No. 21 May 27, 2012 |
Black Money
Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of
finance ministry’s white paper on black money, presented in parliament,
reflects a trite exercise devoid of any political will. Neither has any
credible estimate of black money stashed abroad been provided by the white
paper nor any concrete measures suggested to retrieve the illicit funds.
The paper states that the total amount held in the
Indian deposits of Swiss banks fell from Rs 23,373 crore in 2006 to Rs 9,295 in
2010. The government seems to have no clue as to where this amount has gone.
There is no assessment of Indian deposits in other offshore financial centres.
The paper suggests that much of illicit financial outflows are round-tripped
The paper cites the Global Financial Integrity study
which estimated the current value of illicit financial flows from India between
1948 and 2008 to be around 462 billion dollars (Rs 25 lakh crore
approximately). The fact that these are not gross overestimates can be seen
from the information provided by the white paper: over the last two financial
years (2010-2012) alone the Directorate of Transfer Pricing has detected
mispricing (such as over-invoicing and under-invoicing of imports and exports)
to the tune of a whopping Rs 67,768 crore in 1,343 cases. Rs 48,951 crore have
also been collected by the Directorate of International Taxation in just two
years, between 2010 and 2012. It is clear that these amounts detected or
collected over the past two years still comprise the tip of the iceberg.
The white paper reveals that the amounts of
undisclosed income of Indians, who figure in the lists of secret bank account
holders received from the German and French governments respectively, are Rs 40
crore and Rs 565 crore only. These are minor parties. The Indian individuals
and entities who are holding bulk of the illicit wealth in offshore accounts,
are yet to be identified. The white paper disappointingly reiterates the myriad
technical difficulties involved in retrieving these huge amounts stashed
The lack of progress in this direction raises doubts
over the sincerity of the UPA government on this crucial issue. The Polit
Bureau of the CPI(M) demands that a serious effort be made to quantify illicit
funds stashed abroad by Indians and identify the culprits. Undisclosed assets
of Indians located abroad should be confiscated by the government as per the
provisions of the Income Tax Act.
Holds Fifth Conference
THE School Teachers Federation of India
(STFI) held its fifth all-India
conference at Kaniyakumari in Tamil Nadu on May 17 to
19, 2012, with 826 delegates,
representing 20 affiliated organisations from 14 states,
participating in it.
The conference discussed the
situation and trends in school education all over the
country and concluded
that the entire education system in
The conference was of the opinion
that public resources and money are being transferred to
private institutions,
NGOs and foreign education institutes. Funds sanctioned
for implementation of the
right to education act, RMSA, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan and
teachers training
programmes are being outsourced to the private sector.
Funds allotted for
public education system are not sufficient in any way,
and yet big shares of public
money are being given to private players to suppress the
government schools.
This trend needs to be stopped immediately.
In the name of quality education
and equal standards in all the states, the central
government is encroaching upon
the rights of the states. The National Council for
Teachers Education is busy issuing
directives and passing orders regarding qualification of
the teachers,
syllabuses, teachers’ eligibility tests, recruitment
procedures and code of
conduct for the teachers. These steps, which are
undesired and uncalled for,
ignore the diversity of Indian society and amount to
undue interference in the
states’ jurisdiction. The code of professional ethics is
purely a matter to be
addressed by the teaching community. No doubt it is
urgently needed, but it
must be evolved by the teachers’ organisations.
The conference therefore said that such
unilateral decisions of the NCTE
are not acceptable. It said any uniform examination
system will not be suitable
for all the states. Therefore, this move of the UPA
government must be opposed.
While saying that the private
education system has grown into a big profit making
business, the conference
underscored that it is exploiting students as well
teachers. Therefore there must
be some regulation and the government must enact a law
to control the fee
structure, syllabus, salaries etc in private
institutions. Social control over
private institutions is very much required.
The status and professional dignity
of teachers are under attack. Appointment of teachers on
contract basis or as guest
teachers, as Shiksha Mitra or Rehber-e-Taleem
is a matter of
serious concern. Noting that contractual appointments
are made to pay much less
to the teachers, the conference demanded that services
of all these teachers
must be regularised and full pay scales ensured for
Pay structures, opportunities for
promotion, leave facilities and protection of teachers’
rights is another
question concern.
In this serious situation the STFI
conference resolved to launch a nationwide campaign for
strengthening the public
education system, in defence of teachers’ rights,
against centralisation and
commercialisation of education, and for regulation of
private education. It
would strive to build a wider platform at all levels
including KG to PG teachers,
students, science movements, social organisations and
like minded
The conference elected a general
council which, in turn, elected 21 secretariat members
with Abhijit Mukarjee as
president and K Rajendran as general secretary.
The big procession on the last day
of the conference culminated in a public meeting,
attended by thousands of
teachers from Tamilnadu and Kerala. General secretary K
Rajendran informed the
audience here of the declaration of the conference.
Through its declaration, the STFI
has made an appeal to the teaching community and the
people of