No. 18 May 06, 2012 |
CPI(M) Greets Pravda
The following is the
text of the greetings sent by the
Central Committee of the Communist Party of India (Marxist)
to the Central
Committee of the Communist Party of Russian Federation and
to the Editorial
Board of the Pravda on May 2, 2012. CC member, Associate
editor, Loklehar, Rajendra
Sharma is representing CPI(M) in
these celebrations.
DEAR Comrades,
The Central Committee of
the Communist Party of India
(Marxist) greets the Editorial Board of the Pravda and
the Central
Committee of the Communist Party of Russian Federation (CPRF) on
the centenary
of the Pravda.
As Lenin had defined, a
communist newspaper along with
its 'exposure' of the ills and limitations of the present social
system, should
be a collective agitator, collective propagandist and a
collective organiser. Pravda,
a newspaper started by the outstanding communist leader Lenin,
was run by him
on these lines and became a model for all the other newspapers
started for the
socialist cause.
Indian Communists too,
learning from the Russian
experience, had started and ran many newspapers in the
vernacular languages to
expose the British rule, rouse the people into popular movements
and also
propagate the ideals of social justice.
Apart from the many
vernacular dailies, that are
continuing in the post-independent era, the CPI (M) is bringing
out the weekly People’s
Democracy, the official organ of the Party and Loklehar
in Hindi,
since the last 40 years. These organs are helping the Party to
resist the
ideological offensive of the ruling classes and to strengthen
the Party.
In the background of the
global economic crisis, the
most severest since the Great Depression of the 1930s, there is
all the more a
necessity for the newspapers of the type envisioned by Lenin.
The increasing
struggles worldwide show the growing
among the people. They are searching for alternatives. It is
imperative upon us, the Communists and the media run by us to
place before the
people the correct path for bringing an end to their travails
and exploitation.
The newspapers help us in strengthening the 'subjective factor',
as Lenin
called it, to utilise the condusive objective factors for
transforming the
society – establishing a socialist system.
Once again, we extend our
warm greetings to all of
you, and also thank you for inviting our representative to be
present with you
and share thoughts on this august occasion.