No. 19 May 13, 2012 |
Workers form
first state conference of the All Arunachal Pradesh Anganwadi
Workers and
general secretary of the All India Federation of Anganwadi
Workers and Helpers
(AIFAWH) who participated in the conference as the chief guest
extended warm
greetings on behalf of the AIFAWH and outlined the demands of
AIFAWH and the
various struggles organised by it focussing on these demands.
She said that the
campaigns and struggles by the AIFAWH and its affiliated
unions in 23 states
across the country played an important role in securing some
benefits to the
anganwadi employees from the government of
there were still many demands to be achieved like recognition
as government
employees, minimum wages, social security benefits etc.
Besides, the government
regretted that the state government in Arunachal Pradesh was
not implementing
even the benefits due to the anganwadi employees like six
months’ paid
maternity leave, TA/ DA, reservation in the posts of
supervisors to the
eligible anganwadi workers etc. The state government did not
pay any additional
remuneration as in other states. She exhorted the union to
take up these issues
with the government and organise campaigns and struggles on
these demands and
assured all the necessary help from the AIFAWH.
Washi, general secretary of the union placed a report before
the conference
along with a seven point charter of demands and called upon
all the delegates
to strengthen the union from the project level and mobilise
the anganwadi
employees in all the projects and districts to achieve their
Sonam urged upon the anganwadi employees to take more
initiative and work
actively for strengthening the union. He assured that he would
continue to
extend all the necessary help and support in their efforts.
anganwadi employees from several districts highlighted their
problems. They
particularly mentioned the arbitrary termination of the
services of anganwadi
employees, even of those who have been working since the last
20 – 25 years, by
the panchayats, lack of social security benefits, maternity
leave etc. They
expressed their determination to strengthen the union and make
it financially
stable. Gumri Ringu, chairperson of Arunachal Pradesh state
commission for
women also addressed the conference and extended support to
their demands.
conference adopted the seven point charter of demands and
decided to present it
to the chief minister and decide upon the future course of
action depending
upon his response. It also called upon the anganwadi employees
to participate
in the May Day programme the next day.
employees and adolescent girls from different districts and
belonging to
different tribes of the state presented their traditional
dance forms in their
colourful traditional attires during the conference.