No. 17 April 29, 2012 |
TMC’s Political
Opportunism, Land Question
and the Emerging
Agrarian Crisis in
Archana Prasad
move to give concessions to corporate
capital by making fundamental changes in the Land Reforms
Act is one of a
series of measures that are aimed at setting up the basis
for the penetration
of corporate capital in the state. It also unmasks the true
face of the TMC
government and shows that the ‘maa mati manush’ slogan is
merely a legitimating
device for pushing the interests of corporate capital.
The first
indications of the reversal
of land reforms came after the success of the TMC in the Lok
Sabha elections
with organised TMC supported gangs forcing tillers to
destroy their crops and
evict lands in areas like North and South 24 Parganas,
Birbhum and Burdwan. But
the real widespread evictions started immediately after the
TMC came to power
in May 2011. The Mamata Banerjee government termed the Left
Front’s land reform
policy as a “robbery of land” and set up a policy
determination committee on
land use. However, the period after the elections has also
seen the
demystification of the class alliances supporting the TMC’s
use of political
violence for evictions.
A survey by
Punarnaba, a forum of
left leaning intellectuals in 2011 in four districts
described the process of
these evictions to show the working of the jotdar,
police and TMC combine. For example when the team of
Punaraba visited the North
24 Parganas they found in one place that on the pretext of
looking for illegal
arms, armed gangs recruited by TMC and with active support
of the jotdars
started infiltrating into the area helped by the local
police force. On July 3,
2011, they entered the
These instances
were not unique to
the field area visited by the team but were replicated in
many districts. In
South 24 Parganas even adivasi tillers were not spared. And
in regions where
the Kisan Sabha organised the tillers to defend their lands,
the TMC activists
indulged in political violence to spread an atmosphere of
terror, drive CPI(M)
activists out and get the lands vacated. Thus an attempt to
occupy and control
the land of the tiller by the TMC workers is an important
part of the larger
picture to get lands vacated and use them for
industrialisation. This is
especially true in the light of the TMCs own stand on land
acquisition which
states that corporate houses should acquire land from
farmers without
government intervention. Such a stand is favourable towards
powerful farmers and
land mafias which the TMC seems to be building up through
its political muscle
power and state machinery.
Another aspect
linked to the need to
provide land to corporate investors is the failure of
agriculture. Linked to
land reforms, one of the main achievements of the Left Front
government was on
the agricultural front especially with respect to the
protection of the farmers
markets and provisioning of minimum support price. But in
the last few months
farmer’s suicides have rapidly increased in Bengal. This
appears to be a
relatively new phenomenon and is directly linked to the
rising cost of
agricultural production and the withdrawal of government
support to agriculture
in the state.
A survey by
Punarnaba in February
2012 showed that though problems of land fragmentation and
decline in
cultivation were not new, they were especially accentuated
by the actions of
the new state government. This was evident in the fact that
2.8 lakh hectares
of land have been left uncultivated by farmers in the state
in 2011-12. While
the target had been to cover 14 lakh hectares, only 11.2
lakh hectares have
been covered. This is more than 1 lakh hectares less than
the coverage in
2010-11, which had been a drought year.
Of the twelve
instances of farmer’s
suicides investigated by the Punarnaba team, there were
instances where two
families had left agriculture and become migrant labourers
and in one instance
the family sold off their land for a very low price. But a
general trend in all
cases was the fact that agriculture had become unviable
because of the rising
cost of production. This was particularly the case last year
because the state
government had withdrawn subsidies to fertilizers leading to
an average
increase in prices from Rs 550 per bag to Rs 1150 per bag. Though the
withdrawal of subsidies is a
policy of the central government, the state government
appears to have done
little to check the black marketeering in fertilizers.
One of the most
important factors
leading to indebtedness and suicides is the lack of a fair
minimum support
price and the role of the state government in ensuring that.
In almost all
cases of suicides investigated by Punarnaba, the farmers
reported a sharp fall
in the minimum support price and the increasing cost of
marketing especially
since the state government declared that the farmers should
sell directly to
mill owners. While the state government had declared in
October 2011 that it
would procure 11 lakh tonnes of paddy, it had only procured
1.47 lakh tonnes by
March 2012 as compared to the Left Front government’s
procurement of 5.22 lakh
tonnes in the previous year. This increasing withdrawal of
the state government
from its responsibility towards the farmers will only
further intensify the
agrarian crisis that has fuelled the casual labour market in
the rest of the
country. A burgeoning agrarian crisis will not only induce
distress sales but
also force farmers to sell their lands. Therefore it is no
surprise that the
TMC government’s amendment to the land reform law has not
specified that multi
cropped land will not be available for land acquisition for
Seen together with
the attempts to
evict tillers, the failure of the state government to
address the concerns of
the farmers seems to be designed to free up land for
corporate acquisitions.
The amendment to the West Bengal Land Reforms Act is only a
culmination of one
stage of this process. This shows that the TMC campaigns on
Singur and
Nandigram were nothing but political opportunism, and the
slogan of ‘maa mati
manush’ served as a legitimating force of the alliance of
forces wanting to
reverse land reforms. Therefore there is an urgent need for
the Left to
organise agricultural workers and peasants to defend land
(Malini Bhattacharya and the
Punarnaba team are
gratefully acknowledged for providing the results of their
surveys for this
article – Archana Prasad)