No. 21 May 27, 2012 |
Black Money
Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of
finance ministry’s white paper on black money, presented in parliament,
reflects a trite exercise devoid of any political will. Neither has any
credible estimate of black money stashed abroad been provided by the white
paper nor any concrete measures suggested to retrieve the illicit funds.
The paper states that the total amount held in the
Indian deposits of Swiss banks fell from Rs 23,373 crore in 2006 to Rs 9,295 in
2010. The government seems to have no clue as to where this amount has gone.
There is no assessment of Indian deposits in other offshore financial centres.
The paper suggests that much of illicit financial outflows are round-tripped
The paper cites the Global Financial Integrity study
which estimated the current value of illicit financial flows from India between
1948 and 2008 to be around 462 billion dollars (Rs 25 lakh crore
approximately). The fact that these are not gross overestimates can be seen
from the information provided by the white paper: over the last two financial
years (2010-2012) alone the Directorate of Transfer Pricing has detected
mispricing (such as over-invoicing and under-invoicing of imports and exports)
to the tune of a whopping Rs 67,768 crore in 1,343 cases. Rs 48,951 crore have
also been collected by the Directorate of International Taxation in just two
years, between 2010 and 2012. It is clear that these amounts detected or
collected over the past two years still comprise the tip of the iceberg.
The white paper reveals that the amounts of
undisclosed income of Indians, who figure in the lists of secret bank account
holders received from the German and French governments respectively, are Rs 40
crore and Rs 565 crore only. These are minor parties. The Indian individuals
and entities who are holding bulk of the illicit wealth in offshore accounts,
are yet to be identified. The white paper disappointingly reiterates the myriad
technical difficulties involved in retrieving these huge amounts stashed
The lack of progress in this direction raises doubts
over the sincerity of the UPA government on this crucial issue. The Polit
Bureau of the CPI(M) demands that a serious effort be made to quantify illicit
funds stashed abroad by Indians and identify the culprits. Undisclosed assets
of Indians located abroad should be confiscated by the government as per the
provisions of the Income Tax Act.
Pushing in
Private Sector,
out Tribals
THE 20th Party
Congress of the CPI(M)
had adopted a resolution calling upon the government to
recognise the rights of
tribals in mineral wealth through appropriate legal
mechanisms. It is well
known for example that much of the iron ore and bauxite
deposits required for
production of steel and aluminium respectively, are in
areas inhabited by
tribal communities and in Fifth Schedule areas. Many
corporates have amassed
their wealth through the exploitation of minerals in
these areas which have
been gifted to them by successive governments.
Yet, the tribal communities living in the same
areas are amongst the
poorest in the country. The majority of the major mining
districts are counted
in the 150 most backward districts in the country. But
the legal mechanism
proposed by the central government, namely the Mines and
Minerals (Development
and Regulation) Bill 2011 (MMDRA), is designed to
promote not the interests of
deprived communities but those of private mining
companies, foreign and
domestic. The
Bill is presently before
the parliamentary standing committee.
The MMRD Bill
in the main is to
further push the deregulation and liberalisation of the
mining sector and
encourage privatisation based on the recommendations of
the Hoda Committee. It
is estimated that much of
There are some provisions in
the Bill which claim to address
the rights of tribal communities. There is a provision
(Sec 43) that makes it
mandatory for coal mining companies to give funds amounting
to 26 per cent of the profits. For
other major minerals, an annual amount, which is the
equivalent of the royalty
paid in the financial year, must be given. These funds
are to be deposited to a
district mineral foundation which is to be manned
largely by bureaucrats and
mine owners with a nominal representation of local
communities. The foundation
will decide how the funds are to be used. Interestingly,
the US which had set
up somewhat similar trusts to manage funds paid by
companies using the land on
reserves owned by Native Indians has recently had to pay
compensation of 1.2
billion dollars to 41 Native American communities for
“mismanagement of the
assets” of the trust and is expected to have to pay
another 3.4 billion dollars
in another similar case. When the affected people do not
have a decisive say in
the management of such funds, as in the case of the
proposed district mineral
foundation, this “mismanagement” is inevitable.
