at the earliest.


17) Pay special attention to organise working women and promote them to the leadership positions.


18) Take measures for gender sensitisation of trade union leadership and our members.


19) Reorient our work as per the guidelines in the ‘Bhubaneswar document’ on organisation; organise a national workshop on organisation to review its implementation and update.


20) Strengthen the CITU centres at the national as well as state levels wherever necessary to ensure effective discharging of the responsibilities.


21) Fulfil the target of achieving membership of 80 lakhs by the time of the next conference.