No. 06 February 10, 2013 |
Nyaya Adhikar Rally at Rohtak Humbles CM
Jai Bhagwan
the repression of workers at the Maruti Suzuki plant at Manesar, Gurgaon,
unleashed after the July 18, 2012 incident, is still going on, the workers
too are continuing their protest against this repression. Meanwhile, under the
union’s leadership, dharnas and demonstration were organised in front of
several ministers but all of them only replied that the chief minister alone
could intervene in this matter. On the other hand, the Haryana chief minister is
not at all ready to talk to the workers. It was in such a situation that the
Maruti Suzuki Workers Union decided to take out a Nyaya Adhikar Rally at
Rohtak, the chief minister’s home town, on January 27, 2013.
In order to prepare for the January 27 rally it was decided to take out state
level cycle jathas. This was felt necessary in order to dispel the anti-worker
atmosphere created by the government, the management and a section of the media
in collusion and to expose the repression of workers by the
government. On January 21, these cycle jathas were flagged off from six places
--- Sirsa, National, Ambala, Yamunanagar, Rewari and Faridabad. Prior
to the start of the cycle jatha campaign, union activists organised meetings
with trade unions and other sections of society, appealing to them for their
help and cooperation in the jatha campaign and Nyaya Adhikar Rally.
These six cycle jathas passed through 20 districts and covered a distance of
over 1000 km. Around 200 Maruti workers participated in these jathas. In
major cities, towns and villages throughout the state, hundreds of meetings were
addressed, handbills distributed and posters were pasted. The common
people extended their full cooperation to these cycle jathas. In most of the
places the CITU, Sarva Karmachari Sangh, AIKS, DYFI, SFI and JMS
cooperated in organising programmes in support for the jathas; activists of the
AITUC and Jan Sangharsh Manch also helped in organising these
programmes at several places. Thus, through this jatha campaign, the anti-worker
propaganda of the government and management was strongly rebuffed
and an atmosphere for the Nyaya Adhikar Rally was thus prepared. In this
process, a sum of Rs 80,000 was collected from the common people and
given to the struggling Maruti workers.
The cycle jathas took place barely a month has passed when 13 union-supporting workers of the Maruti unit were transferred from Manesar plant to other offices of the company in different parts of the country.
Soon after the announcement of the Nyaya Adhikar Rally and cycle jathas
programme, the Haryana Police became hyperactive at the behest of the
Maruti management. They prevented the cycle jatha coming from Rewari from
entering Gurgaon. All the jatha participants were picked up along with
their bicycles, kept in the lock-up for the whole day and then dumped at some
other place 60 km away. The jatha participants were also threatened of
dire consequences if they entered Gurgaon.
Moreover, as if this was not enough, Imaan Khan, a member of the provisional
committee formed at the Maruti plant, was picked up by the police and
put in jail when he was addressing a press conference in Gurgaon, organised by
the union. (See the report elsewhere in this issue.) What is important to
note is that the SIT constituted in this case by the Haryana government had
already submitted its report three months back in which 212 workers were
charged for the July 18, 2012 incident, but Imam Khan’s name was not at all
there in this report, nor was there any allegation or charge against him. This
shameful action was taken only because he was leading the peaceful agitation
organised by the union. It is clear that the Maruti management and the
state government resorted to this action in order to create fear among other
workers that anyone daring to lead the agitation would meet the same fate.
This highly condemnable act in gross violation of human rights has thoroughly
exposed the Haryana government’s eagerness to safeguard the interest of
the Maruti Suzuki management by blatantly suppressing the democratic rights of
the working people.
In protest against this shameful act, leaders of some 25 unions met the Gurgaon authorities the very same day and held next day a protest demonstration in front of the deputy commissioner’s office. In Rohtak activists of the SFI and DYFI burnt effigies of the state government.
The police and vigilance personnel continuously followed these jathas with an
intention of creating terror. In Panipat a public meeting organised in an
industrial area as a part of the jatha campaign was disrupted and stopped by the
police. In spite of all this, however, the cycle jathas successfully
completed their journey and reached the venue of the Nyaya Adhikar Rally in
Rohtak on January 27, to be received with loud slogans.
