No. 18 May 06, 2012 |
of Parliament
recent decision of the Airports Economic
Regulatory Authority (AERA) allowing
for a huge hike in Airport Fees in favour of
Delhi International Airport Ltd
(DIAL) evoked much criticism about the
callous attitude of the government in
regulating Public-Private Partnership (PPP)
projects. The increase of charges, which
is around 364 per cent, will be transferred
to the passengers directly and
indirectly. The domestic passengers will
have to now shell out an extra Rs 290 while
international passengers have to pay Rs 590
more as user fee alone. Reports say
this is in addition to the existing Rs 200
and Rs 1300 these passengers
respectively pay. In addition to this,
landing charges and all other airport
service charges are set to increase sharply,
impacting the passengers
through this hike an additional burden of
Rs 1000 to Rs 1500 would fall
on the shoulders of every passenger! Per
annum the amount thus collected would
exceed Rs 3000 crore in
their eagerness to support the corporate
houses and big business, the government
is violating all accepted principles of
democracy and parliamentary procedures!
It is misinterpreting the Acts and
making Rules that go against the
intention of legislature. Even as the
Airports Authority of India (Major
Airport Development Fee) Rules, 2011 was pending
scrutiny of parliament, the AERA
went ahead and permitted increase of user
development fee. Actually, the Rules
were framed because the Supreme Court in a
judgement banned collection of this fee
without proper rules and regulations. This
development fee was being collected from
01.03.2009 up to 01.06.2011. As per
monthly Audit Report, the total collection
of development fee during this
period was Rs 1481.72 crore.
Unfortunately, the Supreme Court only
the technicalities of rule making and the
administrative competence of the
government to collect the fee rather than
going into whether there was any
genuine necessity of charging development
fee or whether the contractual
obligations and undertakings of the Airport
developer permitted such
collection. It may be noted here that when
the contract was finalised, there
was no provision of collection of
development fee. The bidder put his papers
without considering the income from
development fee and there was no commitment
from the part of the government to
facilitate collection of such huge sums of
money every year. So it is very clear
that the permission to collect development
fee is an illegal administrative decision on
the part of the government and this
was upheld by the Supreme Court. Now, these
Rules have been framed to overcome
the ‘technicality’ and allow the private
firm to reap in huge sums of money.
It is a
established law that without proper Rules,
no Act can be effectively
implemented. The role of the Executive in
framing the 'Rules'
has come under public scrutiny with
controversies erupting over framing of Rules
pertaining to the Civil Nuclear Liability
Act, the Information Technology Act,
2000 and the present Airports Authority of
India (Major Airport Development
Fee) Rules, 2011, etc. In such cases, the
Rules were either not in tune with
the Acts that were passed by parliament or
against the basic premises of the
Constitution of India.
a rarely used parliamentary tool of amending
Rules, the opposition parties
moved amendments to many such rules. The
power with the Executive to make
Rules, regulations, by-laws, schemes or
other statutory instruments is
delegated by parliament. The Committee on
Subordinate Legislation, of both the
Houses, examines whether the Rules are in
pursuance with the Constitution or
Acts passed by parliament. These committees
also see whether the Rules contain
matters which should be dealt within an Act
of parliament or it contains
imposition of any tax. The committee also
checks whether the rules directly or
indirectly bars the jurisdiction of the
courts and whether it involves
expenditure from the Consolidated Fund of
India or the Public Revenues.
Even though the concepts of Administrative
Law provides for enough safeguards
against the arbitrariness by the Executive
in running the administration, the
practical experience is far from
satisfactory. The power to make legislation
always vested with the representatives of
the people in all modern democratic
systems. But, due to the complexities of
modern day administration and because
of the growing areas of public life, the law
making bodies cannot go into the
minute details of law making. Generally,
primary law will be made by parliament
through Acts and the Rules, the most
important instrument in transmitting the
intention of the legislature, will be made
by the administration i.e.
