No. 20 May 20, 2012 |
‘Mr PM:
Don’t Favour Reliance Industries
Move against
Millions of Indians’
and CITU general secretary Tapan
Sen has written the following letter to prime minister Dr
Manmohan Singh on May
16, 2012 questioning what prompted the PMO to refer
Reliance Industries Ltd’s
dubious plea for upward revision of KG-D6 gas price for a
legal opinion. Asserting
that any increase in price of gas
will immensely benefit the private operator while leading
to higher power
tariff and fertilizer prices for millions of Indians, the
CPI(M) MP demanded
forthright rejection of RIL plea.
THANK you for your
letter dated 09.05.2012 in
response to my letter dated 21.03.2012 regarding PMO
intervention on M/s Reliance
Industries Ltd’s (RIL) plea for upward revision of KG-D6 gas
price of 4.2
It is unfortunate
that instead of addressing any
of the substantive issues raised in my letter, which was
followed by another
letter dated 31.03.2012, your letter formally accepts that a
letter from RIL was
received by PMO and forwarded to Ministry of Petroleum &
Natural Gas (MoPNG)
for obtaining legal opinion on the matter and placing it
before Empowered Group
of Ministers (EGoM) on gas pricing.
The above fact was
well known but my substantive
query as to what
public interest prompted
the agenda of M/s Reliance to
increase the gas price to be sent for legal opinion, when
the same was already
turned down by MoPNG, remains unanswered. As a matter
of fact, you will
appreciate that this intervention and subsequent sequence of
events are serious
acts of omission in the face of desperate bid by the private
party to make
illegitimate gain before the expiry of the tenure of the
present price at the
cost of national exchequer and millions of power and
fertilizer consumers.
RIL contractor’s plea
was turned down by EGoM in 2010. The present plea for price
hike of gas was
turned down by MoPNG. The same was pointed out to you in my
subsequent letter
dated 31.03.2012 wherein the following reply to an unstarred
question 1509
dated 27.03.2012 in Rajya Sabha by Ministry of P&NG was
6th September 2010, Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL)
represented to
this Ministry that they have an offer for purchase of gas at
higher rate than
the rate approved by the EGoM and they sought guidance and
as to how to proceed
as per the PSC. RIL was informed that EGoM has approved the
above price for 5
years from the date of commencement of supply and RIL was
instructed to comply
with the price finalised by EGoM.”
Obviously, the above
assurance given to parliament to stick to five years agreement
i.e. till 2014
by the MoPNG cannot be overruled by PMO through review of the
case by obtaining
a legal opinion. Under
circumstances, re-opening the matter for legal opinion
constitutes an act of
I had also clearly
pointed out in my letter dated 21.03.2012 that RIL’s previous
record as a
contractor on KGD6 gas field vis-à-vis 2600MW NTPC plants of
Kawas &
Gandhar in Gujarat in year 2004 cannot be ignored. In an
identical fashion RIL
had first agreed to supply gas @ 2.34 dollar/mbtu for 17 years
and later
retracted and did not sign the Gas Sale and Purchase
agreement. This led to
suspension of work on power plants till now.
the Ministry of Power nor PMO intervened in that case to get
a legal opinion so
that the PSU could get the gas from KGD6. NTPC had to
approach the
in the instant case, the intervention made makes the case,
which was turned down
by MoPNG, reopened for a review through legal opinion and
RIL stands unduly
advantaged, if not favoured, to the extent that unlike NTPC, the
contractor does not have to spend
money and time through litigation. It
has paved the way for RIL
to find an alternative to stake its dubious claim for price
hike of natural
A further hike in the price
of natural gas will lead to high power tariff for millions of
consumers and
more government subsidy in fertilizer. Despite that, the
contractor’s bid of
seeking a review
of gas price fixed by
EGoM for five years at 4.2 dollar till 2014 has been allowed
to be reopened
after it was turned down by MoPNG. You may kindly appreciate
that not
considering the following facts also constitutes an act of omission in the instant case:
RIL had quoted 2.3
dollar/mbtu to NTPC’s
aforesaid plants of NTPC for 17 years.
As for pricing,
As on date,
production from KGD6 field is
34MMSCMD as against assured 80 MMSCMD, for reasons
attributable to the
contractor as pointed out in CAG report on KGD6. Obviously by
deliberately cutting
down the production, the contractor is trying to arm-twist the
government to
increase the gas price.
Instead of a charade of
legal opinion through Attorney General or Solicitor General, I
urge upon you to
kindly take following action immediately.
Tariff commission
should be asked to assess the
actual cost of production of natural gas in KGD6.
Simultaneously, the
plea of RIL should be
forwarded to CAG for examination.
demand that no price hike should be allowed to M/s RIL,
irrespective of legal
opinion, before the expiry of contract period of 5 year i.e.
before 2014 and
the gas price of KGD6 be examined de novo
after the report of Tariff Commission and CAG are received.