No. 17 April 29, 2012 |
The Glorious Legacy of P Sundarayya
B T Ranadive
May 1, 2012
marks the birth centenary
of the Comrade P Sundarayya, former general secretary of
the CPI(M) and an
outstanding leader of the Indian Communist Movement. On
this occasion we are
publishing the speech given by Comrade B T Ranadive at a
special memorial
meeting held at
NOW, we are here
to pay tributes to
our outstanding leader Comrade P Sundarayya. After the death
of P Sundarayya,
perhaps there is none in the Party or outside who have not
felt his loss. Our Party
shares fully the grief of Comrade Leila, the inseparable
companion of P
Sundarayya. The loss of an outstanding leader is a very deep
loss no doubt,
particularly multiplied, if our Party, Party leaders and
cadres do not
understand why we are feeling the loss and why he had become
such an
outstanding leader of the Communist movement and our Party.
It is not given to
every Communist to
become an outstanding leader. It is not given to every cadre
to become an
outstanding leader of the Party. Only when you specialise
and distinguish
yourself in an outstanding service to the Party and that of
Marxism – Leninism,
then alone you would become an outstanding leader. It is
given to every Communist
to become a better and better Communist, to become a better
and better worthy Party
member and better and better Party leader. That is why, all
of us must master
the various facts and facets, qualities that makes an
outstanding leader of our
All of us know,
how Sundarayya began
his life as a young freedom fighter for the cause of the
country and for the
cause of the freedom of our people. There are several people
in the country who
began their political life as freedom fighters, but did not
become outstanding Communists.
There are several other leaders who came over to Communism
anti-imperialist struggle but, either they did not remain
with Communism till
the end, or failed to become outstanding Communist leaders.
There are several
others who during the freedom struggle felt deeply for the
common man,
peasants, agricultural workers and harijans, but they failed
to reach the
highest level in the Communist movement.
When Comrade P
Sundarayya came over
to Communism and became an adherent to Marxism, to Leninist
ideology, he
immediately grasped the basic dialectical principles without
which the
revolutionary movements could not go ahead.
The facts that are
taken for granted
today by our several thousand Party members are the
existence of the Communist Party
and its necessity for revolution; they were not accepted at
that time. What was
the situation in
The fight for the
Party principles,
the fight for the superiority of the Party over every thing
else and the fight
for revolutionary discipline in the Party are the fights
Comrade P Sundarayya
has fought and this great contribution of Comrade P
Sundarayya made him an
outstanding leader of the Party.
Ideology, and the
correct line alone
does not lead to any results. If a man sits at home and goes
on preaching the
principle of superiority of the Party, the principle will
have no meaning and
the man will have no meaning. After all, every revolutionary
principle is to be
made acceptable principle of the masses and has to be
carried to the people and
has to be made the heritage of masses. Ideology without
personal courage,
ideology without the personal contact with masses, ideology
without being with
the masses, has absolutely no future anywhere. Every
revolutionary step is
supposed to have the personal courage, that personal
devotion to carry forward
the tasks of the ideology and without that thing, ideology
cannot work.
Sundarayya had that courage, that devotion so that he was
not just a teacher of
that superiority principle but was always active among the
people, cadres, and
masses to ensure the victory of the principle.
Not only regarding
the Party
principle, regarding every activity of the Party – tactics
of the Party, the
mass organisation, building up popular organisations and on
every issue – he
was among the people, so that Communism and the daily
struggle of the masses
and the Communism and the daily growing consciousness of the
people were
increasingly untied through him. A revolutionary does not
become a full
revolutionary unless he has a strong and total opposition to
everything the old
society represents – its culture, religion, caste system.
Whatever may be the
tactics he employs, but in the heart, there must be a
burning fire to destroy
the present society and erect a new society. In the course
of our revolutionary
struggle, we have to enter into alliance and into tactical
understanding with
several forces; many of these forces stand for the present
social order. Many
of you may not criticise them. That, of course, we have to
do. But, in our
heart, the direction of our struggle must be towards
changing this entire
The Communist
Party and the Communist
ideology from the beginning took a defiant stand against all
feudal social
institutions like religion and demanded that the people
should be freed from
the influence of these social institutions. In its
announcement of programme or
platform, it never compromised with any of these principles,
any of these
institutions though for tactical purpose, it had to adopt
different tactics on
different occasions.
