No. 18 May 06, 2012 |
Before the Indian Working
K Hemalata
THE month of
May is doubly
significant for the CITU – while May 1 is the day of
international working
class solidarity, May 30 is its Foundation Day, the day
CITU was born with the
slogan of ‘Unity and Struggle’; the day when its
constitution that was
unanimously adopted in its foundation conference, firmly
announced that the
exploitation of the working class can be ended only
under socialism, that it
stands for the emancipation of the society from all
roots of May Day lie in the workers’ struggle for eight
hour working day, in
the massive strike and demonstration at the Hay Market
in Chicago in the USA
and the martyrdom of August Spies, George Engel, Adolph
Fischer and Albert
Parsons. The struggle for shorter working day was a
prolonged struggle by the
workers all over the world. In
eight hour working day is now generally accepted and
formally incorporated as a
statutory right all over the world, most of the workers
in our country are
still forced to work for ten to twelve hours a day, even
today. The condition
has further worsened after the advent of neoliberal
policies with the
government itself advocating longer working hours.
Hundreds of thousands of
workers, be it in the textile mills of Panipat in
Haryana, in the ceramic tiles
factories in Puducherry, in the Pharmaceutical units in
Srikakulam in Andhra
Pradesh, in the garment units in Bangalore in Karnataka
or Tiruppur in Tamilnadu,
in the various units in the special economic zones in
different parts of the
country, in fact all over the country, are forced to
work for 10 – 12 hours
without any overtime payment. This being the situation
in the private organised
industry, the plight of crores of workers in the
unorganised sector can well be
the productivity of the workers by stretching the
working day, by hastening the
production process through better technology etc are
among the methods used by
the capitalists to maximise their profits and is an
integral feature of the
capitalist system itself. Hence the struggle of the
workers demanding
shortening of the working day has to be seen as their
resistance to the
unrestrained greed of the employers to extract maximum
profits from the labour
power of the workers.
struggles all over the world against the attacks on the
hard won rights of the
workers in the name of austerity measures, even when the
share of profits are
increasing over the share of the wages, is a
manifestation of the increasing
readiness of the workers to resist increasing
exploitation. Intensification of
this struggle means intensification of the class
struggle between capital and
such struggles do not automatically lead to the end to
exploitation unless the
capitalist society itself is changed. The historic task
of bringing about the end
to the capitalist society and establishing a society
free from all exploitation,
where the ’99 per cent’ can occupy their due space in
the economic, political
and social life of the society, lies with the working
class. The working class will
be able to discharge this task only if it is aware of
the need to change the
society and is in a position to lead the struggle for
such a change. The ‘1 per
cent’ with their grip over state power and control over
the wealth produced by
the 99 per cent cannot be dislodged unless the working
class is united and
conscious of its role in changing the society.
a revolutionary trade union committed to the task of
ending all exploitation,
it is the responsibility of the CITU to develop this
consciousness in the
working class in our country. When we celebrate the 42nd
anniversary of the
foundation of the CITU at the end of May, it is this
question that we must ask
ourselves – how far have we been able to develop this
consciousness among the
working class of our country?
foundation conference of the CITU emphasised the
importance of uniting the
entire working class and intensifying struggles to
protect the interests of all
the toiling sections of the society in the development
of such consciousness. The
founder president of CITU, B T Ranadive even asserted
that ‘only an
organisation devoted to the unity of the working class,
and pledged to lead its
united resistance will be able to defend its daily
interests’. The CITU’s
struggle, during the last four decades, for unity of the
working class and the
unity of the trade union movement has led to the
unprecedented unity of all the
11 central trade unions including INTUC and BMS which
came together to give the
call for the countrywide general strike on
February 28 this year.
unity at the national level is not enough. This unity
must be extended to all
the workers. Unity of the working class is not for
reinforcing the existing
illusions about improving the conditions of the working
class within the
framework of the existing society by bringing pressure
and bargaining with the
employers but to make the workers conscious of the
inherent exploitative
character of the present society and bring them into
struggles to change it.
Approaching the common workers, strengthening their
unity at the grass root
level and bringing the mass of the workers into
struggles on their demands will
alone help them understand through their own experience
the true character of
the capitalist society and the need to change it.
experience of the last four decades of CITU indicates
that though we have been
successful to a significant extent in achieving unity at
the national level, we
have not been able to approach the mass of the workers
and strengthen unity at
the grass root level. Even in the campaign for the
February 28 countrywide
general strike, the campaign materials distributed, the
meetings or rallies
held, either jointly or independently by CITU and the
participation of workers
in the campaign indicate that we have been able to take
the demands to only a
small proportion of the CITU members, leave alone the
vast sections of the
workers beyond our membership and those outside the
purview of the trade union
is a serious shortcoming that needs to be overcome
urgently. The struggle to
strengthen unity at the grass root level requires a
struggle to overcome the
shortcomings in our functioning. As BTR pointed out in
his concluding speech in
the foundation conference of CITU, it is not enough to
reject wrong policies
and wrong lines; wrong tendencies and wrong practices
must also be overcome.
Our cadres should approach each and every worker
irrespective of their
affiliations with the demands and encourage them to come
into struggles. Our
functioning should be such that ‘every worker must
consider that here is my
fortress, not the leaders’ fortress, or the leaders’
house, but the ordinary
workers’ house’, as he put it.
February 28 countrywide strike attracted wide support
from the common people
because the demands raised were not confined to the
economic demands of the
working class alone; the issues of price rise,
employment, social security etc
reflected the concerns of vast sections of the common
people. This needs to be
further taken forward. Today, our agriculture is in
crisis. More than two lakh
peasants have committed suicides during the last fifteen
years. Agricultural
workers do not find work for more than 60 – 70 days in a
year and are forced to
migrate to urban areas. Hundreds of thousands of
peasants, fishers, tribals,
forest dwellers etc are robbed of their lands and
livelihoods; their lands are
being handed over to big national and multinational
corporates in the name of
development. The trade union movement needs to raise all
these issues and
champion the cause of these different sections of the
toiling masses, for the
working class to be recognised and accepted as a force
that can lead the
struggle to end exploitation.
this May Day, let us extend our solidarity with the
working people all over the
world struggling to protect their rights and pledge to
intensify struggles in
our own country. On the occasion of the 42nd foundation
day of the CITU, let us
vow to strengthen CITU and march ahead to achieve its