No. 06 February 10, 2013 |
Call for Expansion, Resistance to Neo-Liberal Offensive
R Karumalayan
THE Tamilnadu unit of the Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU) held its 12th
state conference at Trichy, from February 1 to 4, 2013. The place has
been known for the heroic struggle of Golden Rocks railway workers in the
Three propaganda jathas --- one from Chinniyampalayam in
The reception committee under the leadership of CPI(M) district secretary
Sridhar made elaborate arrangements with festoons, banners, hoardings and wall
writings along with the portraits of late Comrades BTR, PR, V P Chindan, P
Ramachandran and Pappa Umanath. The spacious hall of the Aristo Hotel, where the
conference proceedings took place for four days, was named after late Comrade M
K Pandhe. Veteran CITU leader R Umanath, founder general secretary of the CITU
in Tamilnadu, graced the occasion despite his failing health, by hoisting the
red flag amidst thunderous slogans renting the air.
After paying floral tributes at the Martyrs Column, the open inaugural session
began with R Singaravelu, CITU state president, in the chair. The CITU’s
all-India president, A K Padmanabhan, inaugurated the open session, narrating
the political background in which the forthcoming general strike was going to
take place. He assailed the ruling classes for their insensitivity towards the
workers’ demands --- minimum wage, right to unionise and collective bargaining
etc, and explained the importance of the first ever joint all-India general
strike called for by all the trade unions in the post-independence
The delegates session started with V Kumar, assistant general secretary of the
state CITU, moving a condolence resolution. After observing two minutes silence
and standing as a mark of respect to the martyrs who laid down their lives for
the cause of working class, the conference got down to transact the main agenda
--- to review the movements that the state CITU launched in the intervening
period since its 11th conference and to assess the status of organisation.
The report which the state CITU general secretary A Soundararajan, MLA, placed
said the Tamilnadu CITU has got a unique experience of struggles in the units of
the multinational corporations (MNCs) in and around Chennai and in the special
economic zone (SEZ) at Gangaikondan in Tirunelveli. The report detailed the
following aspects --- how foreign capital has poured into Tamilnadu, how the
central and state governments facilitated their nestling and incubation, how the
MNCs have been squeezing the workers’ blood with impunity, what are the
expectations of the new generation of workers in these emerging industries of a
new type, what new roles are expected from the trade union movement and how the
Tamilnadu CITU could discharge these challenging jobs. All these points were
prominently covered in the report.
According to the report, CITU unions have been formed in 20 MNC units since the
last conference. A fierce class struggle against the rule of capital is thus
going on with all intensity. Besides these, there is the bourgeoning section of
unorganised workers with their demands like social security, minimum wage and
equal wage for equal work, etc. the CITU has been fighting consistently for this
section. The report dealt at great length with these struggles, including those
against the present AIADMK government’s decision to cut down the welfare
measures meant for unorganised labour.
As Tamilnadu is experiencing an acute power shortage, more than seven lakh
medium and small scale enterprises have been facing multiple woes and this is
impacting both production and the workforce. The report took note of this
situation in detail, including the experience of joint movements with the small
and medium level entrepreneurs.
The report also referred to the CITU’s solidarity with the dalit victims of
Darmapuri carnage and also its experience regarding the ongoing countrywide
joint movements.
Around 96 delegates took part in the discussion on general secretary’s report,
on behalf of the 694 elected delegates who were attending the conference. Full
two days were devoted to these deliberations, in the midst of which P Shunmugam,
general secretary of the Tamilnadu Vivasayigal Sangam, an affiliate of the All
India Kisan Sabha, greeted the conference. The delegates presented in all
sharpness their views and experiences regarding various issues highlighted by
the general secretary’s report --- the status of organisation and struggles, the
present objective reality in Tamilnadu, the challenges and the resolve.
CITU vice president T K Rangarajan, MP, who greeted the conference, intervened
in the discussion at one point, saying that criticism and self-criticism should
focus the points related to our style of functioning and that it should be
changed in accordance with the situation today.
During the conference, 11 books of relevance to the contemporary working class
movement, including a biography of Dr M K Pandhe published by Bharathi
Puthagalayam, were released by senior leaders of the working class movement and
received by the upcoming leaders of the Tamilnadu CITU. The conference gave warm
felicitation to the novelist D Selvaraj, a literary legend of the working class
and one who won a
CITU general secretary Tapan Sen, while delivering the concluding address,
appreciated the Tamilnadu unit’s experience in mobilising the workers in MNCs,
adding that Tamilnadu CITU has given leadership to the entire working class
movement in the country in this respect. Since the last national conference of
the CITU, all the meetings of the CITU working committee, general council and
other bodies have referred to this development in Tamilnadu and asked all its
affiliates to emulate the example set by the Tamilnadu unit in this regard.
On the question of unorganised workers in Tamilnadu, Sen asked the delegates
that all welfare measures meant for the unorganised workers have to be treated
and utilised as a means to reach out to this mass of workers. At the same time
he emphasised that our class endeavour in this regard can remain confined to our
fight in the welfare boards alone. Contract labourers in the organised sector
are not an unorganised contingent of our class; rather they are an integral part
of our movement in the organised sector. Sen asked the delegates to have this
perspective in mind while mobilising the contract and casual workers in the
organised sector.
The CITU general secretary also drew attention of the delegates to the question
of organisational expansion. While it is indeed true that the Tamilnadu unit has
had a modest increase in its membership, it is not sufficient given the
struggles launched and the successes gained in Tamilnadu and in view of our
organisational network here. He asked the new leadership to ponder over this
question of organisational expansion, in other words on the frustrating
The conference unanimously elected a 138 members strong state committee which
will have 36 office bearers. A
Soundararajan, G Sugumaran and Malathi Cittibabu were elected president, general
secretary and treasurer respectively. The conference resolved to increase the
CITU’s membership from the present 5.6 lakhs to 12 lakhs, to increase its cadre
strength at all levels and to educate the middle level cadre who form a vital
link in the organisation as a top priority, and to mount resistance to the
neo-liberal offensive, both independently and jointly. The conference
deliberated at length on the preparation for the ensuing February 20-21 general
strike and resolved to make it a grand success in the state. To press the issues
of working class in the state, the conference gave a call to organise various
forms of protest across Tamilnadu on March 26. It also resolved to observe
Women’s Day, March 8, as the day of resistance against the growing sexual
attacks on women.
Finally the conference came to a conclusion with a huge rally in which more than
50,000 workers --- ranging from the tea garden workers of the Western Ghats to
fishermen in the coastal stretch of Tamilnadu, from the engineering workers in