No. 18 May 06, 2012 |
Leftword Launches
May Day Book Store and Cafe
K Pande
You may strangle
this voice but there will
be a time when our silence would be more
powerful than the voice you strangle
(August Spies,
editor, Fackel, Chicago,
Illinois, 1887)
It was indeed a
May Day evening with a
difference. At a remote corner in west
At one corner, a
wide amalgam of leftist books ready for the
take- at bargain prices, at another corner
an innovative calendar listing , in
brief, some important labour struggles from
colonisation to globalisation, giving
statistics and some historic facts like the
fact that India had officially 478 million
workforce that contributed to its economic
growth which in itself was a curious
mixture of illiterate workers unfamiliar
with machines and tools and a sizable
pool of experts in the fields of medicine,
science, technology and computers.
Add to all this May Day badges, cups, tee
shirts, jute bags and paperweights.
Centre stage in
another room , it was
music, poetry, songs and narration–all on
the theme of May Day with a cup or
two of coffee and a historic booklet by Prof
Vijay Prashad giving a brief on
May Day through the years. For over three
hours , with the limited space jam
packed, there were songs of freedom ,
struggle, spirit of inquiry ranging from
Kabir , Faiz, Tagore to Bob Dylan sprinkled
with folk and rock flavour.
The performers
included the Laal Band from
Sustaining the May
day activities at
various corners was coffee and more coffee
with homemade biscuits and cakes.
The coffee corner was managed by the theatre
activist (JANAM) Sudhanva Deshpande
and historian Mukul Manglik. The coffee
House spirit was revived in the manner
of the co-operative coffee house movement of
the late sixties and seventies.
Significantly, the
meeting remembered P
Sundaryya , the veteran Marxist leader whose
birth centenary is being celebrated
throughout the country. Small
wonder too that reminding us of the
revolutionary leader from Andhra Pradesh
was a Telugu song sung by Sumangala on the
theme of the Telangana Movement.
In the gathering
there was a constant flow
of people from different walks of life. They
included CPI(M) leaders Prakash
Karat, Brinda Karat, PushpinderGrewal,
economists Prabhat Patnaik, Utsa Patnaik,
historian Aijaz Ahmed, writers M M P Singh,
Javed Malik and activists of Jana
Natya Manch, Parcham and some mass
organisations. In the age of increasing
commercialisation and Bollywoodisation of
culture, a place like the May Day
Bookstore and Café is a real whiff of fresh
air in reviving the spirit of
struggle, inquiry and constant discussion -
all over a cup of coffee.
Postscript: In
overview- what was visible before us
were some really good performances
by Laal Band (from Pakistan), Rahul Ram
(from Indian Ocean Band), Sumangala
Damodaran, Misha and Surdhani, Young singers
like Harpreet Singh in
contemporary Punjabi, and
touches of Kabir and Nazrul! Add
to it Rabinder Sangeet and more than
three songs of Faiz. All this in the
backdrop of Studio Safdar, and flashes of
the Janam experiment, through photos in
black and white. In a befitting ending,
it was Internationale preceded by
Janam songs. Of course, a clear message
too. As the organisers put it, space is
being created “where the committed can
hang out, read, discuss culture and
politics, and have great coffee, of course!
Attached to it is Jana Natya Manch's new
space, Studio Safdar. The theatre
space and the bookstore will have a series
of events every month, performances,
readings, discussions, film screenings. ”
AIDWA Concerned at
Of Marriage Laws Bill
The following is the press statement issued by
the AIDWA on May 1:
The All
India Democratic Women’s Association expresses deep concern that the Marriage Laws ( Amendment) Bill 2010 and
the Amendments to it,
reintroduced in the Rajya Sabha on April 30, 2012, is sought to be passed
without first
giving women equal rights to marital assets including the marital home, and
without strengthening the laws relating to maintenance.
amendment seeks to make irretrievable breakdown of marriage a ground for
divorce, and proposes that the court may give the wife a share in the property acquired during the subsistence of
marriage.. Unfortunately, whether a share should be given at all and the
quantum of the share in marital property is left to be decided by the Courts on
a case to case basis. Our experience in the courts has shown that a large number
of courts have been very been very conservative and close-fisted
about granting maintenance for wives and children and have awarded dismal sums.
These courts have obviously acted with a bias towards women and have treated
them unequally. When women approach the courts for maintenance, they are
awarded sums that may normally range anywhere between five to thirty five per cent
approximately of the man’s income, even
if there are children to be supported. The courts’ evaluation of what
constitutes adequate maintenance frequently falls far short of what women and
children require even to survive in a dignified manner. Thus, allowing the
courts to decide on a share in the marital property is no guarantee that the
wife will receive her just entitlements.
In countries where irretrievable breakdown of
marriage has been introduced as a ground of divorce, laws relating to an
equitable division of all marital assets also exist. This is because the
contribution of a woman in building up of the household and in primarily taking
care of the children is recognised and is considered to be as economically
valuable as work outside the house. Unless women are treated as equals in a
marriage and given the same financial and other security that men have on its
breakdown, it would be discriminatory to further liberalise the grounds of
demands that the amendments for irretrievable breakdown of marriage as
a ground for divorce be introduced only after a law has been enacted for giving
women equal rights in marital property. This law should allow for equal
division of the marital property upon separation and not merely on divorce. A
provision should also be made for women, and children to get more than the half
share for example the matrimonial home if the children are living with their
mother. The laws relating to maintenance for women and children must be
strengthened to ensure that women/ children receive an adequate amount of
AIDWA has written a letter of appeal to the
Rajya Sabha members to prevent the perpetration of injustice against women by
the highest law making body of our country, and to oppose the law in its
present form.