No. 20 May 20, 2012 |
Basudeb Acharia
IN Lok Sabha, CPI(M) group leader Basudeb
Acharia said that while we are observing the 60th year of our parliament, we
should remember those who laid down their lives and went to the gallows. The
sacrifices of the heroes of our freedom struggle won us independence and we
adopted the parliamentary democratic system of governance. We will have to
seriously think whether the problems of inequality, discrimination, poverty,
exploitation, etc have increased or decreased, and whether the intent of the
founding fathers of the constitution has been implemented in letter and spirit,
in this 60 years period. We see that the poverty has not reduced; happiness has
not come to the people. The gap between the rich and the poor has increased.
Lakhs and lakhs of people are still born under the sky and die under the sky.
We have not been able to provide shelter to 100 per cent of our population. We
cannot even provide safe drinking water to the poor. We must seriously think of
the tribals and dalits whose conditions have not improved. If a farmer commits
suicide after 64 years of independence, we will have to seriously think over
it. Another major problem which is corroding our parliamentary democracy is the
use of money power in elections. If voters and votes are purchased, what will
happen to the parliamentary democracy? There is a need for electoral reforms. Unless
there is state funding of elections, we will not be able to curb the use of
money power. Something has to be done to cleanse the system and protect it from
corrosion. We should seriously ponder over it. The problems of discrimination,
exploitation, pauperisation of the people, starvation and illiteracy still
exist in this country, and we cannot enjoy the successes and achievements of
our parliamentary democracy unless we remove these ills.
The sitting extended till the evening. Both
the houses adjourned after passing a resolution to uphold the dignity and
supremacy of parliament.
Statement issued by the Communist & Workers' Parties
NATO, A Threat to World Peace!
Below we publish
the joint statement of the Communist and Workers' parties on NATO issued on May 17, 2012. The CPI(M) has
signed the statement along with many other parties.
IN an international situation marked by the deepening
crisis of capitalism and by the violent imperialist offensive against the
achievements and rights of the workers and peoples, a NATO summit will take
place on May 20-21, in
In the context of an ever-deeper crisis of capitalism,
imperialism embarks on a militaristic and interventionist escalation.
Having renewed NATO's strategic concept in 2010 - a
new and dangerous qualitative step in its interventionist ambitions, of which
the aggression against Libya was an example – the USA and NATO, which has the
EU as its European pillar, seek to expand their sphere of influence, promote an
arms race and ever greater military spending, invest in new weapons and in
their worldwide network of military bases.
Imperialism militarizes international relations,
proceeds with occupations, threatens new aggressions, promotes conspiracies and
manoeuvers of interference in countries of every continent. The principles of
the UN Charter are seriously jeopardized and the process which seeks to destroy
International Law is accompanied by an ever greater instrumentalization of the
UN, with a view to whitewashing imperialist violence and its goals of
controlling resources and markets and of military and geostrategic domination.
NATO, being imperialism's main instrument in its quest
for world domination, is an enormous threat to world peace and security.
But, as the facts are demonstrating, imperialism's
force-based response to the crisis of capitalism is having to confront the
progressive and revolutionary struggle of the peoples, which in various parts
of the world are taking into their own hands the defense of their rights and
the sovereignty and independence of their countries and are resisting in the most
diversified ways, imposing setbacks to the strategy of imperialist domination.
Reaffirming thier commitment to the struggle for
peace, for the right of each people to freely decide its destiny, for social
progress and socialism, the Communist and Workers' Parties signing this
Demand the immediate withdrawal of all foreign troops from
Reject the escalation of war in the Middle East, namely against
Demand the dissolution of NATO and support the sovereign right of peoples to
decide to disassociate their countries from this aggressive alliance;
Reject the deployment of
Demand an end to the
arms race, nuclear disarmament starting with the world's major nuclear powers –
such as the USA - and the complete destruction of chemical and biological
Express their solidarity
with the peoples that resist imperialist occupation, aggression and
interference, namely in the Middle East, Asia, Latin America and
Chilean Communists Celebrating
Hundred Years of Struggle
THE Communist Party
of Chile (PCCh) is celebrating its 100th anniversary of foundation. It was
founded as the Partido Obrero Socialista, (Socialist Workers’ Party) on June
12, 1912 by Luis Emilio Recabarren, along with 30 miners and workers in the
northern Chilean city of Iquique, in the office of the newspaper El Despertar de los Trabajadores (The Workers’ Awakening). The name of the party was changed
into the Communist Party at the Party’s Second Congress on January 2, 1922 and
in the same year it became a member of the
Communist International.