Sundarayya shared
this hatred for
these feudal institutions perhaps long before he came over
to Communism. In his
early days when he joined the freedom struggle, he had
already started fight
against the caste system and the ostracism of harijans. It
required a great
individual personal courage in those days for a young man to
stand in
opposition to the entire upper class village and demand that
he is entitled to
treat harijans on equal terms. This defiant spirit to
challenge the injustice
of the entire old institutions stood in him firmly when he
came over to
Communism and when his outlook became much more broadened,
challenging every
aspect of the present social system. Many of our comrades,
Party leaders and
cadres shared this opposition to all these old social
institutions which are
But, yet, in a
major chunk of the
ranks of our Party, there is not a burning hatred for these
In our everyday
Party life and Party
activity, we have to keep in mind this heritage left by
Comrade Sundarayya
along with all other things. We must not forget the fight
against these feudal
institutions because our revolution itself is partly
The outstanding
period of his life,
which also marked in the earlier period, was Comrade P
Sundarayya’s continuous
fight in defence of Marxism-Leninism and the Party of the
When Comrade P
Sundarayya joined the
Communist Party, the task initially was much easier because
we had to fight
anti-Communist tendencies outside and we had to gather
growing Communist groups
together on the basis of common ideology. The immediate task
was to unify all
the Communists on the basis of a common platform and common
programme and on
the basis of common outlook and attitude towards the
nationalists and
anti-imperialist struggle and on the basis of how to develop
the leadership of
the working class for the agrarian revolution during the
course of this
But, subsequently,
when the Party
became big and new developments began to take place in the
country, there were
vacillations inside the Party also. The inner-party struggle
became sharp after
the achievement of independence. In all newly liberated
countries, at one stage
or the other, certainly the inner-party struggle does take
place, because of
the very composition of the Party. Our biggest inner-party
struggle took place
in 1962 or 1964 or a little bit earlier; for five to ten
years, it had been
going on. It was the struggle between the two wings of the
Communist Party of
India as it was there. What was the essence of this struggle
and inner-party
As Stalin pointed
out, “The inner-party
differences often echo the feelings of the different
sections of the people
outside the Party. They are the reflections of the bourgeois
influences within the
Party. It happened in
Why did it happen?
It happened
because during the course of anti-imperialist struggle, as
it is bound to
happen in any colonial country, a large number of
anti-imperialist honest
elements from the middle-classes and petty bourgeoisie found
place inside the Party.
While remaining honest, they unconsciously identified
Communism and Socialism
with the struggle against imperialism and achievement of
independence. When the
question of carrying forward the victory of anti-imperialist
struggle to the
stage of the democratic revolution and to the stage of
relieving the peasantry
from exploitation came up, then they began to show
vacillations. Now it is not
the direct struggle against imperialism. It is the direct
struggle against the
bourgeoisie-landlord combination of our own country.
The condition of
these sections in
the Party is similar to the condition of Arjuna during the
Mahabharat war.
Seeing the Kaurava army, he said, these are my Mamas and Chachas, how
can I fight with them. The revisionists in the Party
developed the same phobia.
After-all, they are Nehru Chacha and Patel Mama, how can we
fight with them. It
is a clear case of bourgeoisie influence inside the Party
which was recognised
by some of our leaders like P Sundarayya, M Basavapunnaiah
and others. And
serious fight has gone on, and in 1964 it came to an end.
The Party has split
into two. Here an uncompromising role along with others was
played by Comrade P
Sundarayya in defence of purity of Marxist-Leninist doctrine
in defence of
Marxist-Leninist Party and fight against revisionism. This
was one of the main
contributions which Comrade P Sundarayya made in our fight
against revisionism.
Without this fight, a genuine
Party would not have
survived in this country.
