No. 18 May 06, 2012 |
Newer and Newer Avenues for Profit Maximisation
THE CPI(M)’s 20th
`Resolution on Some Ideological Issues’ noted the process of
creation of newer
and newer avenues for profit maximisation as one of the new
features of
contemporary imperialism. This is contained in the trajectory of
economic reforms that
the Indian ruling
classes have also embraced during this period of globalisation. As a consequence,
apart from the direct loot
and privatisation of public assets, the policy framework itself
is being so
changed so as to facilitate private profit maximisation.
This is seen today in
the current
pathological preoccupation of the Planning Commission with
public-private-partnership (PPP) as the main model for economic
growth. Attracting
private capital with opportunities
for adequate profit to build public assets and infrastructure is
necessary for
India’s economic development.
But to
place public assets for private profit maximisation is an
different concept. By doing this, the
Planning Commission itself
is planning the demise of economic planning in India.
The PPP is being
actively promoted in
all fields of economic activity, notably in infrastructure and
social services. By
now it is clear that all such PPP projects
have resulted in the jacking up of user charges which
effectively prevents the
poor from using these facilities.
Delhi’s airport is most expensive for travelers in the
world today. Toll
tax collection awarded to private
players `in perpetuity’ has ruled out the aam
admi from the highways.
amounts are being transferred to private players in education
and health by the
government for paying the fees and charges
for the mandatory admissions
economically weaker sections.
amounts are literally subsidies to the private sector. Instead,
if these
amounts were used for public investments, then these could have
created larger
employment and greater facilities for
the aam admi. The experience
of Latin American
countries, where PPP became the norm for all social amenities
such as water
supply, electricity etc, shows how the common people’s
livelihood has been
devastated. Now the PPP is being planned in agriculture and a pilot
project has been initiated by the Maharashtra government
under the World
Economic Forum’s “new agriculture
initiative”. In a situation where 83 per cent of land holdings
in India are
marginal and small, the PPP proposals for aggregating production and marketing will have a devastating
impact on the already beleaguered
farmers who are being driven towards distress suicides. Even here, the state
will put in 50 per cent
of the investment and allow the private corporates to avail of
all the existing
agricultural subsidies.
Let us consider the
case of
education. There
are many Bills pending
in the parliament which seek to legalise such private profit
including permitting foreign universities to open their branches
in India.
The Supreme Court has
sanctioned the legality of the amendment to the constitution
guaranteeing the Right
to Education for all children between the age of 6 and 14. It has thus, inter alia, mandated every private school to
ensure at least 25 per
cent enrolment from the economically weaker sections. The
caveat is that
their fees will be subsidised by the government and this target
is to be reached
progressively during the next eight years.
The government is
willing to pay upto
Rs 19,000 per annum per student from the weaker sections to
private schools.
While the elite schools may be unhappy, the budget private
schools would make a
windfall profit. Already, according to the Annual Status of
Education Report
(ASER), private schools enrolment has sharply grown from 18.7
per cent in 2006
to 25.6 per cent in 2011. Studies across the states have shown
that the per
pupil expenditure in such schools is vastly below that of the
schools, while they charge as fees, anything between 5 to 12
times more.
The Universal Right to
international experience shows, can never be achieved, without
the wide network
of state-run `neighbourhood schools’. This has laid the
foundation of all
developed countries, irrespective of their social systems. Apart
from this, our
Bill suffers from not providing for children below 6 years with
the government
refusing to attach Anganwadis
the primary schools.
Many of the pending
Bills on higher
education, however, instead seek to legalise this approach of
subsidising private education players. Take the case of Andhra
Pradesh alone,
it has 705 engineering colleges with the capacity of 3,04,200.
However, only
2,08,936 qualified the entrance examination, leaving an excess
capacity of
75,836. There are only 29 government colleges with a mere 5,276
seats, rest are
private. With the government subsidising the fees of SC/ST/OBC
students, the AP
government has spent Rs 3,621 crores in the last fiscal alone
compared with the
budget of only Rs 1,087 crores for
technical education. If all eligible students are to be
covered then Rs
7,500 crores is required. This is for one state alone. Consider
the fact that
to start a government college, the initial requirement is only
Rs 50 lakhs.
Instead of starting government colleges, such high subsidies to
colleges apart from providing them with land and loans etc only
means the
creation of new avenues for private profit-maximisation.
In addition, the
government continues
to drag its feet on legislating social control over such private
enterprises with regard to fee structure, syllabus, teachers and
staff salaries
etc. Salaries of teachers in un-aided budget private schools
are, at least, 4
to 7 times lower.
The economic gains
from the export
and import of higher education is an essential element in the
general agreement
on trade and services of the World Trade Organisation. According
to the
Planning Commission, 88 per cent
funds required for the approved expansion of higher education in
the Eleventh
Plan were to be generated through this PPP route. The Approach
Paper to the
Twelfth Five Year Plan, unambiguously states: “private
initiatives in higher
education, including viable and innovative PPP models, will
therefore be
actively promoted. The current ‘not-for-profit’ prescription in
sector, should be re-examined in a pragmatic manner.” Private
participation in
enlarging the coverage of mid-day meal schemes, fully funded by
the government,
is being encouraged and major part of the Rashtriya
Madhyamik Shiksha
Abhiyaan’s expansion is to take place through PPP.
Professor Tilak
of National
University of Educational Planning and Administration has
recently detailed all
the measures that the XII Plan approach paper is proposing for
legalising such
large scale privatisation and commercialisation (Economic and Political Weekly, March 31, 2012). He
says: One, it
says, “Private sector growth in higher education (including
technical) should
be facilitated”. How
is this to be
done? The paper
stresses “the need for
removal of entry-barriers to private participation” in not only
education, but also all levels of education.
Two, the paper argues that “innovative public-private
should be explored and developed”.
Three, it states, “The `not-for-profit’ tag in higher
education sector
should, perhaps, be re-examined in a more pragmatic manner”.
Four, it favours
providing “deserving” private institutions with “access to
public funds in the
form of loans, financial aid for students and competitive
funding for
research”. Five, it states that institutions of higher education
“should be
encouraged to raise their own funds through various legitimate
means”. Six,
it recommends considering the idea of
creating large education hubs at four or five locations in the
anchored by large public sector enterprises, possibly with the
participation of
the private sector and using funds from their allocations for
corporate social
He concludes by saying
that higher
education in independent India has moved
“from a system embedded in welfare statism… to a system
based on a
neo-liberal market philosophy. Sadly, the transition seems to be
complete and
dangerously irreversible.”
There are
today 73 private universities and nearly 100 deemed universities
compared to
almost nil a decade ago. Private higher education today accounts
for about
four-fifths of enrolment in professional education and one-third
Contrast this with USA where less than one-fourth are enrolled
in private
It is necessary to now
recollect the
Report of the 1948 Commission on University Education headed by
Dr S
Radhakrishnan which said: “as we claim to be a civilised people,
we must regard
the higher education of the rising generation as one of our
concerns…. Many of
these proposals will
mean increased expenditure, but this increase, we are convinced
is an
investment for the democratic future of a free
Instead of investing
in the future by
improving state-run education, qualitatively and quantitatively,
this UPA-II government
is subsidising and promoting unregulated commercial educational
(May 2, 2012)