Thousands of people participated in the rally on January 27 and among them there
were a good number of members, including hundreds of women
from the families of the jailed and hunted Maruti workers. CITU activists from
almost all the districts also participated in good numbers. The
Sarva Karmachari Sangh, Kisan Sabha, Janwadi Mahila Samiti and other mass
organisations also ensured good participation.Addressing the rally, leaders of the Maruti Suzuki workers’ provisional
committee said the Haryana government was leaving no stone unturned in
declaring Maruti workers as criminals and repressing them. The Haryana
government is thus putting the youth behind bars at the behest of a foreign
company which is trampling our constitutional rights and labour laws. Leaders of
the committee reiterated that they were not responsible for the
accidental death of a manager at the Manesar plant on July 18, 2012, and
reiterated the demand that the said incident must be probed by a High Court
The speakers castigated the government that under pressure from the Maruti
management it had brought false charges of murder and other charges
against 212 workers. Moreover, even today, more workers are being hunted, picked
up and arrested. Imam Khan, a leader of the provisional committee,
was picked up by the police on 24 January when he was explaining their problems
at a press conference. In yet another shameful act, the police had
abducted a member of the Rewari cycle jatha team when it reached Bilaspur. The
speakers also told the rallyists that it was due to the hard work put in
by workers that the Maruti’s profit had increased from Rs 105 crore to Rs 2,289
crore in the last ten years. They demanded that the chief minister must
listen to their viewpoint and solve their problems.
Addressing the rally, the CITU’s Haryana state secretary Surender Malik and state president Satbir Singh said while attacking the democratic rights of the workers, the Haryana government was giving a free hand to a foreign company to loot our resources. If the Suzuki has become the number one car maker, it is due to the workers’ hard work. But now, as part of a conspiracy, more than 2500 workers have been thrown out. The management has threatened the workers that the plant would be shifted to Gujarat, though the decision to have another plant had been taken in 2009, well before the Maruti Suzuki Workers Union had come into existence. The company’s motive was to finish the union and earn still more profits by exploiting the casual workers. This is what is happening today. Whatever new recruitment is there, is all of contract workers. Before the July 18 incident, 70 per cent of the workers in the plant were from Haryana but now there is none from Haryana among the newly recruited ones.
of the CITU further said that the way the state government is working to
safeguard the interest of capitalists and repressing its own youth is not
going to continue for long and that a mass movement will soon develop against
it. They said a reflection of this mass anger would be seen in the
nationwide strike on February 20-21 when all sections of the workers, employees
and other people would come out in the streets.
Raghubir Singh Hudda, state president of the All India Lawyers Union, said the
Imam Khan episode is nothing but sheer goondaism of the Haryana
Police to please the Maruti bosses. This, however, can’t be tolerated. He termed
it as the murder of democracy.
Jagmati Sangwan, all-India vice president of the AIDWA, said that the way the
chief minister is not at all bothered while 250 of our youth are in jail, is
AITUC state secretary Hari Prakash, Maruti Union president Kuldeep Jhangu, Udai
Pratap from the RIICO in Dharuhera, Rajender (president of the
Hero Honda union in Dharuhera),’ Bhola Yadav (president of the RDC union in
Gurgaon), SKS state auditor Shripal Bhati, state Kisan Sabha vice
president Master Sher Singh, C D Sharma (Sangharsh Manch), Sudesh Kumari,
Rajender Pathak (Lawyers Union), Vinod Bhardwaj and CITU state
treasurer Jai Bhagwan, among others, also addressed the rally.
After the rally, a procession marched towards the chief minister’s residence but
was stopped en route by the police force that was present in large
numbers. This angered the people who sat on the road, forcing the special
secretary to the chief minister, J K Malhotra, to come to the protesters. After
prolonged and heated debate, and under pressure from the large number of
demonstrators gathered there, he handed over a written letter saying that the
minister had agreed to meet the representatives of the Maruti workers at his
office on February 13, 2013. It was only after getting this written
appointment that the people calmed down.
The main demands of this agitation are that there must be a high level inquiry
into the July 18 incident, that the arrested Maruti workers must be released
immediately, that 546 dismissed workers along with all casual workers should be
taken back on duty, that the ongoing repression of Maruti workers must
end forthwith and that Imaan Khan, who was arrested illegally on January 24,
must be released immediately.
The agitating workers also warned the government that they would further
intensify and expand their agitation in case there is no positive negotiation on
February 13.