No. 21 May 27, 2012 |
T P Chandrasekharan Murder &
Anti-CPI(M) Campaign
we publish excerpts from a speech
delivered by Prakash Karat, general secretary of the
CPI(M), at Kalliasseri
in Kannur district
on E K Nayanar Day on May 19, 2012.
communist movement in Kannur and in Kerala grew by fighting
imperialism and
feudal landlordism, and by consistently championing the
people’s interests. It
grew by building the working class and peasant movements.
this was possible due to the superior ideology and correct
politics of the
Communist Party. We have seen how our movement was subject
to physical attacks
and violence by the reactionary forces. Here in Kannur
district, in the 1970s,
employers and capitalists imported goondas belonging to the
RSS to attack the beedi
workers and their union. This was the origin of the RSS
violence against the
communists. The Congress and the RSS have resorted to such
methods time and
again to suppress the CPI(M).
we have rebuffed all such attacks with the support of the
people. This was
possible because our ideology and politics was supported by
the people.
party believes in fighting politically and ideologically the
parties of the
ruling classes. That is what AKG,
do not believe in using weapons to kill political opponents
and those who
disagree with us. Our greatest weapon is the Marxist
ideology and the politics
of the working class.
few days ago, T P Chandrasekharan, a former member of the
party and the leader
of a political group in
this murder, the Congress and the UDF and a section of the
media have launched
a vicious campaign to defame the CPI(M) and to portray the
party as a party of
killers and those who indulge in the politics of murder.
has to be a full investigation into this crime and to
identify those
responsible and to bring them to justice. But the manner in
which the police
investigation is being influenced and interfered with by the
UDF government is
a glaring example of political vendetta. Even the union
minister of state for
home affairs, Mulapally Ramachandran, has brazenly sought to
influence the
investigation by declaring from the outset that the CPI(M)
is responsible for
the murder, and continues in this vein by stating that the
CPI(M) leaders have
to be held responsible.
Congress leadership including their ministers are out in
force to reap some
political benefit out of this tragic murder.
CPI(M) rejects this slanderous campaign. It will mobilise
the people to rebuff
this brazen effort to defame and malign the party.
is necessary to reiterate once again that the CPI(M) will
firmly defend the
interests of the working people and our movement. But we do
not subscribe to
individual killings of political opponents or those opposed
to our party and
its politics.
has to be a fair and impartial investigation by the police
of the crime
committed. If there is any truth in the allegations about
the involvement of
any member of our party in this crime, we shall take it
seriously. If any
person belonging to our party is associated with this murder
then that is an
act that goes against the interests of our party and the
movement. Such an act
would not be tolerated by the party and firm action will be
taken. If there is
any wrong trend, it will be stopped and corrected.
has been a concerted and motivated campaign to defame our
party in Kannur.
There have been countless comrades in this district who have
laid down their
lives defending the working class and peasant movements.
Many have fallen
victim to the politics of violence and assassinations by the
forces. All this is brushed aside to portray a one-sided
picture of violence
and killings by the Marxists. Those who cannot isolate and
defeat us on the
basis of politics and ideology, are attempting to mislead
and confuse people by
presenting a distorted picture of the communist movement
the occasion of the E K Nayanar anniversary, we wish to send
out a clear
message. The CPI(M) and the Left movement will continue to
champion the cause
of the people, and lead the struggles of the workers,
peasants and other sections
of the toiling people. We shall fight the caste and communal
politics of the
Congress party and the UDF. We shall unite the Left and
democratic forces and
march ahead.
One Year of Despair
WHILE Ms Mamata Banerjee
celebrated her government’s first anniversary with much fanfare, the first anniversary
of Oommen Chandy government in Kerala on May 18 was
a low key affair. The desperation of the United Democratic Front’s (UDF) leadership
over their poor performance was starkly apparent as the government did not show
any interest in publishing a single piece of advertisement in the newspapers or
TV channels across the state.
A complete failure to maintain
the achievements of the previous Left Democratic Front (LDF) governments is the
highlight of one year old administration of Oommen Chandi. The LDF observed the
day as Treachery Day. In every panchayat centre, the LDF organised a huge rally
in connection with the observance of the Treachery Day. Surprisingly, no
attempt was made by the UDF leaders to counter the viewpoint put forward by the
This was but natural. The
previous LDF government had succeeded in protecting the people from the hardships
generated by the neo-liberal policies of the centre. Its policies fully stopped
the farmers’ suicide which was rampant during the preceding UDF government’s
tenure in 2001-2005. During the LDF rule, many public sector units (PSUs) were started
and all state PSUs made profitable. In terms of financial health, the state was
in the pink at that time. Welfare measures were introduced for all sections.
The shocks of the incessant price rise were absorbed by the effective market
interventions. Communal amity was intact at that time.
