No. 49 December 09, 2012 |
Struggles Achieve Significant Victory G
Mamatha IT is indeed a major victory – a
first in the country – for the forces fighting for social
justice to achieve
statutory status for the Scheduled Caste Sub-Plan and
Scheduled Tribe Sub-Plan
in Andhra Pradesh. Dalits and tribals since ages have
been subjected to worst forms of social oppression and
economic exploitation.
They are the most marginalised sections of our society who
continue to live in
abysmal conditions even after 67 years of independence. They
face all round
discrimination – social, economic political and cultural.
The government which
is supposed to work for their development too discriminates.
It does not
allocate the funds it is supposed to, for the welfare of
dalits and tribals.
These are the sections who are readily available for loot
even for the
government. It is their money that the government finds it
easy to divert to
other works – be they beautification of lakes, building
flyovers, 'outer-ring'
roads, greater cities or for the Commonwealth games, as we
had seen in As general development programmes
could not specially cater to their socio-economic upliftment
and bring them on
par with other sections of society, Special Component Plan
(which was later renamed
as Scheduled Caste Sub Plan) and Tribal Sub-Plan (TSP) were
formulated. The
SCSP is an important intervention through the planning
process for social,
economic and educational development of Scheduled Castes and
also for the
improvement in their working and living conditions. It was
started from the
Sixth Five Year Plan period with two important objectives of
(i) implementing
family and individual oriented income generating programmes
for the economic
development of the Scheduled Castes and (ii) providing basic
minimum amenities and
essential services in Scheduled Caste localities to
ameliorate their
working and living conditions. It directed the central and
state governments to
allocate funds from the annual plan outlays in proportion to
the percentage of
the population of the Scheduled Castes. But never has this
been implemented. Sustained struggles carried out in
Andhra Pradesh resulted in the enactment of a legislation to
ensure proper
implementation of SC/ST Sub-Plans. The Andhra Pradesh
Scheduled Caste Sub-Plan
Scheduled Tribe Sub-Plan (Planning, Allocation and
Utilisation of Financial
Resources) Bill 2012 was passed in the state assembly on
December 2, 2012. A
three-day special session of the state legislature held from
November 30 to
December 2 passed the bill providing statutory status to the
Scheduled Castes,
Scheduled Tribe Sub-Plan. This bill is the fruit of a long and
arduous struggle waged by the Kulavivaksha Vyatireka Porata
Sangham (Struggle
Committee against Caste Discrimination) and the CPI(M). KVPS
took up the issue
of proper implementation of Sub-Plans since 2002. They
organised many
programmes and agitations demanding a separate Nodal Agency
for the utilisation
of Sub-Plan funds. Sub-Plan funds must be allocated to the
SC/ST Nodal Agencies
at the time of preparing the budget itself with a mandate to
spend them
exclusively for the welfare of dalits and tribals. A massive
Chalo Assembly was
held in 2003 to highlight these demands. Prior to 2004
assembly elections, a
state convention was held in This whole year KVPS has been waging
consistent struggles on this issue. At the initiative of the
broad-based 'Joint Action Committee for Achieving SC/ST
Sub-Plan Funds' was
formed. It comprised of 100 organisations and 20 prominent
individuals amongst
whom were retired IAS, IPS officers, academics and
intellectuals. A 72-hour
hunger strike was held from March 23, 2012. The Congress
government did not
respond. A delegation of ministers came to the hunger strike
camp on March 25
and appealed for withdrawal of next day's 'Chalo Assembly'.
It was made clear
that unless the government comes out with categorical
statement on the demands,
the struggle would not be withdrawn. Heavy police force was deployed at
the venue on March 26. Thousands of dalits and tribals from
across the state
reached To intensify the pressure mounted
on the government, a broad-based united struggle was
launched. JACs were formed
at district, division and mandal levels encompassing a total
of 873 local
organisations. Activities taken up during this period
included conducting of
seminars and meetings focussing on the demand and giving deputations to
governor, chief minister,
ministers, speaker of assembly, district collectors etc.,
seeking an immediate
legislation. Resolutions were passed in Grama Sabhas
demanding legislation and
sent to the chief minister. Forcing the government to concede
the demand of legislation for implementation of Sub Plan
funds is indeed a
victory of united struggle. By continuously taking up the
issues of the most
downtrodden sections of society – the dalits and tribals –
the CPI(M) has been
able to rally various social movements and other sections
under a broad united
platform. Though, the enactment of the
legislation has to be welcomed, that should not mean a blind
endorsement, as it
has some lacunae. The bill explicitly guarantees allocation,
not expenditure in
proportion to the population. It excludes certain
departments from implementing
Sub-Plan. There is no ombudsman. It lays a ceiling on the
amount of money to be
allocated to sub plan, thereby making it difficult to
utilise the unspent money
of the previous year. SCSP/TSP funds have to be made
non-lapsable and
non-divertible. These provisions are necessary for making
the bill strong and
plug in the loopholes. Nevertheless the experience from
Andhra Pradesh inspires
similar and more militant actions all over the country, to
legally bind the
government over its commitments.