No. 20 May 20, 2012 |
SPV for Greater Private Profits
REPORTS in the
national media
revealed that the prime minister and his office has proposed the
setting up of
a special purpose vehicle (SPV) for accelerating investments in
infrastructure, mineral resources and oil and natural gas
sectors. Such a
proposal has apparently
come because of the PM’s worries over the declining growth rate
and a negative
perception of India amongst the intelligentsia and industry. The last point should
be read as a negative
perception of India amongst the international finance capital
(IFC). The real
worry of the prime minister appears to be this factor which is
leading to an
outflow of foreign institutional investments which, in turn, is
pressures for the fast declining value of the rupee.
As we said in these
columns (May 6,
2012), the UPA-2 government, carrying forward its neo-liberal
economic reform
trajectory, is eagerly proceeding to create newer and newer
avenues for profit
maximisation. This,
it hopes, will
attract greater foreign investment which, in turn, will propel
the growth
rate. The
(PPP) route is being aggressively pursued by the Planning
Commission and the
government in order to further the process of creating newer
avenues for profit
PPP represents the
inversion of
development planning and
the abandonment
of the government’s
capacity to exercise
the political will and thus, the sovereignty of the people. By all means, attract private money for
public sector projects but
do not promote private profit making with public money. The
Planning Commission
cannot be allowed to plan the demise of planning in India.
This proposal to
set-up an SPV
furthers this process of private profit maximisation. The SPV
has been
justified in an internal note, reported in the media, thus: “In
the context of
the growth rate of the Indian economy falling below 7 per cent
in 2011-12 and
the large supply constraints that are appearing on many fronts,
there is an
urgent need to boost the investment rate, which would translate
into both
higher output and better growth rate.
This is being articulated by economists, industry groups
and the
media. While issues
relating to
availability of funds for investments need to be tackled, there
is also a need
to address some of the concerns relating to the actual grounding
of investments
into concrete projects.”
Pointing out to the
fact that
acceleration of private investments are discouraged by the large
number of
clearances – at least 58 – from various departments and
ministries in the centre/state/local
levels for setting up a power project, the PMO is proposing this
SPV. Thus, the SPV
will sponsor a project and be
responsible for securing all clearances before the project is
put up for
bidding. The SPV
will be responsible
for identifying projects and acquiring
the land, finalising the concept, design and securing all the
clearances and then put them up for auction to be taken over by
corporates. In all
probability, the SPV
will also organise the availability of cheap finances for the
In other words, the
SPV, at public
expense, will create readymade projects in the entire
infrastructure sector for
the private corporates to takeover and reap profits. The internal note of
the PMO says: “The SPV
approach would be a major change in the public systems’ mindset,
moving the
responsibility of obtaining clearances from the private parties
to the
government. It would influence investor sentiment in a positive
The SPV is, thus, a
higher stage in
the process of private profit maximisation than the PPP. Promoting PPP is the
classic argument of
those, like IFC, seeking vacation of space by the government for
private profit
making. The
government, we are told,
needs to move out of areas like hotels etc (even while making
profits) and
concentrate on education and health. Then we are told since
adequate resources
are not available, both education and health need to be
privatised. The
government must concentrate on sanitation
and water supply. And,
then, we are now
told, that in this area as well, PPPs with user charges must be brought in.
And so goes on the story where the government of the day
has no space
left to pursue socially required projects or even express the
popular will of
the people.
There is, however, a
fundamental flaw
in the PMO’s diagnosis of the declining growth rate in India. This flaw hinges on
the fact that it is the
slow pace of investment that is the cause for the lower growth
rate. Hence, the
entire pre-occupation is on making
available capital for the private sector on both easier and
cheaper terms. Additionally,
through the PPP and the SPV
routes, the government hopes to attract larger amounts of
private investments
even if it were at public cost.
The basic problem that
needs to be
tackled to put the Indian economy on a sustainable high growth
rate path is to
reverse the current slackening of domestic demand. Unless this is done,
no amount of increases
in investments will lead to a higher growth rate because what is
produced by
these investments need to be sold in the market. This requires
purchasing power in the hands of the people.
It is precisely this purchasing power that is constantly
being eroded by
the relentless rise in the prices of all essential commodities. Further, recent
studies have shown on the
basis of the latest data on household expenditures released by
the National
Sample Survey that
in all states of
India, the number of people who fall below even the abysmally
low definition of
poverty by the Planning Commission, is over 60 per cent. This is close to the
late Arjun Sengupta’s
report which estimated that nearly 77 per cent or over 80 crores
of our people
survive on less than Rs 20 a day.
Under these
conditions, it is the
domestic demand that needs to be urgently raised if both our
growth rate and
the livelihood conditions of our people are to significantly
improve. This, in
turn, requires greater public investments
to build our much-needed infrastructure which, at the same time,
would also
significantly enlarge employment and increase the purchasing
power of our
Instead of doing this,
this UPA-2
government, pursuing its neo-liberal reforms agenda, is only
creating newer and
newer avenues for private profit maximisation seeking to
increase the
investment levels. Unless this approach is abandoned and huge
investments are injected, neither will our growth rate improve
nor the
livelihood conditions of the vast majority of our people.
As we had repeatedly
argued, there is
no dearth of resources in the country for higher levels of
investment. Currently,
these resources
are either looted through mega corruption or are handed over to
the private
corporate sector and Shining India’s rich through massive tax
concessions. If
these are plugged and reversed, there is
no shortage of resources.
If the PMO is actually
worried over
the declining growth rate, then it must abandon this neo-liberal
trajectory and
instead sharply increase public investments. This is the only
way that our
economy can grow accompanied by a substantial improvement of
wisdom that filters
down often helps in understanding contemporary realities. In an ancient Libyan
fable, it is told that
the eagle when struck by a dart said upon seeing the fashion of
the shaft, “not
by others hands but by our own feathers, we are now smitten!”
Unlike the Eagle in
the Libyan fable,
the Indian people cannot allow themselves to be thus smitten by
our ruling
classes. Popular
struggles must be
strengthened to pressurise the UPA-2 government to reverse its
economic reforms
(May 16, 2012)