No. 18 May 06, 2012 |
Message from the Communist
Party of
DEAR comrades,
We send warm comradely
greetings to your 20th congress, to the members
and cadres of the CPI(M), the
workers, farmers, women, young people who are
struggling in difficult
conditions for the people's rights holding high
the banner of socialism and
We are closely following
your struggles for the rights of the poor masses
against the anti-people
political line of the UPA government and against
the strategic alliance of the
We particularly express
our solidarity with your struggle against the
continuing anti-communist
campaign in
Dear comrades,
Your congress is being
held in a period when the capitalist crisis is
continuing and deepening. The
contradictions of the system cannot be
restrained, how-so-many efforts the bourgeois
states and forces and imperialist organisations
make. The development of the
crisis demonstrates that it is a cyclical
capitalist crisis of over-accumulated
capital, which expresses a sharpening of the
basic contradiction of the system
--- the contradiction between capital and
labour. The crisis highlights the
historical boundaries of capitalism, stressing
the timeliness of the socialist
development path.
The capitalist crisis
highlights that the capitalist development path,
commodity production and the
market cannot provide answers to the major
problems of the people; on the
contrary it intensifies them. The same lesson is
apparent from the processes
which led to the counterrevolution and overthrow
in the
The inter-imperialist
contradictions are sharpening. We are following
the developments in your region
with great care --- the realignments of the
alliances, the phase of
intensifying competition between the monopolies
of the
The developments and the
sharpening of the class struggle place serious
challenges before the communist
movement. The defence of Marxism-Leninism, the
universal laws of class struggle
and the ideological confrontation against
bourgeois ideology and the forces of
opportunism, such as the ELP in
In Europe and
internationally, serious ideological issues have
opened up, which are related
to strategic choices of the international
communist movement and the communist
parties and their impact on the development of
the class struggle --- either in
the direction of rupture or into a retreat and
assimilation of the labour
A ceaseless effort to
develop Marxism-Leninism is required as well as
a front against opportunism ---
a continuous struggle to strike roots among the
working class and to build
organisations in workplaces; a correct
definition of the crisis and a rebuttal
of the efforts of bourgeois and opportunist
forces to exonerate the system when
they talk about a debt crisis or a crisis of
neo-liberalism; a class analysis
of the rivalries between the capitalist powers,
old and emerging, which compete
to maintain or upgrade their position in the
international imperialist system
and the global market; an elaboration of the
alliance policy which should be
directed towards the concentration of working
class and popular forces for the
overthrow of capitalist barbarity; a scientific
analysis of the character of
our era as an era of the passage to socialism
and an exact definition of the
character of the revolution and a great effort
to prepare the working class and
popular masses, to combine tactics and strategy;
upholding of the Leninist
theory of imperialism, which specifically laid
the foundations for the
possibility of the socialist revolution’s
victory and the construction of
Dear comrades,
Our party believes in the
need to multiply the joint initiatives of the
communist and workers parties. At
the same time our party feels the need of steps
to be taken in the direction of
elaborating a unified revolutionary strategy for
the international communist
movement, through the collective effort of
parties which believe in
Marxism-Leninism, proletarian internationalism
and the timeliness of the
struggle for socialism.
With these thoughts we
wish every success to the proceedings of your
congress and wish further
development of the comradely relations of our
Message from the Communist
Party of
THE Communist Party of
Bohemia and Moravia sends its most cordial
greetings to your 20th congress. We
salute all its delegates, and we express our
great esteem and respect for your
party, towards its well-known history and work
so bravely develop in a hostile
environment of more and more aggressive
capitalism and its current crisis.
Our parties are to be
found thousands of miles away from each other;
however, at the same time, they
are also mutually close, connected by common
ideals, by the same goals of
struggles, by standing firmly on the side of the
workers and the ordinary,
oppressed people.
We believe your congress
would make a contribution to seeking the path to
eradicate poverty and to
improving the living conditions of these who
need it most.
On behalf of my own, of
the party's Central Committee and of all
communists, I'd like to wish you every
success, plenty of strength and determination
for the coming struggles for
Long live the common goal
of all the world's communist and workers'
parties, the goal of socialism!
Most cordial, comradely
--- Vojtěch Filip,
chairman of the KSČM Central Committee
Message from the Workers’
Party of
ON behalf of the National
Council of the Workers' Party of Belgium (PTB),
we express our warmest
fraternal greetings on the occasion of the 20th
congress of your party. We are
confident that your congress will discuss
relevant ideological and political
matters and adopt related resolutions that will
help steer the party and the
masses forward in their struggle against
imperialism and capitalism, with the
perspective of socialism.
We know and highly value
that the Communist Party of India (Marxist) has,
for many decades already, been
at the forefront of the Indian people's
relentless struggle for land and
liberty, for jobs and justice, for their
liberation from oppression and
exploitation and for their socialist future.
