No. 17 April 29, 2012 |
be a True Communist is to be Like Sundarayya
had attended last three Party Congresses,
but rarely did I hear slogans shouted during the Congress. I
was witness to one
such rare occasion during the 20th Party Congress in
knew that Comrade Sundarayya was a Communist
giant, but unfortunately had never seen him, leave alone
talk with him. Hence,
all my knowledge of him is indirect obtained through
listening to others and
reading about him. Fortunately, coming from a family of
Communists, I learnt a
lot about him from some of my own family members who had
interacted with him
and had known him. Hearing them talk, with visible pride in
their eyes, made me
feel jealous about them. Yes, jealous that they could
interact with a leader of
his stature, which I could not as I was born a generation
later. More so,
because the qualities they had mentioned and which I had
subsequently read in
many of the glorious tributes paid by other stalwarts of the
Communist movement
like B T Ranadive, M Basavapunnaiah, EMS Namboodiripad,
Jyoti Basu, L B
Gangadhara Rao and others, were relevant for practice even
to this day.
in the neo-liberal times, some of
the qualities of Comrade Sundarayya struck to me as quite
contrast to general
practice and the order of the day today. It is this contrast
that had endeared
him much more to me. Let me share a few:
preaches one to be concerned
about self and not bother about others. Of course, Communism
counters this
ideology and all the Party members take the oath that they
will put the Party
before their self. But what struck to me was the way
Sundarayya expressed his
concern towards others and practiced what he had preached. I
was told that
Sundarayya had once come to the Party office in
was told by many that one of the chief
traits of Com Sundarayya was his discipline. He tried to
inculcate this
character particularly among the students and the youth,
with whom he was
deeply attached. He would wake up at 4 o’clock in the
morning, go through his
daily exercises and start his study. Many of the younger
comrades, it seems,
would be ashamed to find him already deeply engrossed in
study, even when their
day was yet to start. Com PS had particularly stressed on
the youth to be physically
active, always be helpful to others, particularly the
elderly, women and the
children. He once said that a Red Shirt volunteer is not one
who just wears the
uniform during some special occasions, does some physical
drills and marches
according to commands. For Com PS, a Red Shirt volunteer is
one who always
helps the poor and needy at times when they are in distress.
They should be
available to serve the needy round the clock and thus,
should set a precedent.
No wonder, Com PS was actively involved in removing the
sludge in Bandar canal,
even though he was a leader during that time and could have
just sat on the
banks, supervising the progress of the work.
aspect is the way Com PS encouraged
the students and youth to study and help them in evolving
into matured Communists.
Once he had attended a conference of the student front and
asked the delegates
how many hours they study. Finding a majority of them
studying only for 4-6
hours, he exhorted them to devote more time to study, saying
that he himself
even at this ripe age, studies for more than 12 hours. It is
thus natural to
find that many of the comrades sitting on the dais of the
20th Congress, as
Prakash Karat himself mentioned moving the resolution, were
influenced by
Comrade Sundarayya. It would not be an exaggeration to state
that, but for his
vision and thinking and planning for the future, the
Communist movement today
would not have got its present leaders. It is this vision
and planning for days
ahead that should inspire us and make us concentrate on
building a strong Party
Sundarayya’s pocket diary is
legendary. Many comrades had mentioned about it, how it
contained names and
details of various comrades working throughout the country,
together with
various contemporary facts. It seems he used to remember
many of the comrades
by name and refresh his knowledge about their families and
enquire them about
their well-being, not as a matter of fact, but from a real,
serious concern for
them. His respect for martyrs is remarkable. He never forgot
the many comrades
who had sacrificed their lives during the glorious Telangana
armed struggle and
would always push the concerned Party committees to look
into the well-being of
the families of the martyrs. He always visited their houses,
whenever he
happened to be in that place on some subsequent Party work.
It is this love for
his comrades that was expressed from the depths of his heart
that had touched
the hearts of comrades.
Sundarayya had a deep sense of
hatred against inequalities and discrimination. He never
tolerated any sort of
discrimination and that is the reason why we see right since
his childhood, he
stood for equality and against discrimination. He struck to
this trait
throughout his life. He always assessed people on the basis
of their political
commitment, hard work and honesty. He never let himself to
be carried away by
the superfluous demagoguery and hollow words. For him, life
was simple and
straight forward – know yourself, love people and work
tirelessly and
unselfishly for the cause of the people.
these days of neo-liberalism, when
putting a show, flaunting your ‘qualities’, ostentatious
display of wealth and
thinking about self before others is becoming the order of
the day, Comrade
Sundarayya’s life is really a role-model to be studied and
emulated. To be a
true Communist is to be like Sundarayya. Can we live up to
this challenge?