No. 18 May 06, 2012 |
Mobilise People for Tackling Insurgency
Below we publish the full text of the
speech delivered by Tripura chief
minister Manik Sarkar at the Chief Ministers
Conference on Internal Security
held in New Delhi on April 16, 2012.
WOULD like to thank the union home minister
for convening this Conference on Internal
Security. I am hopeful that
deliberations in the conference would assist in
devising strategies to contain
various divisive forces that intend to disturb
peace and harmony in our nation
and threaten our unity and integrity. I would
like to elaborate on the issues
flagged for discussions today in the specific
context of our state.
state has been suffering and
badly affected due to insurgency problems for
over last three decades. However,
on account of all out concerted efforts made by
the state government, assisted
by the central government and supported by the
active cooperation of our
people, the situation has improved considerably
in the last few years, as evident
from the following facts:
Head of crime |
2003 |
2004 |
2005 |
2006 |
2007 |
2008 |
2009 |
2010 |
2011 |
incidents |
305 |
184 |
115 |
102 |
113 |
80 |
24 |
22 |
14 |
killed |
189 |
55 |
30 |
13 |
14 |
07 |
08 |
0 |
1 |
injured |
107 |
76 |
44 |
12 |
2 |
75 |
6 |
0 |
3 |
Killed |
39 |
47 |
11 |
14 |
7 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
0 |
kidnapped |
174 |
91 |
62 |
43 |
59 |
32 |
7 |
29 |
32 |
returned |
84 |
49 |
47 |
35 |
52 |
21 |
7 |
28 |
24 |
of encounters |
56 |
76 |
53 |
57 |
45 |
28 |
8 |
10 |
0 |
killed |
34 |
33 |
24 |
27 |
21 |
17 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
the remarkable improvement in
the situation, we believe that there is no scope
for complacency in dealing
with insurgency. Continuous presence of five to
six groups of heavily armed
NLFT extremists, just outside the south-eastern
and north-western borders, is a
matter of concern. There are enough indications
that these groups have plans to
strike against security forces as well as
construction/development agencies and
common citizens for extortion. With a view to
further improving the situation
and creating an atmosphere of lasting peace in
Tripura and its neighbouring
areas, I would like to suggest the following:
extremist organisations are mainly operating
from across the border in
battalions of CRPF deployed in the state have
been withdrawn since August 2009.
It is a matter of serious concern and therefore
highly essential that they be
redeployed in the state for continuing effective
operations against the
insurgents at the earliest.
India Reserve Battalions raised in the state
have been playing a very significant
role in containing insurgency. Now, on the
request of union home ministry, some
of the IR Battalions are being sent to perform
election duties in different
parts of the country. They were also called and
deployed for maintaining law
and order in
per the present practice, central government
assistance is being provided on
one-time basis for raising the IR Battalions and
the state has to bear the
recurring expenditure in full. Keeping in view
the very small resource base and
financial constraints faced by states like
Tripura, the existing pattern of
funding may be revised for North Eastern states
so that recurring expenditure
towards salary, etc. for the IR Battalions is
met by the centre at least for a
period of eight years on the pattern of
specialised IR Battalions.
Special Police Officers (SPOs) deployed in the
state to narrow down the gap
between demand and required number of security
personnel in the ground are
playing a meaningful role, supporting the state
and central para military forces
in containing insurgency. We have posted 3550
SPOs who are being paid by the state
government at the rate Rs 3500 per month. The
assistance from central government
is only Rs 1500 per month for 1400 SPOs. I would
request that the honorarium
paid to the SPOs may be reimbursed in full.
It has
been possible to contain the
insurgency in Tripura because of the dedicated
work of state police force with
the help of central forces and support from
common masses. It should be realised
that such an exercise cannot be done by central
agencies alone through
unilateral action. In this regard, I am pained
to point out that in the recent
past the union home ministry has taken several
steps which have serious
implication for the federal structure of the
country and encroach upon the rights
of the states. The notification of National
Counter-Terrorism Centre (NCTC),
proposed amendments to RPF Act and BSF Act have
caused serious apprehension
among states. It is no surprise that so many
state governments have expressed
their concern on the tendency of the central
government to take actions in
breach of federalism, which pervades throughout
our constitutional scheme. As
far as NCTC is concerned, we have sent a
detailed response to the note sent by union
home minister. Our basic objections relates to
creation of operation wing of
NCTC and conferring power of arrest and search
under cover of section 43A of
the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act in
respect of the offence committed in
a state which violates the doctrine of
federalism under our constitutional
system. Arming intelligence agencies, which are
not accountable to parliament
or courts, with such powers may have undesired
consequences. If NCTC suo moto
starts taking action without
even informing the state government machinery,
it will usurp authority of the
states under whose functional jurisdiction
“Public Order” and “Police” comes.
