No. 19 May 13, 2012 |
Polit Bureau Communiqué
Polit Bureau of the
Communist Party of
Clinton’s Visit
Polit Bureau discussed
the forthcoming presidential election. The Congress and the
UPA cannot get a
candidate elected on their own strength. So a presidential
candidate, based on
a wide agreement, should be selected. The CPI(M) will consult
with the Left and
other secular opposition parties before taking a final stand.
Struggle for
Food Security
Polit Bureau discussed
the concerted attempts being made by the central government to
cut down
people’s entitlements in the name of an utterly flawed Food
Security Bill. Even
with a stock of over 5.35 crore tonnes of foodgrains, which is
expected to
substantially increase with the rabi procurement, the
government is
stubbornly refusing to universalise the public distribution
system and prefers
to let the stocks rot in the open. The cost of holding such
huge buffer stocks
will escalate even as millions remain at levels of
unacceptable hunger. The
present bill further increases targeting and at the same time
encroaches on the
rights of state governments. The Polit Bureau calls upon the
government to give
up its utterly unreasonable and illogical approach, determined
by its
neo-liberal obsession to cut subsidies even on a critical
issue like food. It
endorsed the call for struggle on the issue of food security
given by the Left
Mining and
Adivasi Rights
Polit Bureau expressed
serious concern about the present draft of the Mines and
Minerals (Development
and Regulation) Amendment Bill 2011 which seeks to push
through a policy
framework of deregulation and privatisation of the mining
sector at a time when
illegal mining scams have cost the exchequer lakhs of crores
of rupees. Leave
alone recognising the rights of adivasi communities as
stakeholders in mineral
wealth, it eliminates the right of adivasi communities to be
consulted and to
give prior informed consent before any lease notifications are
made. Taken
together with the weak provisions in the Land Acquisition
Bill, a new offensive
against small and marginal farmers including adivasis is under
way. The Polit
Bureau calls upon the central government to suitably amend the
land related and
mining related legislations to protect the rights of small
farmers and
Lokpal Bill
Polit Bureau demanded
that the government bring forth the Lokpal Bill to be adopted
in this session
of parliament itself. The bill should be suitably amended to
ensure that an
effective Lokpal body is constituted.
Financial Sector
Polit Bureau
reiterated its strong opposition to the Pension Fund
Regulatory and Development
Authority Bill and the banking and insurance amendment bills
which the
government proposes to push through in parliament. These
legislations are
retrograde. The pension bill will deprive employees in the
government and other
sectors of their existing rights. The banking and insurance
bills will further
open the financial sector to foreign capital and introduce
volatility and
instability. The government should learn the lessons of the
global financial
crisis and desist from these measures.
Polit Bureau discussed
the division of work and responsibilities of the Polit Bureau
and party centre
and the formation of the sub-committees of the Central
Committee. It will place
a report containing these proposals before the Central
Committee for its