The very
premise of the scheme
replicates the patron-client relationship, which has so
degraded tribal
communities into recipients of charity, instead of
recognition as owners of the
land and its resources. To add insult to injury, the
provision has a specific
clause which gives the right to a Mining Regulatory
Authority to revise the
payments of percentage of profit by coal companies to be
made into the Fund.
Thus as privatisation of the coal industry sector
increases, the percentage may
also be brought down for which a specific legal
provision has been made.
The other
related provisions of the
Bill constitute an outright assault on the
constitutional rights given to
tribal communities, in particular in Fifth Schedule
areas. The Bill gives legal
sanction to the arbitrary rights of the governments both
at the centre and states
to give different types of licenses and leases from
reconnaissance to
exploration, prospecting and finally extraction without
any procedure for even
consulting, leave alone taking the consent of tribal
communities. The only
reference (Sec 13.13) to “consultation” (but not
consent), is for the grant of
licenses for minor minerals (but not major) in
Fifth and Sixth Schedule
areas where “the gram sabha or the district council, as
the case may be, shall
be consulted.” Thus even the provisions under other laws
such as the Panchayat
Extension (to Schedule Areas) Act (PESAA), which
mandates consultation with the
gram sabhas are violated by the exclusion in the Bill,
of any consultation
process before giving leases for major minerals, which
are the main sites of
tribal deprivation. In another provision (Sec 13.5) for
notification of giving
leases in forest areas and wild life areas, the state
government has to “take
all necessary permissions from the owners of the land
and those having
occupation rights.” An unwarranted differentiation is
made between the rights
of tribal communities in Fifth Schedule non-forest areas
and forest areas.
However, even in the case of forest areas, there is no
provision for what would
happen in case the owner does not give permission.
In Fifth
Schedule areas, the law
prohibits transfer of tribal held land to non-tribals.
Different states have
also enacted such laws like 70/1 in Andhra Pradesh, the
Chotanagpur Tenancy Act
and the Santhal Parganas Tenancy Act in Jharkhand. None
of the mining companies
who get leases are owned by adivasis. Presumably this
was the reason why in the
Samta case the Supreme Court held that sale, transfers
and even leases of
tribal land to non-tribals are illegal. It had directed
that governments should
consider a mechanism to include cooperative societies of
tribal communities for
mining operations. The Samta judgement has been ignored
in the Bill. Tribal
cooperatives have been disqualified in the list of those
eligible to get a
lease for mining of major minerals which can only be
companies registered under
the relevant laws (Clause. 5.1) It is only for minor
minerals and small
deposits in Fifth and Sixth Schedule areas that the
state government “may” (not
“shall”) consider tribal cooperatives for getting the
lease (Clause 7). An
earlier draft of the Bill in 2010 had included a
provision for a guaranteed
stake of tribal communities in mining companies. The
provision had said “the
company “will allot free shares equal to 26 per cent
through the promoters
quota.” South African law under the Broadbased Black
Economic Empowerment Act
has a provision of mandatory sale of 26 per cent shares
in all mining companies
to “historically socially disadvantaged sections.” In
There are
other issues such as compensation
and compensatory jobs in lieu of lost livelihood which
are inadequate and also
ambiguous and under bureaucratic control. With the huge
reduction of the work
force in the mining sector by around 30 per cent between
1991 and 2004, and the
conversion of permanent jobs into contractual and casual
work, the promise of
employment to land losers cannot be taken at its face
value. Other issues of
compensation such as for lands affected by exploration are also left
to the mercy of bureaucrats. As
far as minor minerals are concerned state governments
are to decide. Tribal
communities in states like Jharkhand, Rajasthan,
Maharashtra who have been
affected by stone and sand quarrying have suffered at
the hands of state governments
who have not ensured any compensation. This regime will
continue, with legal
Seen together
with the pending Land
Acquisition Bill which specifically excludes the issue
of leasing of tribal
land from its purview, this Bill not only buries the
ownership rights of tribal
communities but opens a gateway for the easy entry of
international and
domestic corporates and private entities to Fifth
Schedule and tribal dominated
mineral rich areas to plunder the natural resources of
our country.