14 April 01, 2012 |
Bhagat Singh: A Revolutionary
Thinker and Not Just a Martyr
ON March 23, 1931, Bhagat Singh was hanged
to death along with two of his comrades for waging war against the
State. Bhagat Singh had been valorised for his martyrdom, and rightly
so, but
in the ensuing enthusiasm most of us forget, or consciously ignore his
contributions as an intellectual and a thinker. He not only sacrificed
life, like many did before him and also after him, but he also had a
vision of
The body of serious writings,
philosophical, thought-provoking and critical, which Bhagat Singh has
behind, would place him in the ranks of Keats and Shelley who died as
Unfortunately, romantic poetry puts you on a pedestal, whereas hard
painfully true words, which questions society and systems are too
to remember. Bhagat Singh not only set high standards as a great
martyr, he
also left behind a rich legacy as a journalist who worked for Kirti,
and Pratap, well known papers of their times. Hardly anything
is known
about his vocation as a scribe and the issues he dealt with in his
These focused on the various aspects of the nationalist struggle,
communalism, untouchability, students and politics, universal
brotherhood etc.
Bhagat Singh did not merely wish to free
Before I share with you some of his
journalistic writings about
The profundity of his ideas on some of the
above mentioned issues is visible in his regular columns in Kirti,
and other papers. In an article on "Religion and our freedom
struggle" published in Kirti in May 1928, Bhagat Singh grappled
with the role of religion in politics, an issue that haunts us even
today. He
talked of Tolstoy's division of religion into three parts: essentials
religion, philosophy of religion and rituals of religion. He concluded
that if
religion means blind faith by mixing rituals with philosophy, then it
should be
blown away immediately but if we can combine essentials with some
then religion may be a meaningful idea. He felt that ritualism of
religions had
divided us into touchables and untouchables and these narrow and
religions can't bring about actual unity among people. For us freedom
not mean mere end of British colonialism, our complete freedom implies
together happily without caste and religious barriers. Bhagat Singh
needs to be
invoked even today to bring about changes he yearned for. Expressing
anguish in the second article, he held some of the political leaders
and the
press responsible for inciting communalism. He believed that “there
were a few
sincere leaders, but their voice is easily swept away by the rising
wave of
communalism. In terms of political leadership,
Bhagat Singh felt that journalism used to
be a noble profession, which had now fallen from grace. Now they give
bold and
sensational headlines to incite people to kill each other in the name
religion. There were riots at several places simply because the local
behaved irresponsibly and indulged in rabble-rousing through their
Not much seems to have changed since Bhagat Singh wrote these lines. He
spelt out the duties of journalists and
then also accused them of dereliction of
this duty. He wrote that “the
real duty of the newspapers is to educate, to cleanse the minds of
people, to
save them from narrow sectarian divisiveness, and to eradicate communal
feelings to promote the idea of common nationalism. Instead, their main
objective seems to be spreading ignorance, preaching and propagating
sectarianism and chauvinism, communalising people’s minds leading to
destruction of our composite culture and shared heritage”.
In the June 1928 issue of the Kirti,
Bhagat Singh wrote two articles titled Achoot ka Sawaal (On
Untouchability) and Sampradayik Dange aur unka Ilaj (Communal
riots and their solutions). What Bhagat Singh wrote in 1928 looks relevant even today, which
unfortunately proves how precious little has been done to resolve these
questions. In the first piece, Bhagat Singh starts by saying that “our
is unique where six crore citizens are called untouchables and their
mere touch
defiles the upper castes. Gods get enraged if they enter the temples.
It is
shameful that such things are being practised in the twentieth century.
claim to be a spiritual country but hesitate to accept equality of all
beings while materialist
He also seriously engaged with the possible
solutions to this malaise. The first decision for all of us should be
“that we
start believing that we all are born equal and our vocation, as well,
need not
divide us. If someone is born in a sweeper’s family that does not mean
he/she has to continue in the family profession cleaning shit all his
with no right to participate in any developmental work”.
For him, this discrimination was directly
responsible for conversions, which was a burning issue even in the
Despite his anti-colonialist fervour, he did not just condemn the missionaries nor did he instigate Hindus to
kill and burn all those who had accepted the new faith. He wrote
"If you treat them worst than animals then they will surely join other
religions where they will get more rights and will be treated like
beings. In this situation, it will be futile to accuse Christianity and
of harming Hinduism”. Bhagat Singh was convinced that “no one would be
or tempted to change faith if the age old inequalities are removed and
sincerely start believing that we are all equal and none is different
due to birth or vocation"
Bhagat Singh institutionalised his
thinking, when he founded the Naujawan Bharat Sabha in 1926 in
Bhagat Singh and his Sabha regarded
communal amity as central to their political agenda but like the
Congress, it
did not believe either in the appeasement of all religions or in
raising such
slogans as Allah o Akbar, Sat Sri Akal and Bande Mataram to prove their
secularism. On the contrary, they raised just two slogans, Inquilab
Zindabad and
Hindustan Zindabad, hailing the revolution and the country. Bhagat
questioned the policy of encouraging competing communalisms, which
led to the partition of the country in 1947. He stands out in bold
relief as a
modern national leader and thinker emphasising the separation of
religion from
politics and State as true secularism. We should remember Bhagat Singh
pride and reflect on the alternative framework of governance he had in
where social and economic justice -- and not terrorism or violence –
would be
supreme. His commitment to socialism may not appear very attractive in
changing era of globalisation, yet his concern for the
deprived sections still commands attention. Moreover, his passionate
desire to
rise above narrow caste and religious considerations was never as
crucial as it
is today.
Thus, Bhagat Singh and his comrades have
not left behind an easy legacy, which can simply be ceremoniously
by anyone. They have bequeathed us an unfinished task of nation
building, where
no caste, class or religious barriers will ever exist.