Executive. While drafting the Rules, the
Executive has to look into the intention
of the parliament and to analyse the
practical field realities. They should
make the Rules only in consonance with the
parent Act. But, unfortunately, the
'Executive made Law' in many cases deceives
the real intention of the parliament.
If the authorities concerned are not
properly making the Rules in time or
making provisions that run contrary to the
Act, the basic intention of the
enactment will not succeed.
Airport Authority of India (Major Airport
Development Fee) Rules, 2011 enables
private operators to levy user development
charges from all passengers
travelling through a particular airport. The
Rules, laid in Rajya Sabha, help private
airport operators like DIAL and Mumbai
International Airport Ltd (MIAL) to
collect the development fee from the
passengers. These Rules help the private
airports to overcome the legal laxities
pointed out by the Supreme Court, while
hearing a case questioning the illegal
collection of user development fee.
Initially, it upheld the decision of the
government. But, while hearing
the appeal, the Supreme Court held the user
fee collection as illegal. Without
going into the technicalities of the
contract and fee collection, the Supreme
Court held that the collection itself is ab-initio
void because there is no enabling 'Rules' to
empower fee collection.
the court stated that even if such fee is to
be collected, it must be decided
by the regulator, Airport Economic
Regulatory Authority. So, it was very clear
that the government's arbitrary decision to
support the private developer by
imposing this fee was patently illegal.
During the time of initial order by the
government and the judgement delivered by
the Supreme Court, the DIAL had
collected more than Rs 1481crore. A strong
demand was made before the government
that this money, which was illegally
collected by the airport developers,
should be taken back from them. But, instead
of rectifying the mistakes done by
the administration, the government
immediately came out with Rules enabling the
collection of user fee. The government
tabled the Rules in the parliament.
the use of parliamentary tool of giving
amendments to Rules is rare. Such
amendments to Rules were discussed in Rajya
Sabha 11 years ago in May, 2000.
After such a long period, a statutory motion
to amend the biased Rules relating
to Major Airports Development Fee came up
before the House recently. But,
instead of supporting and promoting the
parliamentary procedure, the concerned
ministry has tried to avoid the discussion
on this statutory motion.
The amendments brought mainly four points
before the House. Firstly,
they do not accept user fee
collection in airports built on PPP model,
as there was no such provision to
collect user fee at the time of bidding and
awarding of contract for upgrading
these airports. The lowest bidder would have
been finalised without considering
this income. If the government allows
collection of user fee, it would amount
to a major scam involving thousands of
crores of rupees.
the amendments called for
bringing PPP airports and user development
fee collection and its spending
under the C&AG's scanner.
they propose to hand over
the money illegally collected by two Private
Airport Developers to the Airport
Authority of India. This money comes around
to around Rs 2500 crore from the two
the amendments seek to entrust the Airports
Authority of India with the task of
collecting and managing the user development
fee rather than the private
would have accepted these amendments, if
they are placed before the House,
because of their legality. But the
government is manoeuvring to scuttle this
amount, collected illegally by private
airports, is to be considered as Bona-vacantia
(ownerless goods) and
should be the property of the government.
The question about the right of
levying tax and its collection raises issues
of wider ramification which will
deeply affect our system. Article 265 of our
Constitution clearly says that
private parties are ineligible to collect
and levy taxes.
the case of the Rules notified under the
Civil Nuclear Liability Act, the Act
was diluted for the benefit of foreign
suppliers. It has been pointed out by
the opposition parties that the right to
recourse for the operator to claim damages
from the foreign supplier has been limited
to the duration of the initial
licence period or the product liability
period, whichever is longer. The
initial duration of the licence is normally
five years and the product
liability period will also be limited. Such
Rules did not cover a reasonable
period of the functioning of the reactor and
its equipment. So, the interests
of private, foreign manufacturers of nuclear
equipment were put above the
interests of our people. Once again, the UPA
government is displaying the same
provision to tax the public cannot be
implemented through a Rule made by the
without the approval of parliament. The
present government seems to be very
eager to allow its PPP partners and
corporates to levy tax bypassing parliament.
The sovereign function of the Legislature
has been put under question.