No. 17 April 29, 2012 |
Revolutionary Zeal is His Greatness
B V Raghavulu
marks the birth centenary year of Putchalapalli Sundarayya.
With the passage of
time, some people fade from public memory. But Sundarayya’s
personality will
keep shining forever without losing sheen.
Comrade Sundarayya
is a great human
being. I think his world outlook is even greater. Some
people may not agree
with this view. People, who miss the link between his
personality and world
outlook, talk only about his personality. It is not possible
to understand his
personality, overlooking his earnestness and zeal to change
the society, to
establish an egalitarian social system and the movements
that he led to achieve
these. Sundarayya’s personality evolved from his efforts to
serve the people
and for their development.
Simple living,
honesty, sacrifice, principled
life, determination, truthfulness, hardwork,
self-confidence, discipline,
courageousness and fearlessness – all these best qualities
are imbibed in his
personality. These still remain the ideals to be emulated by
all those who
yearn for an egalitarian society. When he believed in
something to be right and
good, he never confined himself to just it. Putting words
into deeds was his
greatness. Practicing and not just preaching was his way.
That is why, the entire
humanity pays him tributes. It is hence not surprising that
the well-wishers
and the followers commend him so much. Those who detest him
in their hearts also
praise him for his qualities. They portray Sundarayya’s
personality as
something super-humanly and sky-high, which cannot be
achieved by ordinary
human beings, and as such proclaim that they are beyond
Sundarayya is an
embodiment of simplicity.
At a younger age, his clothes were khaki shorts and coarse
khaddar shirt and
later on, khaddar shirt and loose pyjama. These remained his
clothes life-long.
He himself used to wash his clothes. He travelled on foot
and by cycle. No
matter how far is the distance, he used to travel on cycle,
with ease. He used
to undertake long distance journeys by train and that too,
only by third class.
One hold-all for wrapping all the things he needed and
carrying it; no preferences
for eating. He ate whatever was available, whatever was
there with the people
to feed him. He even ate gruel, rice with just chillies, or
even sankati. Eating
whatever was given to
him, without wasting even a morsel, washing the plate
himself, was his habit. These
were normal activities and a routine for him. For taking
rest, it didn’t matter
if it was a hard floor, or an elevated surface or a cot with
woven strings (charphai).
Whatever facilities the
people had for taking rest, he considered them to be his
With files tied to
the carriage,
arriving to the parliament on a cycle, parking the cycle in
the stand, walking
inside the House and taking his seat on time and with
concentrated attention
studying the papers and getting down to business –
Sundarayya was unique to the
parliament even in those days. When he was a member of the
state legislature,
he not only used to go to the Assembly on cycle, but he used
to go to the chief
minister’s house too on a
cycle and used
to get his work done, which astonished everyone even in
those days.
He used to carry
his things all by
himself. He never used to agree to any kind of help offered
for carrying his
luggage. He detested elaborate receptions at stations. He
used to object asking
why such things were organised wasting the work and time of
comrades. In 1977,
a summer training camp was organised for the Party cadre in
Anakapalli. Many
eminent leaders were the speakers in that camp. To welcome
Comrade Sundarayya,
many people including the students attending the camp and
the organisers went
to the railway station to receive him. Sundarayya severely
objected to this. He
argued with the organizers asking them whether the students
were brought to the
training camp to teach them politics, or to welcome the
leaders? He did not
move from the station till everybody left. Such incidents
are innumerable. Those
who are acquainted with him can recall many such instances.
There were many
leaders who lived a
simple lifestyle among the yesteryear leaders. The freedom
struggle and the
communist movement had influenced them to be simple. It
became necessary to
mingle with the lives of the common people to mobilize
people against the
British rule. They believed that only by mingling with the
common people, could
they enthuse them. That is the reason why Gandhi had given
away his suit and
shoes and wore the attire of a common man – the simple dhoti
and a walking
stick. In the same way, Sundarayya, who was born into a rich
family and was in
a position to live a luxurious life, gave up all of them and
lived a simple
life endearing himself to the common people. Even today, it
is important for
the leaders and cadre to mingle with the common people and
follow their
lifestyle, if they want to build peoples’ movements.
Simplicity means to mould
one’s life according to the lifestyle of common people. This
not just a
question of individual morality, but also is an effective
means to mobilise
In the struggle
for equality and for
the protection of environment, simplicity becomes an
effective weapon. This
also becomes the basis for an alternative development model.
Lavish lifestyle
is a symbol for inequalities and dominance. It is a means
employed by the rich
classes to show their ‘greatness’, though it is not really
needed for them.
and pompous spending is a reflection of unhindered
consumerism. The present system
draws one into the whirlpool of the market, promoting
spending and hoarding
irrespective of one’s actual needs. As a result, our natural
resources too are getting
depleted and wasted, jeopardising the needs of our future
generations. The
forces that are fighting against inequalities, those
advocating protection of
our natural resources and environmental and ecological
balance should train
their guns at such ostentatious spending. Simple living
should be made a way of
The sacrifices
made by Sundarayya are
well known. He used his share of the family property for the
movement. He
collected money from friends and relatives and spent it for
the people. He
chose not to have children because it might not be possible
to pay enough
attention to them, as he had decided to devote his entire
life and time for the
people’s movements. Once he decided to devote his entire
life to serve the
people, it was natural for him to consider the people
themselves as his
successors. In the history of our struggle for independence
and the communist
movement, we find several such people who have sacrificed
their properties,
those who did not marry because they thought that marriage
and family would
create hurdles to their activities. Such sacrificing
attitude among the activists
and cadres working in people’s movements is necessary even
But the trait of
sacrifice is
becoming rare among the politicians and political activists
today. Selfishness
is increasingly becoming the norm. Politics and business are
getting intertwined.