Information to police station, after the action
of search and arrest has
already been taken, is no protection against
misuse or abuse of power vested in
the proposed NCTC.
has a long border with
balance awarded work of 179.00 km
of border road may be completed in a time bound
manner. Illumination of the
border along the side of the fencing has been
taken up, but the progress is not
satisfactory and requires close and active
monitoring from the MHA in
co-ordination with the district administration
of the state.
are 245 sanctioned Border
Outposts in Tripura but it is necessary to
increase their number so that the
distance between two outposts is reduced from
above five kilometers in many
locations to below three kilometers for
effective guarding of borders,
considering the tough terrain involved. For this
purpose, four to five
additional battalions of BSF need to be inducted
in the state.
maintenance of border roads was
entrusted to CPWD long back, but they are
failing to do justice to their
responsibilities. The condition of the roads is
rapidly deteriorating and
maintaining vigil along the border is being
severely affected. We suggest that
the responsibility of maintenance may be awarded
to either the Border Roads
Organisation or any other suitable agency.
problem of border fencing in
densely populated areas close to the
international border has been an issue of
concern to us. Some stretches have not been
fenced because of objections raised
intelligence wing of the police
needs to be suitably revamped with better
equipment for countering the changing
nature of crimes. Various international issues
originate from across the border
which needs close scrutiny and the strategy for
collection of intelligence
needs to be stepped up accordingly. For this
purpose, deployment of adequate
personnel, training for capacity building and
modernisation needs to be given
adequate emphasis. To this end, MHA shall have
to help the states, particularly
the North Eastern states.
proposal for strengthening Special
Branch was sent to government of
in view the directions of
Supreme Court, the Tripura Police Act was
enacted in the state in 2007. The
Rules have also been framed as required under
the Act. As per provisions of the
Act, the State Police Board and the Police
Accountability Commission have been
set up. Actions have been taken for
implementation of the Act by sensitisation
and mobilisation of public support.
police stations in the state are
having separate investigation cells. For
remaining, it is not immediately
required in view of comparatively smaller number
of registration of cases. With
the fund available from 13th Finance Commission
award, headquarters for five
TSR battalions are being constructed and
special cell for combating FICN (Fake
Indian Currency Notes) menace is functioning
within state CID which has
detected several such cases. A state level
committee under IG (Intelligence)
has also been constituted for continuous
vigilance, monitoring and review of
generation, printing and circulation of FICN.
State Designated Agency has taken
up the implementation of the Crime and Criminal
Tracking Network & Systems
(CCTNS) project in right earnest. The training
component envisaged in the
scheme has been undertaken. The System
Integrator has been finalised and it is
expected that implementation will speed up.
In the
scheme of Modernisation of
Police Force, the fund placed upto the financial
year 2009-2010 has already
been spent. The unspent amount of 2010-2011 is
expected to be utilised by July,
2012. The fund released during last quarter of
2011-12 will be spent by
December, 2012. The government of
continuous presence of over 36,000
Reang refugees who migrated from Mizoram and are
staying in our state for over 14
years has been a matter of concern to us. The
continuous presence of these
families is giving rise to financial, social and
law and order related
situations. Our government has been providing
all the support for repatriation
of these families. However, the progress has
been extremely slow. I would seek
intervention of the government of
government of
123 acres of land has been
under occupation of the Assam Rifles at
Agartala. This land was being used for
games and sports prior to its occupation by the
Assam Rifles in 1971, at the
time of
the recent visit of
I am
hopeful that the deliberations
of the conference would be helpful for tackling
issues related to internal
security. I am of the firm belief that the
strength of our democracy lies in
the resilience of its people. By actively
mobilising the people, with the
support of central and the state governments, we
can succeed in opening a new chapter
on controlling insurgency, expediting economic
development and making growth