Today, the Indian workers
and masses are, as in all places where
imperialism and capitalism reign,
reeling from the most severe economic crisis
since the 1930s. At the same time,
several countries are struggling against or are
threatened with imperialist
aggression, be it through embargoes and
sanctions, military intervention under
a thin 'humanitarian' veil or open war.
While this is indeed a
period of great suffering and misery inflicted
by imperialism and capitalism,
we, communists, see such periods also as
challenges full of opportunities to
deal blows to our class enemies and to advance
the workers' and people's
struggles to a higher level. A 100 million
Indian workers and employees
recently gave a shining example of such class
struggle with the successful
general strike against the neo-liberal policies
imposed by the UPA government.
The deepening and
multifaceted crisis of the world capitalist
system can also serve to educate
more and more people about the necessity of an
alternative society and mode of
production, of socialism. It is but the
Communist Party that is able to
concretise this consciousness into a material
force for societal change, in
We wish you success with
your 20th party congress, and look forward to
further developing and deepening
the internationalist ties of friendship and
solidarity between our two parties.
--- Baudouin Deckers,
member of the Party Bureau and head of the
Department of International
Relations, Workers' Party of
Message from the French
Communist Party
THE French Communist Party
is glad to send its warmest greetings to the
20th Congress of the CPI(M) that
is taking place in a complex period in which you
are facing the challenges and
difficulties resulting from globalised and
neo-liberal capitalism and their
political expression, particularly as in the
last elections.
In a different context, we
are facing an attack of unprecedented dimensions
against the rights and social
gains, the jobs and purchasing power of the
majority of workers and of our
people. It is, unquestionably, democracy itself
that is under attack. Capital
and the leaders of the financial institutions
want to subject our people and
the people of
In these conditions, our
party, for the coming presidential and general
elections, is developing its
policy of union in a broad and dynamic Left
Front and taking the initiative for
decisive social progress in support of social
rights, for an extension of
existing liberties and for effective responses
that meet democratic requirements
for world peace and disarmament, for
international relations based on the
respect of people’s sovereignty in reciprocally
beneficial cooperation.
We wish that your 20th
congress has the greatest success in its work
for your party and for the peoples
Message from the Hungarian
Communist Workers’ Party
ON behalf of the Hungarian
Communist Workers’ Party I send to you our
warmest fraternal greetings and best
wishes on the occasion of the 20th congress of
the Communist Party of India
We Hungarian communists
highly appreciate the historic way of the Indian
communists and their fight for
the interests of working people. We give great
importance to your struggle
against revisionism and sectarianism in the
communist movement at the
international and national level, in order to
defend the scientific and
revolutionary tenets of Marxism-Leninism and its
appropriate application in the
concrete Indian conditions. Your ideological
fight is a great contribution to
the development of revolutionary theory. Over
the years, the CPI (Marxist) has
emerged as the foremost Left force in the
Your congress is taking
place when the is country facing severe economic
hardships due to the global
economic crisis. You are to work out the ways
and means to strengthen the Left
and democratic forces in the country to form
broadest democratic unity of all
those who are ready to fight the tyranny of
neo-liberalism. Your main task is
to strengthen the party organisation, as only a
strong Communist Party, a
class-based party which has big influence and
extensive mass support, can
perform its historic mission.
We know and respect you as
an internationalist party fighting for the
cooperation of communist and
workers’ parties. We Hungarian communists do
wish to continue our fraternal
relations and to fight against capitalism
together with you.
Comradely yours
--- Gyula Thurmer,
president, Hungarian Communist Workers’
Message from
Tudeh Party of
On behalf of the Central
Committee of the Tudeh Party of
We wish the 20th congress
every success in formulating your programme of
action for developing the
struggle of working people of the
We would also like to
reaffirm the long-standing and close relations
between our two parties. The
Tudeh Party of
We would like to take this
opportunity to express our thanks CPI(M) for its
consistent solidarity with the
people of
The CPI(M) has a powerful
presence in the politics of
We have closely, and with
interest, followed the complex struggle of your
party for overcoming the
social, economic and political barriers that
stand in the way of your struggle
for advancing the people of India to peace,
progress and prosperity.
We extend our greetings to
the leadership, members and supporters of the
Communist Party of India
(Marxist) and wish you the best of success in
the challenge of leading the
struggle of the masses for a better and
sustainable future, a socialist one!
congress is being held at a very sensitive and
difficult period
internationally. The unprecedented global
capitalist economic crisis has
completely overwhelmed powerful economies of the
US, the EU and other countries
following a capitalist economic outlook, such as
India. Tens of millions of
workers are thrown into poverty and unemployment
and the cuts to public
services have created a serious situation for
working people in the capitalist
world. It is now accepted that there aren’t any
solution to this crisis based
on capitalist economic models.
working class and poor across the world have
increasingly become aware that the
capitalism can’t offer a solution to current
recession and economic and
monetary meltdown and are turning to more active
protest against capitalist
barbarism. Working people are openly questioning
the logic of the capitalist
model. At
the same time the
inter-imperialist contradictions have sharpened
and the race for control of
markets and resource rich areas of the world,
the control of natural resources
and energy routes, has intensified. This has led
to unprecedented wars and
military confrontations.
