No. 06 February 10, 2013 |
Piecemeal Changes: NPRD
following is the press statement issued by NPRD on
February 4, 2013
THE National Platform for the Rights of the
Disabled condemns the opaque manner in which the government has introduced an
ordinance to give effect to some of the amendments recommended by the Justice
Verma Committee, to the law governing sexual offences, despite opposition from
women’s organisations and some political parties.
The Justice Verma Committee had recommended a
range of amendments to the criminal law, in order to protect the rights of women
against sexual violence. The Committee recommended a number of amendments to the
substantive and procedural law specifically addressing the needs of disabled
victims of sexual assault. The ordinance introduced by the government has
included a few of these changes:
The disabled may not be required by the
police to go to any place other their residence in relation to investigation
Specific provisions for the disabled in test
identification parades for identifying the accused
Assistance to be provided to the disabled while
recording statement before the magistrate and such statement to be
considered adequate for the purpose of examination in chief during the trial
The phrase ‘dumb witness’ in Section 119 of the
Indian Evidence Act has been replaced with ‘persons who are unable to
communicate verbally’
While these are indeed important changes in
the law, which could positively impact the experience of persons with
disabilities while dealing with the legal system, we feel the changes are
piecemeal in nature and do not address the more substantive concerns that both
women’s organisations and disability groups had expressed.
Making the offence of sexual assault gender
neutral would harm disabled women disproportionately. There is a widespread
belief that disabled women are unable to control their sexual urges and hence
make sexual advances on men, who are then wrongly charged with sexual offences.
Our experience of handling cases of sexual assault on disabled women shows that
even the police and heads of institutions share this belief, and hence do not
take steps against the wrong doer. Making sexual offences gender neutral with
respect to both the victim and perpetrator would result in situations where the
male assaulter would be able to file counter-allegations of sexual assault
against the disabled women, which would add to their further victimisation.
The NPRD expresses its strong opposition to
the selective manner in which the government has incorporated the
recommendations of the Verma Committee into the law. Since parliament is
scheduled to begin its next session shortly, it is inexplicable why the
government should resort to the ordinance route, in a non-transparent and
undemocratic manner, keeping key stakeholders in the dark.