14 April 01, 2012 |
CPI(M) Greets CP of
On its Ninetieth Anniversary
Central Committee of the Communist Party of
THE Central Committee of the Communist Party of India
(Marxist) greets the Communist Party of Brazil (PCdoB) on its 90th
On this joyful occasion, we extend our greetings through you, to all
members, sympathisers and well-wishers of the party. We thank you for
us to be part of this wonderful occasion, but as you might be aware,
the 20th
Congress of our Party is being held in the first week of April, making
impossible for us to be physically present.
The PCdoB has a long history in the heroic struggles
against imperialism, dictatorships and exploitation. The party has
through this rich experience of struggles and intense ideological
debates. The
PCdoB is one among those communist and workers' parties in the world
firmly upheld the banner of Marxism-Leninism, in the aftermath of the
to socialism in the 1990s. It is this principled adherence to the
tenets of
scientific socialism and dedicated work among the masses that is
for the steady growth of the party. The experiences of the PCdoB, being
part of
the ruling coalition at the national and provincial level will be of
use to the communist and workers' parties across the world.
You are celebrating the 90th anniversary in a crucial
period, where the world is in the midst of a severe economic crisis.
Even in
these times of crisis, the ruling classes are looking for avenues to
their profits and in the process are shifting the burdens onto the
shoulders of
the working people across the world. They had used the State power to
bail out
their insolvent corporates thus pushing the State into sovereign
Now, in the name of 'austerity' measures to rescue the 'State' they are
this very State power to increase taxes, freeze wages and cut other
welfare measures. They are using all the means at their disposal –
political and military – to prise open the markets of developing
countries and
also gain access to their rich natural resources. The challenge before
communists to fight back this imperialist onslaught is immense.
One heartening feature in this gloomy atmosphere is
that people across the world are not taking things lying down and are
coming to
the streets against the attacks on their livelihoods. For the first
time after
many years, protests were organised in the developed world, questioning
system – capitalism. It is upon us, the communist parties, to give a
direction to these struggles and channelise their discontent for
changing the
The CPI (M) in its upcoming Congress is going to
discuss, apart from the political resolution, a document on some
issues, which we feel would help in enriching our understanding of the
capitalist system under imperialist globalisation and our way forward
for an
exploitation-free socialist society. We will certainly share our
with all of you and also learn from your experiences.
Once again, we wish you all the success and greet you
on this momentous occasion.