No. 15 April 14, 2013 |
Dreams from Corporate Fora
political drama is unfolding in the country. There is still
over a year to go
for the next general elections in 2014. The leader of the
ruling coalition –
the Congress – and the principal opposition party – the BJP
– appear to have
already entered the rat race of projecting the future prime
minister. In this
context, we are constrained to, once again, make a reference
to an old Telugu
saying aalu ledu,
chulu ledu, koduku peru
Somalingam. This roughly translates to mean: neither
do I have a home nor a
wife, but I have named my son as Somalingam! Neither have
the elections been
announced nor has either of these parties won the people’s
mandate but they are
already projecting the future prime minister of
so strangely, both the parties have chosen to launch their
projections from the
forums of India Inc. This is a reflection of the reality of
speaking at the Confederation of Indian Industries (CII), Mr
Rahul Gandhi,
among many things, said that
have embarked on selling ‘dreams’ to enlist people’s support
in the coming
elections. The Congress is talking of empowering a billion
Indians. At the same
time, it is pursuing policies which are impoverishing a
billion Indians. At the
other end, these policies are illuminating the lives of the
miniscule minority
of our 1.2 billion people.
BJP wants to create a ‘vibrant’
‘dream merchants’ are trying to sell wares that are
completely dislocated from
the ground realities of real
creation of a better
have yet another thing in common. Both seek to reduce
is perfectly possible to do so. The amounts of monies that
are currently being
looted through mega corruption scams and the huge amount of
tax concessions
given to the rich and foreign and domestic capital, if
stopped, can put
together more than sufficient resources to provide all our
people with genuine
food security, education, health and a shelter over their
head. To achieve such
a vision of a better
cue of the white horse that Mr Modi took from Mr Rahul
Gandhi appears to have
spurred Mr Modi to think that he has launched an “Ashwamedha Yagna.” In this sacrificial ritual,
a white horse is let
loose by the king and the area it covers is considered his
kingdom. If the
horse is halted in its run, then the king challenges a
battle with the person
who stopped the horse. It is normally presumed that no one
dares to halt the
horse. However,
in the Ramayana,
when Rama embarked on such a yajna, his horse
was stopped by twin
brothers Lava and Kusha. In modern Indian politics, the
BJP’s horse will be
stopped by a set of twin brothers – the worker (hammer) and
the peasant (the
sickle) – the red flag. The red flag that has a vision for
the creation of an
egalitarian better
is such a vision that the people of
(April 10, 2013)