No. 08 February 24, 2013 |
Govt See Writing on the Wall?
we go to press, the general strike of the Indian working
class has begun. This
is historic in many ways. This is for the first time in the
history of
general strike comes in the background of increasing attacks
being mounted on
the working class and other toiling sections of our people
by the trajectory of
neo-liberal economic reforms adopted by the Indian ruling
classes for over two
decades now. All the genuine issues raised by the trade
unions and various
organisations of the working people, their militant protest
actions and strikes
in the past have so far fallen on deaf ears. Even on this
occasion, despite the
call being given many months earlier and
the strike notices having been served in accordance with the
Indian laws, the
government called the leaders of the central trade unions
for discussion only on
the eve of the general strike, i.e., in the evening of
February 19. This was clearly
an exercise in mockery and to bring on record that the
government had appealed
to the trade unions to withdraw the call. The central
ministers did not even
find it proper to discuss the demands raised by the central
trade unions. On
the contrary, they stated that any discussions on the
demands can take place
only after the strike call was withdrawn!
general strike has been called on a ten point charter of
demands. These included
a call upon the government to take urgent measures to curb
the relentless rise
in the prices of all essential commodities; institutionalise
a universal public
distribution system to ensure food security for all our
citizens by making
available 35 kg of foodgrain to all families monthly at not
more than Rs two
per kg; a minimum wage of Rs 10,000 monthly for unskilled
workers; equal wage
for equal work; to guarantee the right to collective
bargaining and of trade
union activities for unorganised workers, and to address the
problems of
contract workers etc. In other words, all these demands are
aimed at providing
some relief to the vast mass of our people who are groaning
under increasing
economic burdens.
the second day of the general strike, the budget session of
the parliament will
convene. There are many important issues that the parliament
would have to
consider in this session, like the Lokpal and food security
bills, converting
Justice Verma Report into legislation etc. The main agenda,
however, would be
to consider and approve the budgetary proposals.
year’s budgetary proposals come in the background of a
severe economic
slowdown. Though the finance ministry is contesting the
Central Statistical
Organisation’s estimation of a five per cent GDP growth last
fiscal, the
reality suggests this to be closer to the truth. Industrial
output has
contracted by 0.6 per cent in December --- on top of a
similar contraction in
November this year. For the nine month period between
April-November 2012,
industrial production grew at a meagre 0.7 per cent compared
to 3.7 last year.
Worse, the manufacturing sector which constitutes over 75
per cent of the index
registered a decline of 0.7 per cent in December. The
consequent growth in
unemployment comes on top of a relentless rise in prices
with food inflation of
10.8 per cent in January 2013. The prices of vegetables are
growing at the rate
of 26 per cent, edible oils by 15 per cent, meat/fish/eggs
by 14 per cent,
cereals and pulses by 15 per cent and sugar by 13 per cent.
Clearly, the people
are hoping that this budget will provide them some relief
from this growing
agony and this two day working class action is demanding
precisely this.
all indications point towards the government imposing
further burdens on the
people rather than providing them relief and alleviating
their hardships. In
the name of fiscal discipline, the government has already
indicated that there
will be a monthly hike in the prices of petroleum products
and a large-scale
reduction in the subsidies meant for the poor. Given its
pro-rich bias, the government
has not given any indication whatsoever on the issue of the
massive tax
concessions that it has been continuously giving to the rich
and India Inc. As
noted in these columns earlier, during the last fiscal, such
concessions were
Rs 6,000 crore more than the entire fiscal deficit.
neo-liberal economic reform trajectory inherently favours
international finance
capital at the expense of the Indian people.
Following this, the official thinking seems to
suggest that this
government may seek to stimulate growth through attracting
large doses of
international finance. Already, there is large-scale opening
up of our economy
to FDI – in retail trade, insurance and banking sectors, in
pension funds etc.
The General Anti-Avoidance Rules (GAAR) have been deferred
by two years. This
has come as a great relief to foreign investors. This, it is
hoped, would lead
to higher levels of investment resulting in higher growth.
Such a strategy
simply cannot work because no amount
of investment can lead to growth unless what is produced is
consumed by the
people. Given the current realities, such a degree of
consumption capacity
simply does not exist amongst our people.
the budget would also reflect how
of concentrating on bolstering demand and consumption
capacity of the people,
global capitalism has been seeking to overcome its crisis in
a manner that is
only resulting in a newer crisis. The crisis that began with
a sharp decline in
the purchasing power of the people was sought to be overcome
by providing cheap
credit through the `sub prime’ loans. When these loans could
not be repaid, the
second phase of the crisis came with the global financial
meltdown. In order to
emerge from this crisis, those very financial giants that
created the crisis
were bailed out through humongous state-financed packages.
This led to the
third phase when corporate insolvencies were converted into
insolvencies leading to the bankruptcy of several advanced
countries. In order
to reduce governmental expenditures as a consequence, many
of these countries
have imposed severe `austerity measures’ leading to a
further contraction in
the consumption capacity of the people, which, in turn,
heralded the fourth
phase of the crisis slowing down both growth and employment.
The Guardian recently,
reporting on the
death of a welfare state that existed in Britain for just
over 70 years
(ironically corresponding to the Biblical reference to a
human life span of ‘three
score and ten’), carried an obituary for the ‘welfare state’
where it said,
“Instead of a book of condolences, there will be a special
edition of the Guardian’s
letter page!”
fifth phase of the crisis is around the corner. The
this backdrop, the Indian economy can only be reignited by
focusing on a
massive expansion of our domestic demand. This can happen
only when public
investments are significantly raised to build our
much-needed infrastructure
while they would generate large-scale employment and
consequent boost the
aggregate domestic demand. This is the only course that is
available in the
current global scenario.
is no dearth of resources, as noted in these columns
repeatedly in the past, for
a such a quantum hike in the levels of public investments if
only large-scale
corruption can be curbed and massive tax concessions to the
rich are stopped. Resources
so saved can then be used to hike public investments that
will put our economy
on a sustainable growth pattern and improve the livelihood
of our people.
the interests of the vast mass of our people, the budget
should adopt such a
the ruling classes be warned to face the people’s wrath and
mightier popular
struggles in the future.
20, 2013