Business people are joining politics and utilising it to
further enrich
themselves. Politicians seek to convert their influence as a
means to enhance
their incomes. The more one excels in amassing wealth
through such dubious and
exploitative means, the more one is considered to be
successful and
flourishing. Honest people, people who do not make use of
their political
positions for increasing their wealth, are considered either
incompetent or
naive. Today’s dominant ideology treats honest people and
people with a
sacrificing attitude as in same, as people belonging to some
other world. It is
quite evident that such an ideology only helps to protect
the present
exploitative system.
The present
society, dominated as it
is by business interests, promotes and universalises
selfishness. Hence,
corruption, frauds, and illegitimate activities – all are
hailed as tools for
promoting business. People are totally engrossed in thinking
about their own
welfare, about their own well being without any
consideration for their fellow
human beings. They compete with and challenge one another;
there is no place
for values like mutual cooperation and assistance. A society
based on mutual
cooperation can alone be the real alternative to one based
on business
interests. Nurturing the sense of sacrifice is one way to
achieve this. The
attitudes of cooperation, support and compassion that
generate from the sense
of sacrifice also help in strengthening people’s movements.
Human existence
itself involves
change. The struggle of human beings along with their fellow
human beings to
change nature for their existence, is the driving force that
enables society to
advance. The efforts of leaders help in hastening this
advance and in steering
it in the desired direction. Sundarayya’s life is an example
of such an effort.
Opposing caste discrimination in his own village, taking
initiative to form the
agricultural workers’ union, wearing a khaddar cap in
school, boycotting
classes with the slogan ‘Simon Go Back’, his participation
in the Salt
Satyagraha, picketing the toddy shops, forming the workers’
committees, leading the heroic Telangana peasants’ armed
struggle – Sundarayya
did all these in an effort to remove inequalities in the
society and lead it
towards equality.
Sundarayya’s work
teaches us that
activities that provide relief to the people are as
important in the
revolutionary movement as people’s struggles. Ingrained in
this is the thought
that constructive activities too can be utilised as forms of
struggle. Running
an adult education centre for the poor in his own village,
organising common
partaking of food in his village challenging caste
discrimination, learning
first aid to provide medical help to the common people,
encouraging his brother
to start a ‘people’s hospital’, mobilising volunteers for
and directly
participating in the removal of sludge in the Bandar canal,
getting rice sold
at Re 1 per kilo to expose the failure of the government in
controlling prices,
mobilising the Party cadres and placing them in the
forefront in the relief
work when lakhs of people were affected by the severe
cyclonic storm in Divi
area – all these are not mere relief activities; these are
also activities that
raise the awareness of the people against the policies of
the ruling classes;
these are activities that mobilise the people. Sundarayya
considered the
attitude to belittle relief activities in as wrong in the
Sundarayya had an
eternal thirst for
knowledge. Reading books became a part of his life since his
childhood. The
habit of reading all the books that he could lay his hands
on, the zeal to
learn new things, spending hours at a stretch studying in
libraries, collecting
valuable books continued all through his life. There are
several encyclopaedias,
atlases, dictionaries and many rare books in the thousands
of books that he had
collected. That is why the Party considered starting a
library as a true
tribute to Sundarayya and established the Vignana Kendram in
his name in
believed that study should
be for advancing the movement and struggles. Knowledge does
not have much value
if it is only for entertainment or just to pass time. Study
should be meant to
search the truth. The search for truth is to change society.
It is with this
understanding that Sundarayya utilised study and knowledge
as tools for
advancing the movement. He collected comprehensive
information by conducting
survey in the villages of Anantavaram and Kaja and wrote an
authentic book on
the land issue. He collected concrete information about the
wages of
agricultural workers and the cost of agricultural production
from several
villages in the state, made a concrete analysis of this
information and
presented it in the class for the agricultural workers, that
was held in
Kollipara In the sixtees. His book ‘Comprehensive Water Plan
for Andhra
Pradesh’ outlining concrete suggestions on proper and
equitable utilisation of
the water resources in the state, is valid even today. His
book ‘People’s rule
in Visalandhra’ incorporating the necessary plans for the
all round development
of the Telugu people in a united state had greatly enthused
the movement for a
united state in those days. His book on Telangana armed
struggle summerised the
experiences and lessons of the great peasant armed struggle
against the notorious
Nizam feudal rule in
personality was evolved
and grew within the people’s movements. It helped in the
expansion and
development of those movements. Even today, peoples’
movements need persons
with such qualities. Such people are indeed born
continuously from peoples’
movements. The qualities that would be seen in future human
beings in a new
society are born and will be visible in their germinal form
in the present
struggles against this exploitative society. Sundarayya is a
representative of such great qualities.