The international
situation, marked by an abrupt deepening of the
structural crisis of capitalism
in a world undergoing profound changes, poses
extremely demanding and complex
challenges to the communists and their struggle.
situation is characterised by the sharpening of
the inter-imperialist
contradictions, which intensify in conditions of
capitalist crisis, for the
control of natural resources and energy routes
and which can lead to
unprecedented wars and military confrontations.
It is within the context
of such situation that the turbulent
developments and unprecedented challenges
that the Middle East region is facing should be
considered. It is not an
exaggeration to claim that the situation in the
region is unprecedented. On the
one hand we witness the emergence of the genuine
popular movements for
democracy, deep-rooted reforms and progressive
change in the countries
previously ruled by dictatorships and in many
cases allied to imperialism.
Simultaneously, as we have seen recently, the
forces of imperialism and its
regional allies are manoeuvring to ensure these
popular movements are
manipulated as in the case of Bahrain, Libya and
Yemen, and divert them in the
directions that ensure they remain in the sphere
of control of
Imperialism is exploiting
its military might and its traditional hegemony
in the region to crush
movements and, where deemed necessary, to use
brute force and military
aggression to secure its strategic interests. In
recent months and in
particular since the military aggression against
Libya, the Israeli extreme
right-wing government, which enjoys the full and
unconditional support of US
imperialism, has threatened to wage military
action against strategic targets
in Iran. The Tudeh Party of Iran believes that
such an aggression would have
grave consequences for the peoples of the
region, including both Iran and
The Tudeh Party of Iran
has clearly stated its position in condemning
any intervention in Iran by
imperialist states and their allies including
Israel. We
analysed the threats of military
interventions against Iran as part of the
imperialist policy for advancing their
plan for the creation of a “Greater Middle
East.” We
believe that it is the right of the
Iranian people themselves to determine the
direction of future developments in
their country and to achieve peace, democracy
and progress.
Simultaneously we condemn
the implementation of repressive measures
against the popular movement in Iran
by the ruling theocratic regime. We have
declared our resolute solidarity with
trade unionists, working people, women, students
and all progressive and
democratic forces struggling for human and
democratic rights, economic and
social justice, peace and democracy. We
campaign for the unconditional
release of all political prisoners and for an
end to the use of physical and
psychological tortures against political
Our fight for democracy in
Iran is aimed at creating the conditions for
building of an effective
anti-imperialist popular movement and this in
turn is related to our principled
position in resisting the imperialist plan in
the Middle East and against our country.
Our country, Iran is going
through a very sensitive period, in which the
people's movement for democracy,
human rights and social justice has reached
critical stages.
The theocratic regime has
proved itself incapable of offering a solution
for the country’s economic,
social and political problems. The country is
currently ruled by a regime that
is wedded into new liberal economic policies
prescribed by the IMF and the
World Bank. Privatisation is spreading to every
aspect of the economy. The
result has been catastrophic. Officially the
unemployment rate is almost 15 per
cent while the number of those living under
poverty line is more than 20 per
cent of total population. A new super rich
minority which has its roots in the
Islamic clergy and has been involved in the
highest echelons of the military
and state apparatus controls the state power.
The regime’s political, economic
and social outlooks are frighteningly backward
and reactionary.
The Tudeh Party of Iran
has called for the country’s democratic forces
to unite in an anti-dictatorial
Front to resist the regime’s sinister plans. Our
party has repeatedly stressed
that social forces such as youth, students and
women --- and particularly the
working class --- are the main forces for
change. The Tudeh Party of Iran has
repeatedly warned that until the progressive
movement overcome its lack of
organisation and united action, reactionary
forces can resist any attempts to
dislodge them. We continue our efforts to
organise the masses and strongly
believe that the current popular protest
movement, if organised and united,
could pave the way for fundamental, democratic
and lasting changes within our
We are also aware of the
complex situation that currently exists in the
Middle East and the Persian Gulf
region. Our party, while strongly condemns any
external intervention in our
country, has called on the government to work
towards diffusing the situation,
which could be used as a pretext for further
military adventures in the region.
We are committed to the
struggle for peace, progress and socialism as
your fraternal party is. Our fight for democracy
and human rights is at the
service of our strategic fight for socialism and
an integral part of this
principled struggle.
We wish your 20th congress
every success in formulating your programme of
actions and policies to develop the people’s
fight for peace, progress and
socialism. We once again take this opportunity
to reaffirm our fraternal
relations with the Communist Party of India
(Marxist) and declare our
commitment to their deepening and expansion.
We salute you in your
struggle for Peace, progress and Social
progress. May
victory be yours!
live fraternal relations between Communist Party
of India (Marxist) and Tudeh
Party of Iran!
live International Solidarity!
live Socialism!
With best wishes for your
In comradeship,
--- Navid Shomali, secretary,
International Department, Central Committee,
Tudeh Party of Iran