No. 18 May 06, 2012 |
We Had Died,
Who Killed Us?
G Mamatha
again we are denied. This
time it is not justice alone, but also the sense of solidarity
that is
expressed with those who are denied. I know you do not
understand what I am
talking about. It is about justice that was due to an incident
that had taken
place sixteen years ago. Sixteen years is a long time, I know.
But thanks to
the prolonged legal procedures, we were forced to wait that
long for courts to
produce their verdict. We believed it to be an open and shut
case. The incident
had taken place in what is often called as 'broad daylight'.
The gory of that
day, the fear it had created amongst us, refuses to die in my
memory. I can
still see it happening in front of me. I know, you are not me,
for your sake, I
will recount it.
years ago, in the
afternoon on July 11, 1996 for three hours, from 2 pm till 5
pm, death danced
in our village, Bathani Tola in
OK...let me tell you
what had happened. On that
day, while we were there in our village, they
had come armed cursing us – our caste, our courage to
question them and ask for
better living conditions. They called themselves Ranveer
Sena (I understood
their name today very well, war, victory and army!) All of
them representing
the 'upper-caste' landlords. For three hours they
went on shouting,
insulting, kicking and killing. They did not differentiate
between old, young, men,
women, children and even infants. I
still remember, a three year old baby of my neighbour tossed
in the air and cut
into two as she fell. For the first time in my life I had
cursed the one above
for creating such brutes who do not know anything but caste
and power. For the
first time I had cursed Him, for allowing that baby to take
birth amongst us –
a baby who does not know anything about caste and power.
Before I could regain
my senses from witnessing that brutal act, another of them
slashed open the
womb of my brother's wife, killing the foetus. Should I
thank the above one for
saving three years of her life and witnessing the power of
caste and land?
hours it was, but for us
hiding it was three years. For the police it took three yugs
to come. Of
course, their
come and governments have gone these sixteen years. All of
them talked
about imparting justice. All of them said, in the
should it? It is also part of the system. The present
government which gave the
slogan, 'nyay ke saath vikas' (Justice With Development)
disbanded the enquiry
commission established to look into the background of the
Ranveer Sena. The
Commission, we heard, was about to name the political patrons
of the Ranveer
Sena. Opposition did not oppose this move. The Commission had
found out what we
always knew: leaders belonging to BJP, JD(U), Congress and RJD
had funded and
patronised the Sena. Naturally, they did not present our case
properly in the
court. Today, Brahmeshwar Singh, the mastermind of that
incident is free.
than all this, why feel
denied, is how you all had reacted. We too see some Hindi
films and saw the
film about a girl who was killed in
after the verdict, we
thought all of you would come out with candles, stand in
silence for us. We
found none of it. Sorry, we are not that knowledgeable to know
about all the
new ways in which you people talk – phones, computers, etc. So
if you had
talked through them, we do not know. But we did not find you
on TV. We did not
find you near India Gate. We did not find you in Mumbai or
even in
are not from
the government does not do
this, because it wants to protect its interests – the
interests of the
landlords and the upper-caste. We knew this from experience.
Also our
experience taught us that the people united are powerful. You
can at least ask
the government, questions on our behalf. The central home
minister had recently
told, it seems, that dalits are denied access to police
stations and that it
too is a form of untouchability. He called it a shame. Please
question him, is
it not a shame for him with what had happened to us? Tell him
not to question
us, ask him to pose this question to his government.
minister said, it seems, we have to see how to seize arms from
those who
indulge in such violence and have to give arms to dalits for
self defence.
Please, we do not want arms. Ask him to take arms from those
who had killed us
and use the arms of the government properly to protect us. If
that is properly
done, then it is more than arming us. We have one more request
to make. Please
ask these two ministers who spoke about us so sympathetically
and said that
only 3 to 8 among 100 who commit crimes against us are
punished, why is this
so? Who is stopping them from punishing them? Are we not
coming to courts,
whenever, wherever we are asked? Are we not telling the courts
what we had
seen? Still, we are asked to go from this court to the other.
Just as a cow is
brought home by showing some green grass, we too are being
moved here and there
telling us that justice will be done. But what had happened
know all of you are busy people. Busy in working day and night
to run your
families, to ensure your children study, to be happy.
Remember, we too had
families, sixteen years back. We too had children sixteen
years back. We too
had the same dreams sixteen years back. We too worked the same
way sixteen
years back and we are still working the same way. The only
difference is now we
do not have our children, they were killed, we do not have our
families, they
were killed. Our dreams then were to lead a happy life. Now
our dream is just
to bring justice to those of us who were killed. We have lost
our happiness,
never to regain. But we learnt all these sixteen years that if
we do not fight
for justice, others too will lose their happiness. We know
that pain. We do not
want others to experience it. So we are fighting. Join us, not
for us but for
you too.