Over decades of
struggle, Chilean Communists have faced periods of intense persecution and were
forced to work underground on a number of occasions. Members were attacked,
imprisoned and murdered. The torture and death of renowned Marxist
singer/songwriter Víctor Jara was one of the worst crimes of the 17-year
Augusto Pinochet dictatorship, which failed to eliminate Communist ideas in
While forced to
work underground, the PCCh supported Salvador Allende for the first time in the
presidential elections of 1952. Towards this end, they established, with the
Socialist Party, the National Liberation Front or People’s Front. The Front was
defeated in this election and also in the subsequent elections in 1958. But the
Party gained popularity and allies. The struggle continued to intensify until
in 1969, another coalition was formed (including the PCCh), to enter the 1970
elections as the Popular Unity alliance with a program which attracted the
masses, fed up with the broken promises of the bourgeois parties.
Allende won, but
the nationalisation of the copper industry and other measures meant to benefit
the poorest sectors of the population were unacceptable to the oligarchy. With
the help of the
The Communist Party
of Chile (PCCh), over the course of its 100 years of existence, in spite of
various obstacles, found ways to carry on its struggle for liberty and social
justice. Its significant prestige was evident during the massive student
demonstrations last year which challenged President Sebastián Piñera’s
right-wing government. In the vanguard of the movement were Karol Cariola,
secretary general of the Young Communists and Camila Vallejo, a member of its
executive and currently vice president of the nation’s Student Federation.
Thousands of students demanded free,
quality education and did not retreat despite brutal repression. Communists
also supported the demands of workers and the massive protests against the
government’s neo-liberal policies, as well as calls to reform the constitution.
It is these consistent struggles that are earning the party immense support
among the people even today.
veto exercised by Russia and China on February 4 in the
United Nations Security
Council (UNSC) on the resolution against Syria and the
retreat by the rebels
from cities like Homs and Idlib in March have put the plans
for regime change
in Syria, hatched in western capitals, on hold. The West and
its allies in the
Arab world, headed by
that the prospects of open foreign military intervention in
Arab League resolution, presented to the UNSC, masqueraded
as an attempt to
bring a peaceful end to the violence that has gripped Syria
since March last
year. The resolution in fact was a blueprint for regime
change as it demanded
the resignation of the Syrian president and the holding of
elections. The resolution had gone on to state that it would
American secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, while
pronouncing from the
rooftops that “Assad has to go,” also kept on insisting that
there were no
plans “to pursue any kind of military intervention.” The
French foreign
minster, who played a big role in unleashing the dogs of war
Russian foreign minister, Sergei Lavrov, had warned that the
passing of the
UNSC resolution on
and its allies had worked overtime to convince Russia and
China to go along
with the Arab League resolution. Behind the scenes
assurances were given that
their interests in Syria would not be affected by regime
change. Syrian
opposition leaders were dispatched to meet Russian diplomats
to assure them
that Russian interests will be preserved in a post-Assad
era. Syria has been a
long standing ally of Moscow. Much of the weaponry for the
Syrian security
forces is provided by Russia. In recent period, China has
also been selling
military equipment to Syria. Both Moscow and Beijing are
well aware that the regime
change project envisaged by West for Syria is part of the
grand strategy to
weaken the resistance to US hegemony in the region. If Assad
falls, the
Lebanese resistance movement --- the Hezbollah --- will be
next in Washington’s
crosshairs. After that it will be the turn of Iran. War
clouds are already
hovering over Iran with the US military significantly
bolstering its presence
in the Persian Gulf.
the resolution failed in the Security Council, western
leaders were sharply
critical of Moscow and China. The US secretary of state,
Hillary Clinton,
stated that Russia and China bore “the responsibility for
the horrors that are
occurring on the ground in Syria.” The Arab street has not
forgotten that the US
has wielded the most number of vetoes in the Security
Council, most of them on
behalf of its closest ally in the region --- Israel. The
massacres of
Palestinians and Lebanese by Israeli forces through the
years have gone
uncensored and unpunished with the connivance of Washington.
