No. 49 December 09, 2012 |
Discuss Issues Raised by The
Left Parties – Communist
Party of THE situation in These reforms are being pushed
through, along with
large-scale contractualisation of teachers. There have been
no regular
appointments made for 4,000 teaching posts and 5,000
non-teaching posts. The Delhi University Teachers
Association (DUTA),
which is the elected body of all the teachers, has been
conducting a peaceful
protest against these measures. The vice
chancellor and the university authorities have resorted to
pay cuts and other coercive
measures even when teachers have participated in protests on
holidays. This
is patently illegal. The
DUTA has been conducting a relay hunger
strike which has now completed 50 days. The vice chancellor
has refused to
recognise and talk to the DUTA leadership. The decision taken by the
university can adversely
affect the thousands of students in the colleges affiliated
to the
university. The
university should not
take the position that it will not discuss with the DUTA on
all these matters.