No. 18 May 06, 2012 |
Why this Shadow of
Vidharbha over
Our Special
in Kolkata
How many
deaths will it take till he knows that too
many people have died?
lyrics of Bob Dylan reverberate in rural
brunt of spate of suicides has been felt by
Burdwan, the leading paddy producer in the
state. Till now, 35 farmers have
taken their lives in this district alone.
Three in Maldaha, two each in
Bankura, Murshidabad, Hooghly, North 24
Parganas, one each in Jalpaiguri, West
Howrah, Birbhum and south 24 Parganas.
shadow of Vidharbha over
cost of production has sky rocketed in the
period. The price of fertilizer has
increased manifold. So are prices of other
inputs like insecticides, seeds etc. The
crisis in agriculture is an all
minimum support price is usually much lower
than the production cost. For example, while
the per quintal production cost of
jute was in the range of Rs 2000 to Rs 2500
in last season, MSP was declared at
Rs 1175 only. Likewise, while MSP for the
next season has been fixed at Rs
2200, the cost of production has meanwhile
increased to Rs 3500 per quintal.
Madan Ghosh alleged that the farmers have
not received even the MSP. It was in
the case of paddy too. No serious effort was
made to procure paddy from the peasants.
Farmers were forced to sell at distress
prices. Same thing happened in the case
of potatoes and onions.
wide gap between production cost and sale
price accentuated the problem of debt in
this will not explain in full the
disastrous situation prevailing in
Dylan’s lyrics have become relevant in the
backdrop of continuous denial of the tragedy
by the chief minister herself and
her administration. In fact, the chief
minister has admitted of only ‘one’ such
incident without identifying which one.
There is growing discontent in rural
peasant organisations, along with other
mass organisations have already initiated
struggles against anti-peasant,
anti-people policies of the government.
Village level and block level rallies
and jathas have taken place. Madan Ghosh
said, ‘We are strongly against
suicides. Our call is ‘Unite to struggle,
not suicides.’