As for the US
itself, it has been responsible for the worst instances of
human rights violations.
The massacre of civilians in Fallujah is only a recent
the last couple of months, the Syrian government has made
several gestures to
show to the international community that it was serious
about ending the cycle
of bloody violence. The Arab League was allowed to send in
its monitoring
mission despite misgivings about its motives. The head of
the Arab League’s
mission, Mohammad al-Dabi, had in his report said that the
situation was
improving when the observers were on the ground. Al-Dabi, a
former intelligence
chief of Sudan, while addressing a press conference in Cairo
in third week of
January, criticised the foreign media for exaggerating the
violence in Syria,
stressing that the situation inside the country had improved
since the monitoring
mission began its work in December. He also said that the
Syrian government
fully cooperated with the mission. But Saudi Arabia and
Qatar, which are
backing the Islamist dominated Syrian National Council and
the Free Syria Army,
are fixated on regime change in Damascus. The Arab League’s
monitoring mission
issued a report which said that the government alone was not
responsible for
the continuing bloodshed. Saudi Arabia, the main financier
of the mission,
withdrew its observers, unhappy with the report. The mission
was forced to
cease its work and withdraw from Syria.
February 12, al-Dabi was forced to resign as head of the
monitoring mission by
the Arab League. After that a request was put to Damascus
for the observer’s
mission to be allowed in once again. This time the Syrian
government refused to
grant permission as the Arab League in its meeting in Cairo
on February 12 had
also called for a joint peace keeping force comprising of
the UN and the Arab
League states to Syria.
Arab League’s monitoring commission’s report had
categorically stated that
there was no organised, lethal attack by the Syrian
government against peaceful
protestors. Instead, the report stated that armed gangs were
responsible for
carrying out terror attacks against civilians, leading to
the thousands of
deaths, including over a thousand Syrian troops. The report
gave specific
instances of bombing of civilian buses and trains and the
sabotaging of gas
five member Arab League’s Ministerial Committee approved the
report, with only
Qatar voting against it. Qatar has now assumed the
chairmanship of the Arab
League though it was the turn of the Palestinian Authority
(PA) to do so. The
PA vacated the post in favour of Qatar. Qatar has since
announced 400 million dollars
in aid to the cash strapped PA. The Emir of Qatar had issued
an appeal for open
military intervention in Syria, saying that his country was
willing to deploy
troops there. Qatar, along with France and Britain, was
among the first
countries to send Special Forces clandestinely to Libya when
counter-revolution against Colonel Muammar Gaddafi began
early last year. New
Delhi too ignored the Arab League’s monitoring mission’s
report and preferred
to cast its lot with the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)
which dominates
decision making in the Arab League and the West on the issue
of regime change
in Syria.
has been evident for some months that sections of the Syrian
opposition are
aligned with terror groups. The western media still gives
credence to
allegations that all the terror attacks are the handiwork of
the government.
The al Qaeda has claimed credit for the three big terror
attacks in Damascus
and Aleppo. In a video recording released in the second week
of February, the
al Qaeda chief, Ayman al Zawahri, called on Muslims in the
region to join the
uprising against “the pernicious, cancerous regime” in
Syria. Another report
from Tripoli quoted the Libyan foreign minister as saying
that the interim
government will not stop Libyans from joining the fight
against the Syrian
government. The interim government in Libya, installed under
NATO supervision,
has already recognised the Syrian National Council and has
formally handed over
the Syrian embassy in Tripoli to the rebel group. The Libyan
Islamist leader,
Abdulhakim Belhadj, who now occupies a top position in the
government, met with
leaders of the Syrian Free Army in Istanbul recently.
According to reports,
Libyan fighters were among the first foreign fighters to
reach Syria and fight
alongside the Syrian rebels in hotspots like Homs and Hama.
There are also unconfirmed
reports about Qatari and British Special Forces helping the
Free Syrian Army.
Washington has called for the establishment of a
“humanitarian corridor” to
assist the anti-government rebels in Syria.