No. 21 May 27, 2012 |
Il Sung’s Birth Centenary Observations Begin
Il Sung (April 15, 1912 to July 8,
1994), whose hundredth birth anniversary was recently
celebrated, was one of
the many inspiring figures the twentieth century brought
forward as icons not
only of their own people but also of their times and of
mankind in general. The
period of his childhood and youth was one that saw two most
destructive world
wars that were unleashed by plundering empires competing
with one another in
barbarism and greed. If Hitler was responsible for the
genocide of millions,
the guidance of V I Lenin, the
inspiration could not result only from
establishing a socialist state. Its development was carried
forward by J V
Stalin who galvanised the strength of the Soviet working
people of the
which had hoped to destroy
both fascism and socialism in one go by pitting
is true that the Soviet Union was
dismantled a few decades later but imperialism failed to
protect the racist
regimes of Rhodesia, South West Africa and South Africa or
to keep the Pehlavi
Empire alive in Iran or hold on to the rest of the African
continent in its
stranglehold, reflecting the superiority of the broad
socialist model in
different material conditions that popular movements and
working class parties
evolved when they seized power from the lackeys of
imperialism. This struggle
still continues, with imperialism resorting to no less
brutality in different
parts of the world.
is in this perspective that we view as
relevant the successes of Kim Il Sung, the Workers Party of
Korea that he
founded and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea that
has survived every
effort at subverting it over the last 63 years, while the US
dominated south
has seen a series of corrupt and discredited regimes amid
bouts of military
Il Sung’s was a single-minded struggle
for the objective of liberating Korea from both Japanese
colonial rule and
later US imperialist aggression, which he understood could
be successfully
achieved only by pursuing a relentless path of socialist
building up a powerful consciousness of self-reliance and
armed might to resist
the physical attacks of imperialism whose disastrous results
are visible today
all the way from Libya to Afghanistan. From this viewpoint,
his cherished
desire to unite the Korean people peacefully by ensuring the
evacuation of
nearly 50,000
achievements are no less relevant. With
his single-minded spirit he sidelined the faction-ridden
politics of both left
sectarianism and right revisionism in the Korean Communist
Party from 1925 to
1928, when the Comintern withdrew its recognition from it.
He also ensured that
Korean comrades in
achieved this by developing
organisations like the Down with Imperialism Union, the
Anti-Imperialist Youth
League, the Young Communist League, and by forming the
Society for Rallying
Comrades on July 3, 1930, which actually served the purpose
of a Korean party
in exile. But at the same time it was clear to him that
without an organised
mass armed force guided by the party, neither the task of
the anti-Japanese
resistance could be successfully completed nor the
liberation of
so, its legitimacy was established
only by integrating its activities with those of the
National Salvation Army of
the Chinese nationalists after the Japanese invasion of
the Revolutionary Army became the
Anti-Japanese People’s Guerrilla Army in 1932, leading to
the formation of a
people’s revolutionary government in one area. This
represented workers,
peasants, soldiers, youth, students, intellectuals,
anti-Japanese capitalists
and even religious believers. But it pursued policies like
distributing land
free to peasants, an eight hour workday, free education and
free medical care. Yet,
meeting the imperialist capacity to attack the guerrilla
forces required a
broader and more organised force. So the Korean People’s
Revolutionary Army
developed in 1934 as the Chinese-Korean North East People’s
Revolutionary Army
or the Anti-Japanese Allied Army.
account of an encounter with an old
communist, Pyon Dae U, reflects how necessary it was to
learn from the people
and rise above ready-made slogans of successful revolutions
and derive one’s
strategy from one’s own concrete experience.
Il Sung notes: “In the course of my
conversations with him over several days I found him to be
no ordinary man. At
first I wondered if he was a Trotskyite, but I learned that,
tired of factional
strife, he was just warning us young people, warning us
against the blind
worship of everything, against talking only about other
countries, about
it is this stress on an independent
understanding of concrete conditions in developing the
perspective of a
revolutionary party that led the Workers Party of Korea to
recognise the CPI(M)
as a fraternal party before either the Soviet or the Chinese
party had done so.
The relevance of such a position is evident from the
situation the communist
parties are confronted with in the world today.
strikes one, however, was his deep
conviction about the necessity of building socialist
institutions with the
capacity of defending them against the persistent and savage
attack of
imperialism, reactionary forces in league with them, and
fighting both
dogmatism and revisionism within the working class movement
that inevitably
weakened it against its enemy. It was this capacity that
allowed him to harness
the help both of the Chinese and Soviet parties and armies
to back his thrust
to free Korea from US imperialist occupation after the
surrender of Japan on
August 15, 1945 This could not have been accomplished
without the capacity of
the Korean People’s Revolutionary Army to attack Japanese
outposts on the
Chinese border, being airdropped with the help of the Red
Army to areas close
to Pyongyang and other cities, and to launch an all out
attack on August 9,
organisational and political
determination of the Korean liberation forces led by Kim Il
Sung allowed the
Korean Revolution to stake their claim in the form of the
Provisional People’s
Committee of North Korea, which ensured democratic elections
to provincial,
city and county people’s committees by November 3, 1946. A
Congress of the
Provincial, City and
this crucial moment, Kim Il Sung took
the initiative to call a consultative meeting of leading
figures and political
parties of North and South Korea on June 29, calling out for
elections to be held, on August 25, 1948.
These elections were held openly and freely in the
north and underground
in the south to the Supreme People’s Assembly of the
Democratic People’s
October 10, the Worker’s Party of Korea
was founded. Today, major political parties and entities
represented in the
Supreme People’s Assembly are the Worker’s Party of Korea,
the Korean Social
Democratic Party, the Chondoist Chongu Party, the General
Federation of the
Trade Unions of Korea, the Union of Agricultural Workers of
Korea, the Kim Il
Sung Socialist Youth League, the Democratic Women’s Union of
Korea, the
Democratic Front for the Reunification of Korea, the General
Federation of the
Unions of Art and Literature of Korea, the Journalists Union
of Korea, the
General Federation of Science and Technology of Korea, the
Christian Federation
of Korea, the Catholic Association of Korea, the Buddhist
Federation of Korea,
and the Red Cross Society of Korea. The DPRK has diplomatic
relations with over
150 countries, is the member of 210 governmental and
organisations, and became a member of the United Nations on
September 17, 1991,
after the collapse of the
was not achieved easily. The
USA imagined that, having only 18 per
cent agricultural land in the north, the DPRK would easily
collapse; but the
end of the war saw Kim Il Sung transform the creative basis
of the socialist
DPRK from a country relying on subsistence agriculture and
plunder of its
resources by foreigners to a country based on heavy industry
and modern
technology for the benefit of the people. The people too
naturally responded in
high gear with the Chollima movement of reconstruction,
which enthused the
masses. Though the latter were ruined by a US-engineered war
whose destruction
and brutality put medieval torturers to shame, the Korean
masses broke all
bounds of growth by 1958.
only have the relations of production
transformed over time, with the people becoming masters of
their destiny with
control over all resources, both under state and cooperative
institutions. All
natural resources, major factories, enterprises, ports and
harbours, banks,
transport and communication facilities are state-owned.
Collective property
belongs to the working people participating in the
cooperative economy,
especially in agriculture. But the base was built by making
heavy industry the
mainstay of progress with a stress on electricity, nuclear
energy, mining,
metallurgy, machine building, chemicals and building
materials. Homes and a
compulsory 11-year system of free education are provided by
the state, as is
free medical care. This is no small achievement given the
constant embargoes by