Comrades, you must
ask yourself a
question why only some leaders of the Party were able to
carry on this fight
while other leaders deserted this fight. The difference lies
in the fact that
some leaders, a section of the Party and leadership were
able to understand and
master the application of Marxism-Leninism to the concrete
conditions of India
and were firmly wedded to defend the basic truths and
principles of Marxism
while others neglected their study and wanted to sacrifice
the basic principles
in the name of practical politics. Now the question comes
because all of you
are paying genuine tributes to Comrade P Sundarayya, will
you be able to defend
the heritage which Comrade P Sundarayya leaves behind? That
is, are you,
personally, individually in your own capacity, capable of
defending the Party
of Marxist-Leninist doctrine and carry on the burden which
Comrade P Sundaryya
left on us? Of course, the answer is no. Because such
defence can be made only
by those who make it their lifetime business to go on
studying the
Marxist-Leninist doctrines and draw inspiration every day
and every minute of
their life. Lenin once said, he alone is a real Marxist who
makes Marxism a
part of his inner-consciousness, that is Marxism and Marxist
reaction must come
automatically. Very few among our Party cadres and Party
members can justify
this to say that they are devoting that much time to the
study, restudy and
restudy of Marxism-Leninism which would ensure the complete
defence of the Party
of the Marxist-Leninist doctrine. To be able to pay a
genuine tribute to the
memory of Comrade P Sundarayya, all of us must resolve to
study and restudy the
Marxist-Leninist doctrine.
Another part,
which perhaps is now
commonly accepted and perhaps the testing time has not come,
is the question of
proletarian internationalism. Our Party is a Party which
believes in
proletariat internationalism and the unity of the entire
working class of the
world in the common fight against capitalism for the
establishment of world
socialism. You obviously also understand and that is how the
contingents of the international movement act, each Party
has its own work in
its own nation, but, it must continue to work as a
contingent of the single
world order. There were many Socialists, some of them
Communists who were
contemporary to Comrade P Sundarayya, but afterwards, we do
not find their name
either in Socialist or Communist movement. There were
parties of various
socialist roots which later on either merged in Lokdal,
Janata or some of them in
Congress. The distinguishing mark of these parties is that
some of them have
honest people, but they could not establish a proper link
Sundarayya came to
the Communist Party
and along with it accepted the discipline of Communist
international, has well
understood that the struggle for
It was an acid
test for our courage
and proletarian internationalism as the fight was not only
against the ruling Congress
government but we had to cross swords with such a big Party
like the Communist Party
of the
We all pay high
tributes to what CPSU
is doing today. It has guarded its Socialism and it is
fighting Reagan’s
war-mongerism. But at that time, we had to criticise that
great Party also for
its failure to understand what has happened on India-China
border. Once again,
the question comes up when one has to show courage to
criticise the very big Party,
to stand in defiance of the ruling Party here and also at
the expense of some
misunderstanding with the people of our own country. This
courage comes from
the firm belief in proletarian internationalism. The same
leadership did not
show any vacillation in expressing its differences with the
Communist Party of
China when they appeared to go wrong. Once again, it came
from the innate
loyalty to the basic principles of Marxism-Leninism, such
qualities were in
abundance in P Sundarayya and other leaders.
To honour the
memory of Comrade P
Sundarayya, we have to carry forward this understanding of
internationalism and
strengthen it in the minds of all our Party members.
Comrade P
Sundarayya along with
others took a very prominent and leading role in not only
fighting the right
revisionism in the country but also the Naxalite dogmatism
and Naxalite
Left-Sectarianism. These are the reflections of two
tendencies in the
international Communist movement – the revisionism on one
hand and the
sectarian dogmatism on the other hand.
