No. 19 May 13, 2012 |
Veil for Empire’s
Intervention in Tripura?
Rahul Sinha
the assembly elections
in Tripura are getting nearer, reactionary forces under
the able guidance and
leadership of the
said programme was
arranged with assistance from the union government which
kept the state
government completely in dark. Director of the public
relations wing of the US
Consulate at Kolkata, Jeffrey K Reno, had arrived at
Agartala a day before the
programme. The day long affair included programmes on
music, history and
culture of the
CPI(M)’s Tripura state
committee secretary, Bijan Dhar, has strongly reacted to
the programme. He
expressed astonishment on how the central government
allowed the US Consulate
to hold the programme without even informing the state
government. After all,
the states are constituent units of a federal structure
and not subservient to
an empire. Bijan Dhar described the matter as of grave
concern. The
are ample reasons to
believe that the concerns expressed by the CPI(M) state
secretary are not
baseless. It became known later that the officials of the
US Consulate visited the
Indo-Bangladesh border areas near Agartala and a few other
sensitive places on
the sidelines of this programme.
credentials of the persons
associated with the said programme at Agartala only
substantiate the concerns
and doubts. For instance, Dr Arunodoy Saha, vice
chancellor of the
said journalist, who was
allegedly the chief organiser of “The Taste of America,”
is also known for his
sheer anti-communist attitude. He has been to US a couple
of times. It will be
worth recalling that after the unfortunate incident of
some journalists getting
injured in the scuffle between the police and the Youth
Congress cadres during
the latter’s ferocious attempts to stall the entrance exam
is now an open secret
is that the
far as the 2013 state
assembly elections are concerned, the people of Tripura
would be fighting for
the formation of the seventh Left Front government in the
state. That victory would
be a great boost to the anti-imperialist and
anti-neo-liberalism struggles all
over the country. Hence it is only natural if number one
enemy of the communists,
the US imperialist, lend all kinds of direct and indirect
help to the reactionary
forces inside the country and the to defeat the CPI(M).
“The Taste of America” was
nothing but a veil for this anti-communist conspiracy.