No. 18 May 06, 2012 |
Parliamentary Office
part of the budget session of parliament resumed
on May 24, 2012 after a
three-week recess. The Lok Sabha adjourned on
the Telangana issue, demanding a
separate Telangana state. In Rajya Sabha, a
number of MPs took oath including
CPI(M) MP, Tapan Kumar Sen, for his second term.
on the recent disclosure in the Bofors Gun Case
in Rajya Sabha, Sitaram
Yechury, CPI(M) leader expressed that for more
than two decades, this issue has
plagued our country. It has deeply impacted on
our politics.
He said it is necessary to strengthen
in public life and even today, defence deals
are under a big question mark. Therefore, if
there is anything doubtful, it
must be properly investigated and the government
must make all that public in
the interest of the country.
the discussion on the working of the ministry of
labour and employment, Tapan
Sen said that the issue of labour is not at all
on the agenda of the economic
reforms; although it is the labour which keeps
the wheel of the economy moving.
This negligence is reflected in every policy of
the government. He said the
government should implement labour laws, stop
unlawful contractualisation and
discuss with the trade unions on related policy
matters. The concept of
‘guaranteed pension’ has been given away and the
pension will be determined by
the speculators in the stock market. The Banking
Regulation (Amendment) Bill is
aimed at creating a bigger space for private and
foreign bankers and
speculators at the cost of nationalised banks.
As a result of the Insurance
(Amendment) Bill, the insurance savings of the
people would be utilised by the
foreign companies. He said the labour minister
has taken the initiative to
propose an amendment to Contract Labour
(Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970 to
establish the principle of ‘same wage and
benefit for the same work done as
regular worker for the contract workers’. All
the state governments and all the
trade unions had agreed to this. He asked why
this consensus is not translated
into action. He said when the interest rates are
rising all around and the
Reserve Bank of
In the
Lok Sabha while taking up the discussion for the
Demands for Grants on Budget
(Railways) – 2012-13 Dr
Ramchandra Dome pointed out that the rail budget
presented last year was
anti-people and directionless. The present
financial state of affairs of the
Railways is the outcome of several years of
mismanagement. The 20 per cent hike
in the freight rates, especially on essential
commodities like coal,
fertilizer, food grains, steel, cement, has
further increased inflationary
pressure on the country. Dome urged the minister
to delete the provision of
fuel adjustment component to passenger fares.
Thousands of level crossings are
unmanned in the country for the last so many
years which are responsible for
around 40 per cent of the accidents. Therefore,
the priority area of the
Railways should be to improve the safety and
security part, he said.
on the discussion on the working of ministry of
health and family welfare in
Lok Sabha, Dr Anup Kumar Saha pointed out that
the overall increase in our
health budget from 2011-12 to 2012-13 is 22 per
cent, but adjusted against inflation,
the increase is less than 9 per cent. Hence the
policy commitment to lay
emphasis on health during the 12th Five Year
Plan does not get reflected in the
union budget despite the pledge of the UPA
government. The allocation for the
National Rural Health Mission has been increased
to 20,822 crores in 2012-13.
Considering the huge infrastructure gap, this
increase is inadequate. Reacting
to extensive reports of resurgence of drug
resistant TB in 2011, the Health
department’s working group had recommended an
allocation of Rs 5,825 crores on
tuberculosis control for 12th plan. Yet in the
2012-13 budget, combined
expenditure on Vector Control diseases, mental
health, TB, blindness and
leprosy has seen only a small increase, from Rs
2,160 crores to Rs 2,872
crores. Looking at the Budget Estimates and
Revised Estimates of the last five
years, it is disheartening to observe that there
was substantial
under-utilisation of the budgeted funds. The
health ministry should streamline
the monitoring mechanism and ensure proper
utilisation of the already
insufficient financial resources. There should
be access to essential drugs at
affordable price, he said.
in Lok Sabha, on the Demands for Grants –
2012-13 on the working of ministry of
urban development, PK Biju said urban
In Rajya
Sabha, while supporting the Right of children to
Free and Compulsory Education
(Amendment) Bill, 2010 P Rajeeve said that in
our country disabled children are
not getting sufficient consideration. There are
certain provisions in the
existing law but proper implementation is not
there. With regard to the
neighbourhood school concept, a better equipped
special school may be more
suitable. A disability-friendly curriculum
should be framed. There should be
some provisions to ensure training for teachers
who are teaching
differently-abled children, he said.
on the Central Education Institutions
(Reservation in Admission) Amendment
Bill, 2010 Jharna Das Baidya pointed out that
the Amendment Bill proposed
certain relaxations in the case of reservations
and it extends the time-frame
for mandatory reservation and seat-increase from
three to six years. She asked
why the mandatory reservation and 54 per cent
seat-increase is not implemented
even after three years of the CEI Act being
passed, why is it the case that
some of the CEIs were finding it difficult to
adhere to the time limit of three
years for creation of the requisite physical and
academic infrastructure, why
the mandatory 27 per cent OBC reservation could
not be implemented even after
four years of the Act being passed, and after
two years the ministry of HRD had
sent its guidelines to the CEIs. She questioned
whether it was the lack of
funds from the ministry or mis-utilisation of
the funds available for
implementing OBC reservations? Any further delay
in the implementation of
mandatory reservations and seat-increase will
cause irreparable damage to the
state of affairs in higher education in
discussion by supporting the Institutes of
Technology (Amendment) Bill, 2011 and
the National Institutes of Technology
(Amendment) Bill, 2011 K N Balagopal in
Rajya Sabha said that we can accept the
amendments proposed in the Bills except
for some reservations about the BHU.
Chatterjee drew the attention to a large number
of incidents of violation of
human rights in the country and
clarification on the written reply to unstarred
question regarding the PF dues
to the workers of closed tea gardens of
the matter in Rajya Sabha regarding the
advertisement of a cosmetic product
allegedly demeaning and derogatory to women, Dr
T N Seema said the
advertisement constitutes an offence under the
Indecent Representation of Women
Prohibition Act, Indian Penal Code and
Information Technology Act, 2000. No
action has been taken by the government in this
regard, despite being asked by
women’s organisations like AIDWA, she said.
Rajeeve in Rajya Sabha asked for a review of the
decision of the government to
de-control diesel prices in the country.
Decontrolling the prices of diesel
would create a catastrophic effect on all
sectors and seriously affect the
prices of essential commodities, he said.
Balagopal raised the issue of the website
problem in the UGC site, with respect
to the UGC NET examination.