For standing face
to face with the
big parties, who in our understanding are committing
mistakes, our Party got
alienated from both sides and Comrade Sundarayya was singled
out for leading
the Party in this. When we were taking this stand, Comrade
Sundarayya was the
general secretary of our Party and he had to bear the burnt
of attack and abuse
from both sides. It is because of this quality of standing
firm for the basic
principles of the Party that when Party Congress took place
One cannot forget
the historic
struggle of the Telangana peasants while talking about
Comrade P Sundarayya. It
was the most glorious part of the history of our Communist
movement. The
lessons of this struggle were not completely mastered either
in Andhra or
anywhere else. Its pride is not properly shared by all our
Party members. The
book which Comrade P Sundarayya has written on Telangana
struggle will go a
long way in teaching our people as to what great heights our
Party and the
people of Telangana reached during the course of this
There you come to
grips with the
common people and you see what is made up of common man and
woman when they are
fired by Marxian ideology and by the ideology of agrarian
revolution. Heroes
are not born or drawn from the drawing rooms. Heroes are not
produced only
through study circles. Heroes and heroines are born when the
ideology becomes the weapon of the common man and they arise
from the common
man. Then you see a qualitative change in these persons who
are down-trodden
yesterday and would not open their mouth and put up with
oppression. Then you
see the fire of revolution and fire of hatred burning in
them and they become
qualitatively different human beings. That is what the
Telangana struggle did
to the peasantry of Telangana. Then the revolutionary
slogans of the Party
become the slogans of the masses.
Stalin long ago
said, the tactical
slogans are meant to see that the slogans of the Party
become the slogans of
the masses.
In Telangana, we
followed the tactics
which resulted in the slogans of the Party becoming slogans
of the agrarian
masses. This movement also showed that when the
revolutionary ideology of the
working class and its Party is wedded to the fighting spirit
of the peasantry,
the real revolutionary movement is born. That leadership we
could not have
given without the Party, ideology of the working class and
the Party bracing up
the ideology of the working class. Combined with the
revolutionary outlook and
the revolutionary tactics of the working class movement in
the agrarian
revolution is the lesson that can be drawn from Telangana
and Comrade P
Sundarayya’s life. If that lesson is mastered, our movement
would become ten
times more powerful. Can we be able to do it? Then, we have
to take the
corresponding tactics of the present period so that the two
forces – the working class movement and ideology and peasant
unrest and
ideology, can come together. That is very important because
our Party programme
also says that unity of the workers and peasants is the axis
of the people’s
democratic front.
Comrade P
Sundarayya was able to
score all these achievements because of certain special
qualities in him. I
have already talked about his devotion, his mingling with
the masses. Perhaps
there is no other leader of the CPI(M) who was moving so
much with the masses,
who was for the masses, from the masses and with the masses;
Comrade P
Sundarayya and A K Gopalan are the two leaders who are
always with the masses.
That is why, though he was implementing and carrying forward
the Party line,
because he was in the masses, he was able to awaken more and
more masses and
became an outstanding leader of the implementation of
distinction in Comrade P
Sundarayya is his passion for details. Comrade Sundarayya
would not speak
unless his brief was complete. He would like to make a
thorough study of every
problem facing him and only on the basis of that study and
the details he
mastered, he would venture to give guidance. For him, Party
work was always
planned work. It must be planned properly, executed
properly, and implemented
properly. Even for an ordinary thing, he would say as if you
want to do this
thing, what is the Party membership and influence there? The
whole idea was to
find out whether the Party is in a position to guide this or
that thing must be
firmly decided on how Party exists and it carried on its
Another great
quality of Comrade P
Sundarayya is his complete accessibility to the Party cadres
and members. It is
because of this together with all rewards he received, he
earned the confidence
of the Party members, cadres and people outside the Party
and he became the
outstanding leader of the Party. Implementation of Party
line alone would have
not made him an outstanding leader. Personal sacrifice and
alone would not have made him an outstanding leader. The
combination of
devotion towards Party line, simple life and availability to
the cadres has
made Comrade P Sundarayya a complete outstanding leader.
To pay tribute to
his memory is to
endeavour every time to become one like him, who would be
equally efficient in
discharging all the tasks the Party sets on us. How his
personal influence also
extended beyond the Party was seen yesterday when so many
lakhs of people
attended his funeral. The masses loved him and the other
Party leaders
respected him. But, it is a privilege of our Party and our
ranks to carry
forward the heritage left by him. Let us all be worthy of