Now after a whole year, the
people of Kerala have got a good chance to compare the policies of the previous
LDF and the incumbent UDF governments. It is a government surviving by a thin
majority of just two seats, and is excessively eager to maintain its balance by
appeasing all reactionary elements in the society. All communal and caste
forces, including the Muslim League, Nair Service Society and Srinarayana
Dharmaparipalana Sangham, are being appeased by the government. Their loud and
ugly bargainings for various petty gains have almost ruined the communal fabric
of the Kerala society. The issue of awarding a fifth ministerial post to the
Muslim League recently generated a shoddy debate, based on communal colours.
Even some Congress leaders, including Aryadan Muhammed, the electricity minister,
was constrained to say that terrorist elements had intruded into the Muslim
Manipulation of the
process of dealing with corruption cases involving certain ministers seemed to
be one of the main tasks of the chief minister, Oommen Chandy, who was himself involved
in corruption cases regarding palmoline import and the Titanium anti- pollution
project. His regime worked day and night to push these cases under the carpet. Some
UDF leaders even abused a vigilance judge who has been hearing the palmoline
A nasty attempt to tumble the
land reform process was also seen in the current year. Land reforms are considered
to be the core foundation of all achievements of Kerala has made so far. Now
the real estate mafia and other tycoons are delighted over the move of the UDF government
to allow plantations for other uses and to introduce contract farming in the
A number of developmental
projects, with the total allocation of 5,751 crore rupees, were scrapped during
the last year. The Ayyankali Employment Guarantee Scheme, introduced by the
preceding LDF regime, was abolished. The UDF government also abolished the one
month maternity leave scheme in the unorganised sector and the scheme for investment
of Rs 10,000 in the name of every newborn child were also scrapped. Many profit
making public sector units turned loss making.
Education and health
sectors have been the main casualties in this one year. An atmosphere for growth
of corruption is being created in these sectors. Private schools managements
were given more opportunities to begin new schools which squeeze high fees from
students. The government hospital system is getting shattered because of ineffective
management. Load shedding and power cut are revisiting the state. The UDF’s
stand on the Mullapperiyar dam issue was also anti-people. The law and order
system has become a farce. Crime rate and atrocities against women have gone up
in the last one year. Even some Congress MLAs are found involved in certain
cases of atrocities.
On May 18, CPI(M) state
secretary Pinarayi Vijayan said the UDF government is manoeuvring the
investigation into the murder of T P Chandrasekharan, in order to fix the
CPI(M) leaders in the state, and they are bringing much pressure on the
investigating officers for the purpose. Some officers, who have shown
reluctance to arrest the CPI(M) leaders without any evidence, have been dropped
from the team. Vijayan also warned the UDF leaders that they would not succeed in
their attempt to eliminate the CPI(M) with the help of any such investigation.
Pinarayi Vijayan was addressing a press conference in AKG Centre, the state
headquarters of the CPI(M).
A section of the UDF bosses,
other prominent leaders and a section of the mainstream media are continuously
accusing the CPI(M) for the Chandrasekharan murder case. The CPI(M) has already
condemned the murder of Chandrasekharan, former party worker and a leader of the
Revolutionary Marxist Party, which was formed at Onchiyam in
A series of fabricated
stories are already being circulated by the police and the media in connection
with the Chandrasekharan murder, Pinarayi added.
After the manoeuvring to
withdraw the Palmoline case in which the chief minister Oommen Chandy was himself
involved, it was the turn of the 500 crore signboard scam case. The investigation
into the scam, which had led to a big uproar in the Kerala state assembly during
the previous tenure of the UDF government in 2005, with the same Oommen Chandi
as the chief minister, is now on the verge of being dismantled. A special
investigation team of the state’s vigilance department has filed an application
in the vigilance court to allow withdrawal of the case. This was followed by the
government’s decision to deny the permission to prosecute the accused.
In 2005, it was the late T
M Jacob, who was a part of UDF and the Oommen Chandi ministry, who had raised
the issue in the stae assembly. He had then argued that Oommen Chandi was
behind the Rs 500 crore scam.
In this case a contract for
the project to instal signboards along the
There was widespread
agitation during 2005 against Oommen Chandy’s involvement in this case.
While filing the application
to withdraw the case, the government argued that it had as yet suffered no losses
and that only departmental action was needed.
On May 17, the CPI(M)’s
state secretary Pinarayi Vijayan said that the government’s move to withdraw
the case was in itself an instance of corruption and a challenge to the rule of
law. This decision was highly objectionable, he added. The signboard deal has caused
a huge loss to the state’s exchequer and Oommen Chandy has once again proved
that he could well lead a plot to manipulate and misuse the administration to
save himself from the scam, Pinarayi said through a statement.